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[Announcement] Server Merge & FAQ
Nexon must have gotten inspiration from Avengers: Endgame to wipe out half the server.
(Such as 1st/2nd/3rd-11th.)
I think that would likely be unaffected.
I guess that's what I get for signing up for a dead horse in 2012.
I have two primary feelings for this, and I can sum both feelings up in one oddball of a sentence, and here is that sentence:
So let's break down that sentence. You're making a huge mistake by not including Alexina because you're still forcing new players into a choice whenever they begin playing for the first time. If they hadn't heard that Nao is full of the cool kids, they might just pick Alexina by mistake. I'll admit that right now even I feel a bit uncool just cuz I'm part of Alexina and won't be affected by (and will still have no reason to play after) this. While that means I know my account will be 100% unaffected by the potential problems to come, I never logged in in the first place anyways, so it hardly even matters to me what happens to my account during a merge, so I had no reason not to be excited if not at least intrigued as long as I was going to be a part of it. But obviously that didn't happen.
[That was the part of me that wanted to come back telling you you made a mistake.]
That brings me to the thank you part. Thank you for not including Alexina because now I don't have to worry about returning; but I will be happy to continue following the events as they happen because this is the biggest thing to happen to the game since the initial climb to powercreep brought to the game when Fighter was the newest skillset and the only skillset to execute instantly way back during simpler times. Ultimately I imagine not including Alexina to be a cautionary procedure and a second merge will happen not too long after the first one once smooth transition is confirmed and ironed, but I'm not holding my breath.
[That was the part of me that was relieved that I wouldn't have to feel pressured by the cash shop again if I did end up coming back.]
I'll make sure I have popcorn ready for June. I really wish this decision didn't stir up such mixed feelings in me and I could just fall into the boat of disappointment, hype, relief or despair like most other people. Good luck everyone. Also: sorry for my late post, I actually only just found out about this announcement today! Out of the loop and whatnot.
Please merge these three into Eralea of Nao, a super-Milletian with the powers of all three races combined.
Seriousness aside, I'm glad they're not including Alexina and I know I'm far from the only one. Y'all have short term memories, Nexon ought to hold another GM event in Festia so that the lag can remind everyone why most Alexinans never felt the need for a merge in the first place.
Commerce is something Nexon NA would have to page Nexon KR about getting a fix for, if balance is needed.
I have this comment archived as well. You go ahead and do that childish thing and you will regret it.
DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
You are pretty much childish as well...
If they merge all servers, whether all four at once or Nao + Alexina in the future, there would be a period of time during which no new characters could be created gamewide. In the case of merging all four servers in their first attempt, that's an entire month of turning away ALL new players to the game. Considering this, I can understand why they left out Alexina.
I'm hoping they use the 3-server merge as an opportunity to learn from and streamline the server merge process, so that if they want to merge Nao + Alexina in the future they can shorten the character creation moratorium to a more acceptable length of time. Personally I think a week of no new characters, pets, or partners would be acceptable if the reward were a total server merge.
If they are, cool. They are still right.
Acts like this are incredibly spiteful and toxic, and no one will ever want to associate with the person committing them.
I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with Gaea for once.People like Pan will be stopped. We are already letting the staff know about this potential problem.
Pan I don't know if you are doing this as a joke, but a lot of people here aren't laughing. That is some spiteful vindictive behavior and it will not be tolerated.
New character and pet creation needs to continue to be disabled even after the merge. Name change coupons need to be released and then a period of time needs to be granted to the players to change their names if desired before character and pet creation is re-enabled. This will stop any potential griefers like Pan from stealing names from established players.
DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
^ One of the biggest reasons not to go single server, in fact a good reason to have multiple GMs on multiple channels during these events, the client really isn't capable of handling hundreds of players in one area without the spaghetti code spilling all over the floor the walls and the ceiling.
Good reason to add some more channels too, you can compact the populations into 2 servers and make things "more lively" but still let people spread out enough not to make the game completely unplayable.
BONUS: I like how many people the upcoming merge brought out of the woods, but it really makes me think; If ya'll wanted to play the game why didn't you play it before? If everyone "coming back for the merge" just played in the first place there wouldn't even need to be a merge lol. It's a pretty artificial problem.
Amen to that. My rep has always been in the crapper. I know there are GM's and other staff that don't like me either. I tend to rock the boat, but I do it under the right intentions. I don't care if there is an Illuminati group that is trying to destroy me...I love this game and the certain people I allow to be my friends to play it with.
