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Level 5,000 event is kind of disapointing

Mabinogi Rep: 940
Posts: 14
edited December 5, 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm Nekobell from the Alexina server, I find it sad to find so many events that while helpful to new players, keep us long time players out in the cold. the whole "characters above 5,000 will not receive the reward?" Nexon. that seems disrespectful to your long time player base to simple ignore us, no not to ignore us. but to cast us aside like that, it's hurtful in all honesty that events are done in this way.

That being said, I would like to make the suggestion of having the level limit removed from the event so as to allow long time players to receive at least something.
  1. Would you like to see the level restriction on the event removed?29 votes
    1. Yes.
       34% (10 votes)
    2. No.
       66% (19 votes)


  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    edited December 5, 2018
    It's not disappointing at all and it is nowhere near disrespectful.

    You know whats sad? we are the only community ( we as in the Mabinogi NA community) who complains about everything. I didn't see any complaints in KR about this update, I didnt see any KR players complain this was unfair nor did I see complaints that "lol Nexon hates usss!!". Every time their is an update people cry because they think it's hindering them or unfair. I have friends who play KR and they recall maybe one or two people being upset with this update and the rest were not upset. Nexon KR isn't going to completely revamp it's content to make us feel like special snowflakes. This event is for the content update. The Memory update is an update not an event.

    This update is giving new players a chance to catch up to those who have leveled up higher. It gives them a chance to get their AP for the skills they want to rank and can catch up to others. This will make it so new players will have more of a chance to get into higher dungeons, higher SM's and higher raids without being a pack mule or weakling. This helps them grow and brings in more players because they can get the benefits and enjoy more withouth having to be stuck doing nothing, and feeling worthless and left behind. This inturn can cause new players to form friendships with other players and maybe better the player base and cause players to stick around more.

    Will people take advantage of this? Yes, you will have some grubby shady people us this to level botting alts. But not everyone is shady and cold. Nexon is not doing this update to help the bad players out, this is the greater good of the player base. Let shady folk do their thing, they get caught, they get banned, oh well move on.

    "But nexon hates us because I leveled past 5k already!!" Tough. I'm nearly 29k total level and I see nothing wrong with this update beginner benefit Anyone who has been here a while and is level 5k+ has no right to complain because we have already gotten so much. All the events that gave free stuff, free pets, all the content we have already gotten all the updates. That is what we have. We have so much more than this new update. How about instead of complaining, you sit down and maybe help out some new players enjoy this content that is for New players instead of mooping around acting like we get nothing. Every portion of the player base gets something, and this time, it's the lower level players turn.

    This isn't something nexon is doing to piss off higher level players, it's just an update towards their beginner benefits.

    I mean everyone can par-take in the events, they can level up their alts, try out a new character race. I infact might try playing an Elf, since I have been a human for 8 years, but over all the event is based towards beginners because this update caters to them. Every update we get comes with a celebration event.

    I mean we have gotten quite a large amount of updates that beginners can't really do - Girg raids, Hasi raids, Zebach raids, purification raids, Phantasm, Sidhe - Advanced level. All of this content is for high level people who can do them effectively. Can beginners be brought to them? Yes but in this kind of content they can't really do anything other than revive, summon pets. (Which I am not saying to be insulting, it's a fact).

    Besides, most, not all, high level players are capped out anyway, with nearly all skills R1/Dan3/Master. So the training seals would provide no real use to them and same with the AP. The Severs are also currently flooded with cheap rebirth potions so their is not really any shortage on ways for people to get AP

    We also just got a week long exp+AP event. If you didnt take advantage of that, that is your problem. We got like 3 days of x2 AP, 7x monster exp and 4 days of 3xAP, 10x monster exp.

  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited December 5, 2018
    This is going to be a permanent content, not an event. (I think...?)
    Also we are not the community with most complaints. You should see Maplestory 2 lol.
  • SapphiraMuseSapphiraMuse
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,450
    Posts: 58
    I'm gonna have to side with Faye on this. Also remember with the G22 update coming soon, it has a level requirement of 5,000 so the memory update plus the celebration event works great for getting them to that point and being at least somewhat ready.

