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Season Pass in Mabi, yay or nay?

Mabinogi Rep: 420
Posts: 2
in General Chat
I was just thinking, what if there was a season pass in mabi every 2-3 months that would require us to do some stuff in mabi in order to level it up and gets some rewards. I really would like it better than gacha boxes :S

What do you guys think?


  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    No. Season passes and lootboxes are the two very worst things that the gaming industry keeps using to get more money for little work. Instead, direct sales and actual worthwhile subsriptions, while not as profitable, are a constant in the market that has always looked better than these new marketing techniques. No to season passes, yes to revamped VIP and shopping bags.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    Not that it matters but, in this case, it's spelled 'yea'. But I'm one of those snobs that spells colour with a U, and gaol with a . . . well, like that.
  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    edited July 18, 2019
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Helsa wrote: »
    Not that it matters but, in this case, it's spelled 'yea'. But I'm one of those snobs that spells colour with a U, and gaol with a . . . well, like that.

    You can't spell through without being rough.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    LOL no.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,191
    Hell no from me, season passes are scams. :|
  • ChaosShadowChaosShadow
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,590
    Posts: 139
    No thanks.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Dumb Idea...

    If you can't be honest with your players only to scam them, you would lose a LOT of loyalty along with cash.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,191
    edited July 19, 2019
    I wonder if the staff was toying with this idea and then they saw this thread and was like "well what the BLEEP are we going to do now??? We can't change the business model to anything that would remotely compare to gacha. Reeeeeeeeee!!!" ;)

    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We do not live in Asian countries. We do not take as much abuse as they do. You keep failing to comprehend this.

    So sorry not sorry the only consistent way you are going to generate revenue is to release updated VIP services and knock it off with the gacha. It's that simple.


    We're at a loss too. We don't know how else to convince you, except with dwindling numbers in your reports and "complaining" about it. I'm not just directing this at our NA staff, I know KR calls the shots. KR you need to wake up.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We are not Asian.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,191
    edited July 19, 2019
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We are not Asian. We do not live in Asian countries.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.

    I was trying to encompass the countries of Korea, Japan, China, ext. I will not get into the long winded sub demographics of what races America has. I sense a minor "micro aggression" with that reply lol.

    But I have updated my comment a bit. Thank you.

    And if you say they players from the NA region that live in those countries and play the games from here, well there's only one way that is against the TOS that they can be doing so.

  • JJJJ
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,400
    Posts: 500
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We are not Asian.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.

    I'm pretty sure she was referring to the majority of players that the game is aimed at. It wouldn't make sense to try to aim a product at other parts of the world when specifically selling it in America. It also wouldn't make sense for people to go to America if they want to be in their home-country's environment.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,191
    jjeremy wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We are not Asian.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.

    I'm pretty sure she was referring to the majority of players that the game is aimed at. It wouldn't make sense to try to aim a product at other parts of the world when specifically selling it in America. It also wouldn't make sense for people to go to America if they want to be in their home-country's environment.

    It's cool, I've updated my comment. :)
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    edited July 19, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We do not live in Asian countries.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.

    I was trying to encompass the countries of Korea, Japan, China, ext. I will not get into the long winded sub demographics of what races America has. I sense a minor "micro aggression" with that reply lol.

    But I have updated my comment a bit. Thank you.

    I was thinking something more like:
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, the patrons of Mabinogi NA don't like getting ripped off, as per the laws and regulations governing where the game is physically housed and registered, as opposed to other jurisdictions, elsewhere, where consumers have far less protection.
    rather than some kind of republicanesque doubling down on such statements which, sadly, seems to be the norm these days.

    EDIT: it seems quotes will update in real time while in the edit window. Ain't that something.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,191
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We do not live in Asian countries.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.

    I was trying to encompass the countries of Korea, Japan, China, ext. I will not get into the long winded sub demographics of what races America has. I sense a minor "micro aggression" with that reply lol.

    But I have updated my comment a bit. Thank you.