I play by the rules and you will never be able to get rid of me, so stop trying.
DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
You've always came off as one of the sensible ones to me though, and I tend to judge people for myself rather than listen to the gossip; An essential skill for anyone experiencing Tarlach's player base and it's top tier drama
More than half the people I know in game have made it clear that they intend to uninstall in the week that this is going to take place. That they'll be done with Mabinogi and never again look back. Instead of 3 mostly-empty servers, we're going to have 1 mostly-empty server because less than half the population of each server is going to be willing to continue playing after the merge. Unfortunately Nexon's reputation suggests that we're going to have a week to a month of chaos and disorder as people try to get their names back and get used to doing things again with the new population.
Its been a very enjoyable 10 years. But the game I knew and loved ended in G14 when the hackers killed the economy and community. Since then its only been a hollow shell of what it was. I log in once and a while to try and enjoy it again, only to be reminded why I stopped.
Once you are back into a corner and have to do a server merge, game is basically done.
People just don't realize this. Nothing good will come out of this. Just gonna be issue after issue after issue.
It may help for a couple of months or even a year. But people will still be afking, because events will still be same ol' afk for this item. People will get bored and leave again until new content rolls around, do that, and leave again, rinse repeat, game over.
They say that you learn more from your mistakes. How Nexon is handling this whole affair tells me they're gonna learn a lot. A final merge would go smoother than a partial merge because a partial merge is limiting on what they can do, as is evident by their unique name solution this time round and that we have to take action to mitigate the effects of it. Both of these are band-aid kludges and left me shaking my head. I feel kinda let down by Nexon in that for all this time while espousing a merge, where people said "yeah but Nexon will mess it up", I steadfastly defended that Nexon would handle it right, and I have to admit, on that point it looks like the nay-sayers were right. What really annoys me is that post merge there will be name stealing issues and people are going to be justifiably upset about it. They'll blame the general concept of merging, when really it will be how Nexon handled it.
I suspect it would be the same as if a guild leader chose to relocate their stone in spite of a merge. I've never done so, so I don't know if that information is retained when a guild leader moves the stone.
Its much worse than that. New content won't save the game, there's already an overwhelming amount of content.
The issue is that in G14 the activities of the hackers caused economic hyperinflation. Even though Nexon has since taken action to burn most of the gold produced and has adjusted costs throughout the game, the economy suffers from high prices and low liquidity. New players can't afford the nice equipment, while old players carefully nurse along their old gear without ever needing to replace it. And since there is no incentive to move merchandise in order to pay for other things, items sit in the stores until people get tired of re-listing it. So there is no incentive to lower prices and clear our inventory, which means the prices remain unreasonably high.
On top of that, the skill trees are horribly unbalanced. In ye olde days, circa G3-G8 when I really enjoyed the game, you could build your character the way you wanted to, and you'd still end up with about the same DPS as all your friends. Like so your levels only really mattered for survivability in the dungeons, a level 130 who had only rebirthed twice could go play with their level 2000 friends and still be able to deal damage and fight the fomors. This is no longer the case, if you aren't level 15000 with R1 everything in whatever the newest skill tree is, your DPS is hopeless and you are just dragged along as a meatshield and pack mule. The enemies will be too hard for you to kill, and will kill you easily. Now I main an int magic mage, and indeed I still play very much like I did in G13 and G14- the height of my character's power and glory. 1200 int, yet somebody half my level has a bare fist DPS almost 4x that of my fully charged int magic. That's not right Nexon, that needs to be fixed. People want to play the game their way, that's what made Mabinogi so unique all those years ago. You weren't locked into a play style in order to comply with meta. We've got a really bad power creep problem now that has its roots in the Alchemy of G9, but has continued to get worse and worse with every new skill tree added except Bard- which is not an offense focused skill tree.
I've invited many friends to come play this, so that I could go back to a simpler time when the game was good and I was willing to save the goddess Morrighan. But every time within a month they tell me that the game is frustrating and boring, and they no longer want to keep playing it. Mabinogi was unique for me because it was the first game of all the MMOs I've ever played that had an engaging story from day 1 and I really wanted to be that hero and save the goddess, going on to save the world. That engagement isn't there anymore. Mabinogi is now like any other generic Korean MMORPG, Oh good you're here lets kill things and get stronger. Yay. If I wanted that I would have continued to play Ragnarok Online.
So no. I fear the worst with this merger. That the game's time has come, after 10 years of ups and downs.
I'll continue to wear the memories of a better time, until the end finally comes. Because I am a mage, and a mage I will always be.