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aaaand now I have inventory problems
The Omikuji Event is set to expire in about half-an-hour. I've cashed in all my pouches. I've got exactly a multiple of 15 of curses; yayzerriffic! I stand in the Imperial Commercial Bank of Dunbarton. The loot from the event has limitations as to where it can be stored. Like any other sound-of-mind Mabinogi player, of course, I'm a hoarder <insert thread title here>. <:C
Did it?
Won't know until I get home tonight. Got a load of pouches late last night.
Well? Did it? Or are you earning MAJOR overtime pay right now?
I just didn't bother logging back on forums over the weekend and I had Friday off xD.
Yeah pouches were still there, just can't do anything with the cursed fortunes though. I guess they'll go into storage for next time. But it finally did give me my pond so I'm happy.
But I ended up throwing $30 for the inventory expansion as a result.