    If you're mad over not being able to get those skill learn how to be patient and grind skills like most of us have done.
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    edited December 5, 2018
    Greta wrote: »
    This is going to be a permanent content, not an event. (I think...?)
    Also we are not the community with most complaints. You should see Maplestory 2 lol.

    It is permanent content. But they are having an event that gives out 10 training seals.
    Also I meant that NA Mabinogi complains more than KR/JP/CN/TW.
  • BloonkBloonk
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,080
    Posts: 39
    honestly it's a really cool event, the only thing that is unclear is whether or not it only works if you dont have anyone 5k+ on your account. I've always wanted to make an alt but I don't wanna buy more pets and stuff.
  • NyroNyro
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 14
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    It's not disappointing at all and it is nowhere near disrespectful.

    You know whats sad? we are the only community ( we as in the Mabinogi NA community) who complains about everything. I didn't see any complaints in KR about this update, I didnt see any KR players complain this was unfair nor did I see complaints that "lol Nexon hates usss!!". Every time their is an update people cry because they think it's hindering them or unfair. I have friends who play KR and they recall maybe one or two people being upset with this update and the rest were not upset. Nexon KR isn't going to completely revamp it's content to make us feel like special snowflakes. This event is for the content update. The Memory update is an update not an event.

    This update is giving new players a chance to catch up to those who have leveled up higher. It gives them a chance to get their AP for the skills they want to rank and can catch up to others. This will make it so new players will have more of a chance to get into higher dungeons, higher SM's and higher raids without being a pack mule or weakling. This helps them grow and brings in more players because they can get the benefits and enjoy more withouth having to be stuck doing nothing, and feeling worthless and left behind. This inturn can cause new players to form friendships with other players and maybe better the player base and cause players to stick around more.

    Will people take advantage of this? Yes, you will have some grubby shady people us this to level botting alts. But not everyone is shady and cold. Nexon is not doing this update to help the bad players out, this is the greater good of the player base. Let shady folk do their thing, they get caught, they get banned, oh well move on.

    "But nexon hates us because I leveled past 5k already!!" Tough. I'm nearly 29k total level and I see nothing wrong with this update beginner benefit Anyone who has been here a while and is level 5k+ has no right to complain because we have already gotten so much. All the events that gave free stuff, free pets, all the content we have already gotten all the updates. That is what we have. We have so much more than this new update. How about instead of complaining, you sit down and maybe help out some new players enjoy this content that is for New players instead of mooping around acting like we get nothing. Every portion of the player base gets something, and this time, it's the lower level players turn.

    This isn't something nexon is doing to piss off higher level players, it's just an update towards their beginner benefits.

    I mean everyone can par-take in the events, they can level up their alts, try out a new character race. I infact might try playing an Elf, since I have been a human for 8 years, but over all the event is based towards beginners because this update caters to them. Every update we get comes with a celebration event.

    I mean we have gotten quite a large amount of updates that beginners can't really do - Girg raids, Hasi raids, Zebach raids, purification raids, Phantasm, Sidhe - Advanced level. All of this content is for high level people who can do them effectively. Can beginners be brought to them? Yes but in this kind of content they can't really do anything other than revive, summon pets. (Which I am not saying to be insulting, it's a fact).

    Besides, most, not all, high level players are capped out anyway, with nearly all skills R1/Dan3/Master. So the training seals would provide no real use to them and same with the AP. The Severs are also currently flooded with cheap rebirth potions so their is not really any shortage on ways for people to get AP

    We also just got a week long exp+AP event. If you didnt take advantage of that, that is your problem. We got like 3 days of x2 AP, 7x monster exp and 4 days of 3xAP, 10x monster exp.

    Where did I ever use the comment as you put it "But nexon hates us because I leveled past 5k already!!" I never said that. you're taking this as something to attack someone with when it was never posted. I clearly said it Hurtful. not that they hate us. and there are a lot of players past 5,000 that agree with my statement. nor did I say they did it to piss us off. I said gearing things like this is in a way disrespectful to players who have been here long enough to pass the 5k margin.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    edited December 5, 2018
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    It's not disappointing at all and it is nowhere near disrespectful.

