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The Homestead Candy Bonanza Event is back Milletians! Check out the full details below.
I have all the materials I need. My homestead level is also 12
Not to mention everything works for Large candy tree, just not medium?
Remove the Candy Tree and try to put on the Medium one. It needs Small Candy Tree as a sacrifice to upgrade it.
I removed the small candy tree, and it's now in my Inv and I still cannot plant a medium tree
Death by candy it shall be.
Do you already have a Medium Candy Tree somewhere on your homestead? From what I understand you can only have one of each size at a time.
Thought this was my first time doing this event on this character... I guess not lol
They've had this event go around a lot. These shrubs become good decor in the end
I've learned not to underestimate just what you can fit in these things...
Opened 19 ~ 21 candy jars and used all the dyes. Only the first dozen or so gave any exp. The rest did absolutely nothing. No coupons from anything, either. Either I'm doing something wrong, (I have small and medium trees) or the most important part of the event is completely broken. I'm leaning more towards the latter.
Has anyone actually gotten a single coupon yet?
D'oh. Well, the event page is misleading and totally typo'd.
complete the daily event quest to get the ticket/coupon.
Didn't notice I got another quest at first, thanks. Either way, the event page needs to be fixed asap. I doubt I'll be the last to question it.