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Closed Giant Umbrella Races Sign-Ups
Server: Alexina
Time: 3pm to 4pm PST
Server: Mari
Time: 11am-12pm
Sounds like fun!!! ^0^
Server: Mari
Time: 3 PM - 4 PM
Edit: changed to my human alt
IGN: Meyki
Server: Mari
Time: 3pm - 4pm
For this time slot -> "Ruairi Races 11 AM - 12 PM"
Server: Ruairi
TimeSlot: 11am-12pm PDT
I'm ready for the jumpening!
Server: Alexina
Time: 3pm to 4pm PDT
Server: Mari
Time: 11am to 12pm
Server: Mari
Time: 3pm - 4pm
Server: Alexina
Time: 3pm-4pm PST
Server: Alexina
Time: 3pm to 4pm PST.
IGN: Amarilis
Server: Alexina
Time: 11am to 12pm PDT
I ask because with some testing on this, I tested how long it took on each race and how many jumps it took to cover a certain distance with a set point of start and stopping points.
From what I observed in the testing from point A to B it took:
My human 14 seconds, and 11 jumps for A to B.
My elf was 11 seconds with 11 jumps for A to B.
My giant was 11 seconds with 10.5 jumps for A to B. So 11 jumps will put the giant further ahead in the end.
It may seem unfair to ask this, but it was brought up and I did my own testing on it. Multiple tries for each character type yielded very similar results from points A to B.