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Spring Garden Box

Mabinogi Rep: 21,675
Posts: 1,593
edited November 8, 2018 in Vault
Home Sweet Home. Make your house feel like home with the Spring Garden Box! This box contains everything you need to decorate your Homestead House, like the Wisteria House Construction Set, White Flower-Embroidered Bed, and more! Check out the full details below.


Spring Garden Box
Sale Dates:Thursday, November 8, After Maintenance - Thursday, December 6, Before Maintenance


Bonus Details:

  • After purchasing a Spring Garden Box, open one up to access the Bonus screen.
  • Click on the Spring Garden Box icon to open the Box. It will reward you with a random item from a massive selection, as well as unlocking a bonus item.
  • Every Spring Garden Box that is opened will give you 1 Point.
  • Open a certain amount to get the noted item.
  • 3 Points: Golden Sprout (Quantity: 5)
  • 5 Points: Figure Selection Box
  • 7 Points: Homestead Spring Garden Wisteria (without stats)
  • 10 Points: Homestead Housing Green Flower-Embroidered Bed
  • 15 Points: Wisteria House Construction Set


New Items

  • Homestead Spring Garden Well (Critical Damage +5%)
  • Homestead Spring Garden Wisteria (Max Damage +7)
  • Homestead Spring Garden Fountain (Music Buff Skill Effect +3%)
  • Homestead Spring Garden Cherry Blossom Bench (Intelligence +7, Will +5)
  • Wisteria House Construction Set
  • Homestead Housing Wooden Desk
  • Homestead Housing Wooden Wardrobe
  • Homestead Housing Wooden Vanity
  • Homestead Housing Checkered Floor and Apricot Pattern Wallpaper
  • Homestead Housing Bear Rug and Wildflower Pattern Wallpaper
  • Homestead Housing Wooden Floor and Cherry Blossom Pattern Wallpaper
  • Homestead Housing White Flower-Embroidered Bed
  • Homestead Housing Green Flower-Embroidered Bed
  • Homestead Housing Navy Flower-Embroidered Bed
  • Homestead Housing Pastoral Spring Picture Frame
  • Homestead Housing Sweethearts Flight Picture Frame
  • Homestead Chrysanthemum Flower Pot
  • Homestead Pink Hydrangea Flower Pot
  • Homestead Assorted Blossoms Flower Pot
  • Homestead Spring Shrubbery Pot
  • Homestead Wild Chrysanthemums
  • Homestead Wild Pink Hydrangeas

Additional Items

  • Tall Flower Pot
  • Medium Flower Pot
  • Short Flower Pot
  • Pink Rose Tile (Full
  • Pink Rose Tile (Sparse)
  • Vine Rose Fence
  • Wild Rose Bush
  • Rose Vine Arch (Urban)
  • Rose Vine Arch (Rustic)
  • Crown Hanging Roses
  • Floral Hanging Roses
  • Vine Hanging Roses


  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Tempting my wallet maybe...
  • GremmGremm
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 184
    edited November 8, 2018
    I got really lucky and got the tree at my first try, then i bought a few more for the 2nd tree and i got a few more flower items as a bonus.

    Its just a dmn shame that Mabinogi wont let us get ahold of these items outside of the gacha, you can create so many beautiful things as long as you manage to build the items. <3
    (Seriously, many of the new decoration items should have been added to the construction list instead of the gacha list..)

    The Figure box, however, is a trap. The Figure obtained (Your own choice, 100% success) can only be placed/used inside your house and not in your regular Homestead like all the other Figures we've been able to get in the past.
    (No details about extra stats are mentioned in the selection process.)
    After clicking on the Figure Selection Box you will be able to pick one of the figures available in the box:

    Homestead Housing Nao Figure
    Homestead Housing Ruari Figure
    Homestead Housing Mari Figure
    Homestead Housing Tarlach Figure
    Homestead Housing Young Tarlach Figure
    Homestead Housing Kristell Figure
    Homestead Housing Ogre Figure
    Homestead Housing Fergus Figure
    Homestead Housing Reno Figure
    Homestead Housing Vay Figure
    Homestead Housing Tion Figure

    A cute miniature of *Figure* that can be placed in your Homestead House. Let *Figure* give your home a unique flavor!

