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I can draw Volt or the mabi character :0
Here's my examples - https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/76715.commissions-2019 !
I have more examples if you need them! and if you want a bit more of a active talk (as im on/off the forum a lot) ~PM me via discord @ Kirara #7984
Hey! I'd love for you to draw my Volt!
I'm interested in the Chibi (I've never had him drawn Chibi before).
Would it be 2.5mil in gold per chibi? I'll request two so 5m?
I'll add you on Discord when I get home!
Still looking for artists
If you're interested and would like to know more details like pricing please let me know!
Thank you ♥ I usually take random screenshots whenever I play with my friends and just upload them here as I bump my two threads :')
But I'm not only looking for artists to draw my Warframe's frame(s). Most of the time, I request artists to draw my character from Soul Worker - Stella.
Oh! In that case, I'd love to draw Stella for you. My thread is here ^^ You can PM me here or on Discord/comment on the thread, if you're interested. I am in Alexina however, is that alright?
Freebie only. Random gift I guess. But I'll accept tips.