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I've been a devout heavy armor player for YEARS. I am HEAVILY (lol) invested into my current RKA that has stabbing champion and fh dura 17 on it. This armor has always been muh babeh. -Sniff- But...SIGH...I am finally relenting and want to go light armor so I can get my dex back and thus increase my armor pierce. Before I do I would like your opinions on what is currently THE best light armor out there and why.
Thank you.
I've always used light leather or lorica segmentata because I've had them from the start. And that noobish Adventurer's Crux.
Most armors are 4 def 1 protect 4 upgrades
Unless you plan on buying ones with higher stats and fashionogi, most of those came out in past events or gachas.
If you're looking to use in game generated ones, magic craft ones are 5 and 1 and you would have to build up dura via hammers.
I am looking for the best defense and protection you can get with a light armor.
But that's hard to craft stuff like Languhiris Chaser armor or the Improved Alban Knights Armors.
And they have stat rolls. Though they do mdef/mprot as well.
Or that Abyss Dragon Armor from that one gacha. The non-full version is Light Armor and came with 27/19 def/prot.
Both of those would probably be annoying to get.
But if def/prot is all you care about, then the Abyss Dragon Armor has the best def/prot, compared to other armors, even after their upgrades.
Why do people wear the Abyss Armor on top of other armors (on their style tab) if they're so efficient - it's really unfair when people do this. T~T
(I view equipment of those that wear something I never seen before.)
If all you want in a light armor is Def/Prot, Abyss.
If you're okay with spending the gold then I'd say go for the Abyss. it comes with r1 and high stats.
But at the same time...abyss doesn't have auto defense. Hmmmmm...
It's just about the best out there.
Artisan Upgrade 100 Prof, Defense +2 ~ +15 Protection +1 ~ +10.
Artisan Light Armor Upgrade 100 Prof, Defense +1 ~ +3 Protection +1 ~ +2 HP +1 ~ +5 Will +1 ~ +10
Gem Repair 100 Prof Max Durability +2
In my opinion it is a long shot to get Pihne armor perfect while the Abyss already has great stats. I vote for Abyss. Plus I'm cheap.
G22 gives a passive that offers 500 def, and another that offers like 30 prot, stats on armor is pretty irrelevant, and attack speed set is not. Go langu, only go pihne if you plan on making a Jblade set.
Attack speed does not affect FH
i would like to know were you found that scene attack speed moves your weapon up one speed category and i can tell you my attacks are faster with attack speed then without attack speed when using fh
It does