    And btw, there is no junk like potions etc in this gacha for some reason. I only got Homestead items.
    (This might be a bug of some kind. Because, you know, Gacha.. :P )
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,675
    Posts: 1,593
    It is intended to only have Homestead items
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Cmon gotta give trust to Katherz's posts. I don't think she will be given wrong info on these items for sale.
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,675
    Posts: 1,593
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    The smaller pool does explain why the gacha is more expensive....
  • CarlizeCarlize
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,840
    Posts: 190
    The "Homestead Spring Garden Fountain (Music Buff Skill Effect +3%)" isn't giving 3%, I believe it's giving 3 buff points. I gained 0.66% buff with it for Battlefield. Not sure if it's a typo or a bug since it also says 3% on the item in game. I was just wondering which one it's supposed to be?
  • GremmGremm
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 184
    Cmon gotta give trust to Katherz's posts. I don't think she will be given wrong info on these items for sale.

    Well, you know.. Gacha.

    Its not like i doubt Katherz or anything but ive gotten burned many times before and have seen GM's given out the wrong kind of info to me as well with no compensation even if things goes south. :/
    (Mewlynne and the rest of the gang likes to fight me in the support center for those events and we are not happy with each others..)
  • MeaveMeave
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,050
    Posts: 86
    does anyone know how to unlock the additional rooms?
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    So, it's another gacha within gacha thingie.

    Funnily, we seem to be accepting of this one.
  • GremmGremm
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,840
    Posts: 184
    TNinja wrote: »
    So, it's another gacha within gacha thingie.

    Funnily, we seem to be accepting of this one.

    Nah, that figure box lets you pick whatever homestead housing figure (NOT homestead) you want so i wouldn't call it a gacha..
  • ErrorForEverErrorForEver
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,600
    Posts: 33
    Carlize wrote: »
    The "Homestead Spring Garden Fountain (Music Buff Skill Effect +3%)" isn't giving 3%, I believe it's giving 3 buff points. I gained 0.66% buff with it for Battlefield. Not sure if it's a typo or a bug since it also says 3% on the item in game. I was just wondering which one it's supposed to be?

    So this is basically like a scam or a typo. You buy 3% and get 0.66%. Is it the same with critical damage too? Needs more information...
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    Carlize wrote: »
    The "Homestead Spring Garden Fountain (Music Buff Skill Effect +3%)" isn't giving 3%, I believe it's giving 3 buff points. I gained 0.66% buff with it for Battlefield. Not sure if it's a typo or a bug since it also says 3% on the item in game. I was just wondering which one it's supposed to be?

    So this is basically like a scam or a typo. You buy 3% and get 0.66%. Is it the same with critical damage too? Needs more information...

    It's not a scam. Thats not how music buff works.
  • LokitinLokitin
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 60
    Are any of these things dyeable? Specifically curious about the Wisteria house...
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited November 9, 2018
    Lokitin wrote: »
    Are any of these things dyeable? Specifically curious about the Wisteria house...

    KR had a furnishing dye event, not entirely sure everything will be dyeable.
    It was this event, I think.
  • RoxwellRoxwell
    Mabinogi Rep: 605
    Posts: 23
    The house and the trees [models] are dyeable. It's wonderful.

    However, I am a bit concerned...
    Is there any reason why the house says (Limited)?
    It's not a limited time appearance right....?
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited November 14, 2018
    Roxwell wrote: »
    The house and the trees [models] are dyeable. It's wonderful.

    However, I am a bit concerned...
    Is there any reason why the house says (Limited)?
    It's not a limited time appearance right....?

    It just means that they are available for a limited amount of time. When the gacha is gone you can no longer obtain it (sans buying it from other players).

    Honestly, I'm not going to dye any of the items. They look perfect and natural just the way they are.
    Lokitin wrote: »
    Are any of these things dyeable? Specifically curious about the Wisteria house...

    KR had a furnishing dye event, not entirely sure everything will be dyeable.
    It was this event, I think.

    That event is probably coming up next very soon.
  • kandi56kandi56
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Posts: 5
    So I bought the gacha and opened it and went to the "Bonus" screen. Only problem is I closed the sscreen before I got my items D: Is there a way I can open the Bonus screen (without buying another gacha) and get my items I paid for?
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    kandi56 wrote: »
    So I bought the gacha and opened it and went to the "Bonus" screen. Only problem is I closed the sscreen before I got my items D: Is there a way I can open the Bonus screen (without buying another gacha) and get my items I paid for?

    Open your character's inventory screen. At the top (right above the "Basic" "Me" And "VIP" tabs) there's a little shopping cart icon (it's the left most icon, right before the extra equipment slot icon). Click on it, and you should get back to your item list.
  • kandi56kandi56
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Posts: 5
    Thank yuo so much! I thought I lost my items there for a minute xD