    You know whats sad? we are the only community ( we as in the Mabinogi NA community) who complains about everything. I didn't see any complaints in KR about this update, I didnt see any KR players complain this was unfair nor did I see complaints that "lol Nexon hates usss!!". Every time their is an update people cry because they think it's hindering them or unfair. I have friends who play KR and they recall maybe one or two people being upset with this update and the rest were not upset. Nexon KR isn't going to completely revamp it's content to make us feel like special snowflakes. This event is for the content update. The Memory update is an update not an event.

    This update is giving new players a chance to catch up to those who have leveled up higher. It gives them a chance to get their AP for the skills they want to rank and can catch up to others. This will make it so new players will have more of a chance to get into higher dungeons, higher SM's and higher raids without being a pack mule or weakling. This helps them grow and brings in more players because they can get the benefits and enjoy more withouth having to be stuck doing nothing, and feeling worthless and left behind. This inturn can cause new players to form friendships with other players and maybe better the player base and cause players to stick around more.

    Will people take advantage of this? Yes, you will have some grubby shady people us this to level botting alts. But not everyone is shady and cold. Nexon is not doing this update to help the bad players out, this is the greater good of the player base. Let shady folk do their thing, they get caught, they get banned, oh well move on.

    "But nexon hates us because I leveled past 5k already!!" Tough. I'm nearly 29k total level and I see nothing wrong with this update beginner benefit Anyone who has been here a while and is level 5k+ has no right to complain because we have already gotten so much. All the events that gave free stuff, free pets, all the content we have already gotten all the updates. That is what we have. We have so much more than this new update. How about instead of complaining, you sit down and maybe help out some new players enjoy this content that is for New players instead of mooping around acting like we get nothing. Every portion of the player base gets something, and this time, it's the lower level players turn.

    This isn't something nexon is doing to piss off higher level players, it's just an update towards their beginner benefits.

    I mean everyone can par-take in the events, they can level up their alts, try out a new character race. I infact might try playing an Elf, since I have been a human for 8 years, but over all the event is based towards beginners because this update caters to them. Every update we get comes with a celebration event.

    I mean we have gotten quite a large amount of updates that beginners can't really do - Girg raids, Hasi raids, Zebach raids, purification raids, Phantasm, Sidhe - Advanced level. All of this content is for high level people who can do them effectively. Can beginners be brought to them? Yes but in this kind of content they can't really do anything other than revive, summon pets. (Which I am not saying to be insulting, it's a fact).

    Besides, most, not all, high level players are capped out anyway, with nearly all skills R1/Dan3/Master. So the training seals would provide no real use to them and same with the AP. The Severs are also currently flooded with cheap rebirth potions so their is not really any shortage on ways for people to get AP

    We also just got a week long exp+AP event. If you didnt take advantage of that, that is your problem. We got like 3 days of x2 AP, 7x monster exp and 4 days of 3xAP, 10x monster exp.


    Settle down. I can't even look at you because that armor too bright fam. You should probably read the whole thing instead of the first sentence (You do this a lot).

    I hope if you're past 5k you can collect the stickers still. I want the stuff from that, plus the pet. Maybe give people over 5k 5 (100) seals or something?
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited December 5, 2018
    having a 20k elf and 11k giant here and I don't think its that big of a deal. would be nice if we got the rewards, but as long as the new players can reap them I'm fine with it. Personally I don't see this as a problem as long as the new players are taken care of .That's all that matters in my opinion, so no I don't think its worth nexons time (seeing as they have enough on their plate already) to remove the restriction.
  • NyroNyro
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 14
    Veylaine wrote: »
    having a 20k elf and 11k giant here and I don't think its that big of a deal. would be nice if we got the rewards, but as long as the new players can reap them I'm fine with it. Personally I don't see this as a problem as long as the new players are taken care of .That's all that matters in my opinion, so no I don't think its worth nexons time (seeing as they have enough on their plate already) to remove the restriction.

