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Dungeon Reward Rate Increase Event

Mabinogi Rep: 21,665
Posts: 1,593
edited October 2, 2019 in Vault
For a limited time, enjoy an increase in drop rates for some of Uladh's rarest items! To get the most out of this event, you can now go into these dungeons with up to 7 of your friends! Check out the details below.


Event Dates: Thursday, October 3, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 31, Before Maintenance

Event Details

  • During the event, you can enter Uladh Dungeons with a maximum of 8 party members.
  • These dungeons include:
  • Alby Dungeon
  • Ciar Dungeon
  • Math Dungeon
  • Rabbie Dungeon
  • Barri Dungeon
  • Coill Dungeon
  • Fiodh Dungeon
  • Rundal Dungeon
  • Peaca Dungeon
  • Hard Mode Alby Dungeon
  • Hard Mode Ciar Dungeon
  • Hard Mode Rundal Dungeon
  • Drop rates of dead end treasure chests from Uladh Dungeons are also increased. This means that there will be an increased drop rate for items such as Destructive Robe sewing patterns, Demon Child sewing patterns, and weapon crafting materials!

    Affected Dungeons
  • Math Dungeon (Regular, Basic, Advanced)
  • Rabbie Dungeon (Regular, Basic, Advanced)
  • Barri Dungeon (Regular, Basic, Advanced)
  • Rundal Dungeon (Regular, Basic, Advanced, Hard Mode Advanced)
  • Peaca Dungeon (Regular, Basic, Intermediate)

    Affected Items
  • Sewing Patterns: Destruction Robe, Demon Child (Succubus Fiend)
  • Crafting Materials: Awakened Strength Fragment, Cleansed Mage's Gem, Forged Weapon Piece, Destroyed Seal Chain, Ruptured Black Metal etc.
  • Free Repair Kits
  • There is also an increased drop rate of Milky Way Instrument Materials from Math Music Dungeon.
  • Song Stardust
  • Melodic Metal Board
  • Harmonic Wood Board
  • Instrument Strings
  • There is also an increased drop rate of Soluna Blade materials from Rabbie Phantasm Dungeon and Alban Knights Training Grounds SS.
  • Blacksmith Manual- Soluna Blade
  • Duskblade
  • Dawnblade
  • Solite
  • Lunite
  • Fate Fragment
  • You can buy Rabbie Phantasm Dungeon Passes for 400,000 gold from the Researcher at the Poulnaborne Rock in Dunbarton.

Lorna's Charm Hotday

  • If you log in between October 3rd and October 6th, you will receive Lorna's Growth Support Charm.
  • When you activate Lorna's Growth Support Charm, you will get the "Lorna's Support" buff and a special daily quest every day.
  • Lorna's Growth Support Charm lasts for 30 days.
  • You can activate the Support Charm 3 times a day, which resets at 7:00 AM PDT.
  • The first time you activate Lorna's Growth Support Charm, you will receive the following buffs for 60 minutes.
  • Combat EXP +100%
  • Shadow Mission Completion EXP +100%
  • Min/Max Damage +20
  • Magic Attack +20
  • Defense, Protection, Magic Defense, and Magic Protection +20
  • After 60 minutes, the charm will deactivate.
  • If you decide to reactivate the charm, you will receive the following buffs for 60 minutes.
  • Combat EXP +50%
  • Shadow Mission Completion EXP +50%
  • Min/Max Damage +10
  • Magic Attack +10
  • Defense, Protection, Magic Defense, and Magic Protection +10
  • After 60 minutes, the charm will deactivate.
  • If you decide to reactivate the charm a third time, you will receive the following buffs until the daily reset at 7:00 AM PDT.
  • Combat EXP +20%
  • Shadow Mission Completion EXP +20%
  • If you activated the charm 3 times the previous day, the next day, you will receive a bonus buff when you activate the charm after the daily reset.
  • Quest Mission Completion EXP +100%


  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Katherz wrote: »
    For a limited time, enjoy an increase in drop rates for some of Uladh's rarest items! To get the most out of this event, you can now go into these dungeons with up to 7 of your friends! Check out the details below.


    Event Dates: Thursday, October 3, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 31, Before Maintenance

    Event Details

    • During the event, you can enter Uladh Dungeons with a maximum of 8 party members.

    Is it too much to make that part permanent?

    Cause that's how it was long before you came here.

