Hi! I've just come back to Mabi recently (used to post here... like 4 years ago?), and decided to open up an art shop
to waste away on clothes.
I have 3 types of art I'm offering: illustrations, sprites, and emotes.
Pricing (per Character)
- Bust/Shoulders-Up: 5m
- Waist-up: 15m
- Full Body: 30m
- [NEW] Add blinking animation: +10m
If you only want a sketch (without colouring), then it's half the price. These prices are on a per-character basis (so if you order 2 fullbodies, it's 60m).
The blinking animation is just a flat 10m fee (5m if it's just a sketch).
Animated Busts [New / Temporary]
I'm going to open up 1 slot for an animated bust:
- See the above spoiler for examples of what I'll do -- we can talk about the animation you want.
- An uncoloured animation will be at least 35m, depending on character complexity/animation complexity. We can talk about the pricing too.
- A coloured animation is 2x the price of the uncoloured version -- you can decide whether you want it coloured or not after receiving the uncoloured animation.
I might eventually open commissions for just blinking animations (which would be a lot cheaper), but I'm not too interested in doing those right now. \o/
Pricing (per Sprite)
- Unanimated: 1m
- Basic animation (bouncing, etc.): 3m
If you want a specific animation or pose, let me know. If you want a more complicated sprite animation, I can do those too -- just give me an idea of what you want and we can figure out the pricing.
Pricing (per Emote)
- Unanimated: 2m
- Animated: Let me know what you want -- if it's something simple (like the rainbow dabbing one), then it'll just be an additional 1m (i.e. 3m in total).
If you're requesting an emote, you can either give me a reference for what pose/expression/etc. you want, or just a general description and I'll try to figure it out.
Type: (Bust/Waist-up/Full Body/Sprite/Emote/etc.)
Additional Details:
1. Hibiki - Emotes x5 (Pending Details)
3. [open]
4. [open]
5. [open]
(Animation). [Reserved for Alynnia]
Finished Commissions
Imaizumi - Bust (5m)
Chiku - Bust (5m)
Imaizumi - Waist-up (15m)

General Info
- Payment first - If you're wary, I can also send a watermarked sketch before you send the payment. Just talk to me and we can work something out 'w')b In all cases, I'll send a sketch before I start colouring.
- I usually finish commissions within a week, depending on how busy I am.
- I'll accept NX/Paypal as payment ($1 = 1k NX = 1m Gold)
- See "Item Payments" for a list of items that I'll also accept as payment.
Item Payments
If you have any of the below items, I'll also accept those as payment priced at whatever their gold value is. I've listed recent prices for the ones I could find for convenience, but I like getting items more than gold, so I'm more than happy to value them at higher (e.g. if an item's worth 700k, I'm good with rounding it to 1m, 3m to 5m, etc. Just ask!).
Items marked with a * are items that I really want/need, so we can say those are worth much more than their market value. 'w')b
Training Potions
- Earth Alchemy (500k) x6
- Any/all chain blade training potions (except: Chain Blade Mastery and Dorcha Conversion)
- Eluned Loose-fit Knitwear (M)* - Will draw a full body for this.