    I was thinking something more like:
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, the patrons of Mabinogi NA don't like getting ripped off, as per the laws and regulations governing where the game is physically housed and registered, as opposed to other jurisdictions, elsewhere, where consumers have far less protection.
    rather than some kind of republicanesque doubling down on such statements which, sadly, seems to be the norm these days.

    EDIT: it seems quotes will update in real time while in the edit window. Ain't that something.

    We shouldn't get political here.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    Gaea wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We do not live in Asian countries.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.

    I was trying to encompass the countries of Korea, Japan, China, ext. I will not get into the long winded sub demographics of what races America has. I sense a minor "micro aggression" with that reply lol.

    But I have updated my comment a bit. Thank you.

    I was thinking something more like:
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, the patrons of Mabinogi NA don't like getting ripped off, as per the laws and regulations governing where the game is physically housed and registered, as opposed to other jurisdictions, elsewhere, where consumers have far less protection.
    rather than some kind of republicanesque doubling down on such statements which, sadly, seems to be the norm these days.

    EDIT: it seems quotes will update in real time while in the edit window. Ain't that something.

    We shouldn't get political here.

    Was reacting to your initial pre-edited post.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    welp, This is why DE will be the known to be the better ones instead of gaming companies who likely never touched a game before, -like really play a game before- to know how faulty it is to scam your players instead of gaining loyalty.

    Cheers for future rising companies who actually listen to player's feedback and know the limits on how much of a player feedback to listen. Because even players kill the game instead of the dev team as well as the company butchering it.

    It would be nice to see more companies who LOVES games, LOVES to have the players around, and LOVES the very game they make. Making games with only money in mind instead of having your imagination run wild, we all know its going to be THAT kind of company with the games they own which turns for the worst...

    Sure money has to come from somewhere but avoid scamming else in a long run you JUST lost more players you can handle.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, we are American and we don't like getting ripped off. Not in this economy. We do not live in Asian countries.

    Perhaps you could word that a little differently. Some Americans are Asian, just like some are European, some are African, some are Australian, some are islanders, some are Latin American, and some are indigenous. Not to mention, many folks playing Mabinogi NA are, while maintaining EULA, not Americans and not living in the U.S.A.

    I was trying to encompass the countries of Korea, Japan, China, ext. I will not get into the long winded sub demographics of what races America has. I sense a minor "micro aggression" with that reply lol.

    But I have updated my comment a bit. Thank you.

    I was thinking something more like:
    Sorry not sorry Nexon, the patrons of Mabinogi NA don't like getting ripped off, as per the laws and regulations governing where the game is physically housed and registered, as opposed to other jurisdictions, elsewhere, where consumers have far less protection.
    rather than some kind of republicanesque doubling down on such statements which, sadly, seems to be the norm these days.

    EDIT: it seems quotes will update in real time while in the edit window. Ain't that something.

    We shouldn't get political here.

    Was reacting to your initial pre-edited post.

    I was going to make a silly comment, but I've deemed it improper to do so.

    But I do find it strange why they've stopped investing in this game's market. Things seemed to be going fine, and now it seems to be deteriorating.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,410
    Posts: 5,785
    I do find it strange why they've stopped investing in this game's market. Things seemed to be going fine, and now it seems to be deteriorating.

    Have they? The daily bathed, well groomed, more-or-less well mannered, not-at-all sleazy, Fergus vids aren't entirely free to make, not that they are a huge investment, for example. It may be that there are things going on behind the scenes. They have shown a pretty consistent proclivity to opacity. Apparent lack of activity does not mean lack of activity after all; how often does stuff get sprung on us at the last moment.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Helsa wrote: »
    I do find it strange why they've stopped investing in this game's market. Things seemed to be going fine, and now it seems to be deteriorating.

    Have they? The daily bathed, well groomed, more-or-less well mannered, not-at-all sleazy, Fergus vids aren't entirely free to make, not that they are a huge investment, for example. It may be that there are things going on behind the scenes. They have shown a pretty consistent proclivity to opacity. Apparent lack of activity does not mean lack of activity after all; how often does stuff get sprung on us at the last moment.

    I mean in sales generating items/services and in game content that some people would like to see.