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Make Spellbooks Repairable
Ok Guys,
So we just got an AWESOME new spell book added to the game for us wand users. Its reforgeable, enchantable, but theres one small problem. Its not repairable. I don't know about you guys, but im tired of carrying around a chicken's face that cant be enchanted as my "spell book" Also, given how accessible spell books are compared to holy eagle shields, why should they be nerfed? The not repairable mechanic was an old mechanic used to make wands more powerful for a limited time back in the old days when we had mana evaporation. Now staves vastly outshine wands unless your roll a chaincast firewand, you could even argue healing wands are outdated if you don't count the healing reforge thanks to the celtic guardian staff, and blaze wands (unless you exclusively do party blaze set ups, which LR vastly outshines now). Id love to see spell books help wand users be on par more with staff users. The bonus of a staff is burst damage and total spell utility, a wand users bonus should be faster regen and a larger mana pool as a cost for less spell accessibility and useage (especially for tribolt users who literally ONLY use chain/fusion bolts) Help me out guys, lets get a vote going. What do you think?
However, not a bad suggestion!
I think I have the old ones hoarded on a pet (that I refused to use because they're non-repairable, ofc)
I'm not good at party play 8D
While I do understand the non-repairable nature of the book is due to balancing its really sad whenever I see such useful items being quite physically dropped on the ground upon obtaining them,
Maybe some with different casting effects, making it seem like an actual spellbook. Not a cardboard that enhances your abilities.
Or better yet, give the eweca, ladeca, palala and astro spellbooks defense and protection stats.