- Abaddon Sovereign Wear (M)*
- Ruby Adorned Alchemist Suit (M)
- Sheep Sonata Outfit (M)
- Astrologer Outfit (8m)
- Venom Sword* (10m)
- Starry Lights Birdcage Seat (5m)
- Chess Throne (5m)
Homestead Items
- Homestead Halloween Cat **
- Homestead Winter Royal Garden* (30m)
- Wisteria House Construction Set* (15m)
- Magic Fractal Well (20m)
- Homestead Oriental Pond (10m)
- Erinn Resident Pink Bean (1m)
- Homestead Macaron Pile
- Homestead Luna Fairy Street Light (Any Colour)* (2m)
- Homestead Luna Fairy Swing*
- Homestead Luna Fairy Pond Model* (15m)
- Homestead Blue Goldfish Lamp* (1m)
- Homestead Large Goldfish Lamp (1m)
- Homestead Small Goldfish Lamp (1m)
- Homestead Goldfish Trio Lamp (1m)
- Homestead Heavenly Flowerbed* (4m)
- Homestead Heavenly Waterfall* (7m)
- Homestead Festia Landmark
- Homestead Mabiland Stage Drop (500k)
- Homestead Housing Bear Rug and Wildflower Pattern Wallpaper* (5m)
- Homestead Housing Wooden Desk (5m)
- Homestead Oriental Gazebo (1m)
- Homestead Cherry Blossom Tree and Pond (10m)
- Dressy Figure (1m)
- Healthy Figure (1m)
- Melty Figure (1m)
- Munchy Figure (1m)
- Woody Figure (1m)
- Floral Healthy Sequel Figure (2m)
- Floral Melty Sequel Figure (2m)
- Homestead Fairy Garden (2m)
- Talamh Sequel Figure (2m)
- Teine Sequel Figure (2m)
- Uisce Sequel Figure (2m)
- Gaoth Sequel Figure (2m)
- Solas Sequel Figure (2m)
- Oidhche Sequel Figure (2m)
- Homestead Hapless Far Darrig Figure (3m)
- Homestead Blue Far Darrig Figure (3m)
- Homestead Green Far Darrig Figure (3m)
- Homestead Pink Far Darrig Figure (3m)
- Homestead Halloween Pumpkins
- Homestead Pancake and Kupa
- Homestead Summoning Cauldron
- Homestead Sweet Treats
- Mafia Tableau
- Gift Pile
Server: Alexina
Type: Bust
Payment: 5m
Reference(s): https://i.imgur.com/JfTyKiA.jpg
Additional Details: Since I'm on Alexina, I'll be using the gold transfer service to pay you. I'll pay upfront after being accepted~
Thank you!
Accepted~ Thank you! 'w')b I'll start it on the weekend since I'm working until then \o/
EDIT: Payment received! Thank you 'w')9 I'll post the sketch either tomorrow night or Saturday!
Yup! They're below the spoiler below -- I didn't know how many I should post, haha. 'w')9
... and I forgot I didn't post most of these on my twitter/tumblr, aha... eventually.Hey she looks great!! :O All good with me to move on to coloring
Thank you!!
Type: Colored bust
Payment: 5m gold
Reference(s): https://imgur.com/a/u40lWzK (Ignore the wings, should've taken them off oops)
Additional Details: For his expression, content-looking with a small semi-smile please.
Accepted 'w')b I'll start it after I receive payment \o/ ♥ Thank you!
AAAHHHH no changes needed at all!! :O She looks STUNNING >< Thank you for letting me get a commission! She really came out gorgeous; my goodness I love it!!
aaaa I'm glad you like it!! ;w;)b ♥♥♥
Thank you! Just mailed payment : D
Ahhh this looks amazing so far ;__;
You finished that so fast!!
He looks adorable, I love it so so much <33 Your coloring and shading are great ahhh thank you thank you ;o;
I'm glad you like it ;w;)9!! ♥♥ Thank you so much \o/!!
(I like drawing/colouring fast gklfjd it's fun! and colouring blues especially 'w')9!!)
Type: Waist-up
Payment: 15m
Hanaminiii - https://i.imgur.com/3o91loE.jpg
Akuzanski - https://www.deviantart.com/lynn902/art/commission-complete-804330672
Xoue - https://www.deviantart.com/xoue/art/Commission-762769354
Yuie - https://www.deviantart.com/ylooi/art/Wakasagihime-769748300
Pose - https://imgur.com/a/rS6POQE
Additional Details:
Please include the straps across her bust as much as possible!
The extra references are to show you what it should look like~
You don't have to follow the pose completely
Feel free to use the pose expression, or make up your own as you see appropriate~
Thank you!!
Finished Imaizumi's commission \o/
Also considering offering animations for commissions (bust only, and probably only simple stuff) e.g.
(but it'd be... pricey... since it kills me inside to do these. 'A');;;; will have to think about it more)
Added mini-sprites as commission options (just as a small thing for fun)
Unanimated versions (i.e. still frame) = 1m; an animated sprite like the above examples would be 3m.
I'm still thinking about pricing for animations -- I might just offer blinking animations eventually instead of a fully animated portrait, or I'll offer just one animation for... something like 50m+ (depending on how many frames and complexity of outfit -- roughly 5m per frame).
Alternatively... maybe sketch animations instead of coloured ones (30m...? still not sure)? Example under spoiler (without clothes because I got tired -- so... uh... boob warning.)
pricing is hard