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Closed Is there a place without criminals on this server?
This is not what this thread is about. Thanks for trying though, it's quite obvious posting on the forums for a legitimate answer is a waste of time.
What legit answer would you like?
If people are harassing you, report them. If they are constantly making things hard on you by getting around that, then I'm sorry, there's no way to help you. There's more ways to get around it than there is ways to stop it.
Its there a place without toxic people visible?
Yes. Go to a random corner of iria no one goes to. You wont see anyone.
Is there a place no toxic people can reach you?
No. Note, alternate characters exist, ways to get past bans exist.
Can you get away from it from switching servers? Not in theory. Cross server communication exists. So as long as you don't use the same name maybe. But even then it would be the same as remaking on Alexina.
But I've played this game for a while, you won't be rid of toxic people. It has always been like that, and always will be like that, but that's the same for every game out there.
If you really want to you could hide yourself in a corner of some random area or in your homestead as mentioned, but what's the point in that? You'll eventually find a group that makes up for the toxic community you oh-so want to avoid, and if you don't then maybe this community isn't right for you.
But I genuinely wish you the best of luck!
middle of longa desert on ch4
no players
also your own homestead if you dont let anyone in it cant happen there either