    Fair enough, to each their own opinions.
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    Nyro wrote: »
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    It's not disappointing at all and it is nowhere near disrespectful.

    Where did I ever use the comment as you put it "But nexon hates us because I leveled past 5k already!!" I never said that. you're taking this as something to attack someone with when it was never posted. I clearly said it Hurtful. not that they hate us. and there are a lot of players past 5,000 that agree with my statement. nor did I say they did it to piss us off. I said gearing things like this is in a way disrespectful to players who have been here long enough to pass the 5k margin.

    But it isn't disrespectful at all because of every single thing the higher level players have gotten in the past. You may not have said it but other people in the thread for the event have said it I just didn't want to type the same exact posts in this thread . Nexon KR is not going to change it just for us. You can still get the pet by leveling a lower level character on your account. Just because they have are having an event towards newer players doesn't make it disrespectful

    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    It's not disappointing at all and it is nowhere near disrespectful.


    Settle down. I can't even look at you because that armor too bright fam. You should probably read the whole thing instead of the first sentence (You do this a lot).

    I hope if you're past 5k you can collect the stickers still. I want the stuff from that, plus the pet. Maybe give people over 5k 5 (100) seals or something?

    I read the whole thing. The person thinks it's unfair that this event is for people under 5k. When it;s not unfair or disrespectful or leaving players out in the cold or anything. You can still get the pet by playing on an alt on your account. It doesn't have to be a fresh made account, just a lower leveled character. You want training seals thought? Just buy them considering they are cheap. Nice horse, only you used it on the wrong person. I'm not acting entitled because Nexon is having an event to help new players.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    It's not even over 9000
  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    edited December 5, 2018
    I haven't read anywhere that the update (i.e. the Memoirs, Blaanid, the Stickers, etc.) is for Cumulative Level (CL) 5000 and under, just that the event (the Skill Training Seals) is reserved for weaker characters below CL 5000. And that's fair, because it's only to give weaker characters a fighting chance, especially considering how violent the Dungeon Revamp was to us (I say us, because my main is around CL 3700). Everyone should still get the Pet, the Story, and the Boxes with rare materials.

    So no, it's not "disrespectful" and "hurtful," it's updated content that doesn't cover what you might have wanted. And more importantly, this update will give early- and mid-game players something to encourage them towards end-game. Only then would new end-game content be justified.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    I don't think longtime players have been left out in the cold, they have given us a good amount of content over the past year and they will be giving us a good amount of content next year.

    They are trying new incentives to attract more new players, and there's sufficient content for everyone here as a prequel to Chapter 7.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited December 6, 2018
    I'm gonna have to side with Faye on this. Also remember with the G22 update coming soon, it has a level requirement of 5,000 so the memory update plus the celebration event works great for getting them to that point and being at least somewhat ready.

    If you're mad over not being able to get those skill learn how to be patient and grind skills like most of us have done.

    tbh, the level requirement for G22 is pointless, especially since that, during the time a new player takes to complete G1-G21, they'll most likely have gotten 5k levels, anyway.

    Also, isn't the pet a part of filling the Memoir book?
  • KStesterKStester
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 9
    edited December 6, 2018
    it will hurt a lot of old player who passed 5k cumulative and who try hard on training enchant alchemist skill for longggg year to get R1 while new player and who under 5k can get free seal for rank up it. i think this kickstart seal training event is too much if 1-3 seal should be ok
    that make new player don't know what is ''Try hard'' 10 seal 100% point every 500 cumulative until 5k = 100 seal + 2x Ap with newbie kickstarter that dev released... oh god...... [ so don't give any seal to old player who passed 5k? ]
    that little naughty that 6m exp and free rebirth potion + rebirth potion from potential.

    mabi already messed up after they released OP gacha armor than better than end game armor from crafting with lowest rate material.

    Blaanid is feed player than teach player. i can't imagine about next gen player.
    i have teached a lot of newbie and nowday they are mid game and some end game player.
    alright it's time for me to rest from teaching new player and leave it to blaanid.
  • silverwrenchsilverwrench
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Post: 1
    I just want the AP man smh