    Dungeon runs with a party of 8 should return as a permanent feature.
    CrimsọnLastSaturdayWolfsingerSebastianKensamaofmariFrozareBlissfulkillSherriKitinijustshowingand 5 others.
  • ShadowamiShadowami
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,720
    Posts: 98
    I agree with the party increase being permanent.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    I haven't done dungeons in a good while and didn't even notice we had a member cap lol.
  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,470
    Posts: 836
    Once again, Iria dungeons get left out.
    You know I would like to get the books I need for certain skills from Iria dungeons with a higher chance of said books dropping, too

    Might as well delete the Iria dungeons. Since they get ignored most of the time.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    TNinja wrote: »
    I haven't done dungeons in a good while and didn't even notice we had a member cap lol.

    It was snuck in alongside the "Uladh Dungeon Revamp".
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Katherz wrote: »
    For a limited time, enjoy an increase in drop rates for some of Uladh's rarest items! To get the most out of this event, you can now go into these dungeons with up to 7 of your friends! Check out the details below.


    Event Dates: Thursday, October 3, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 31, Before Maintenance

    Event Details

    • During the event, you can enter Uladh Dungeons with a maximum of 8 party members.

    Is it too much to make that part permanent?

    Cause that's how it was long before you came here.

    Dungeon runs with a party of 8 should return as a permanent feature.

    Been saying that since their dungeon "revamp", but it looks more like dungeon nerf to me. More effort to run same dungeon for pretty much same rewards with crappy odds.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Greta wrote: »
    Katherz wrote: »
    For a limited time, enjoy an increase in drop rates for some of Uladh's rarest items! To get the most out of this event, you can now go into these dungeons with up to 7 of your friends! Check out the details below.


    Event Dates: Thursday, October 3, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 31, Before Maintenance

    Event Details

    • During the event, you can enter Uladh Dungeons with a maximum of 8 party members.

    Is it too much to make that part permanent?

    Cause that's how it was long before you came here.

    Dungeon runs with a party of 8 should return as a permanent feature.

    Been saying that since their dungeon "revamp", but it looks more like dungeon nerf to me. More effort to run same dungeon for pretty much same rewards with crappy odds.

    Well unless they find a way to ambush players in dungeons or present other challenges, that's pretty much what it is.
  • NinzerkerNinzerker
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,640
    Posts: 70
    edited October 3, 2019
    So I saw that the event has been canceled for Rabbie Phantasm for undisclosed reasons. But I just decided to enter Music Math, and it's broken. Nothings spawning in when you open the ambush chest
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Greta wrote: »
    Katherz wrote: »
    For a limited time, enjoy an increase in drop rates for some of Uladh's rarest items! To get the most out of this event, you can now go into these dungeons with up to 7 of your friends! Check out the details below.


    Event Dates: Thursday, October 3, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 31, Before Maintenance

    Event Details

    • During the event, you can enter Uladh Dungeons with a maximum of 8 party members.

    Is it too much to make that part permanent?

    Cause that's how it was long before you came here.

    Dungeon runs with a party of 8 should return as a permanent feature.

    Been saying that since their dungeon "revamp", but it looks more like dungeon nerf to me. More effort to run same dungeon for pretty much same rewards with crappy odds.

    Still, more people = more chests.

    And more people also usually means faster clear times, so more runs in a set time.
  • aeternitisaeternitis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,045
    Posts: 142
    My Lorna's Growth Support Charm doesn't seem to be deactivating after an hour. Am I misunderstanding this?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    aeternitis wrote: »
    My Lorna's Growth Support Charm doesn't seem to be deactivating after an hour. Am I misunderstanding this?

    You try logging our or CC?
  • aeternitisaeternitis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,045
    Posts: 142
    edited October 3, 2019
    aeternitis wrote: »
    My Lorna's Growth Support Charm doesn't seem to be deactivating after an hour. Am I misunderstanding this?

    You try logging our or CC?

    I sure did. Is it working for you?

    Edit: Oh, I see that my Status Effects say "Lorna Growth Support Stage 3". I guess "After 60 minutes, the charm will deactivate." isn't quite correct. It looks like it just automatically reactivates. I guess?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    aeternitis wrote: »
    aeternitis wrote: »
    My Lorna's Growth Support Charm doesn't seem to be deactivating after an hour. Am I misunderstanding this?

    You try logging our or CC?

    I sure did. Is it working for you?

    I won't know until I go home.
  • AppleChanceryAppleChancery
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 83
    If I don't open my sealed lorna growth charm, can I keep it to use after event?
  • FrozareFrozare
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,225
    Posts: 16
    My guild always want to dungeon but we usually have more than 4 who want to. It sucks to leave someone out. Also I'm newer so I never experienced bigger parties. Please make it permanent.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    As much as I appreciate this event, it still doesn't get rid of the fact that the dungeon 'revamp' more like nerf cut out the ability to bring 8 people in a single dungeon AND messed up the whole CP system for dungeons too.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    I know nothing as to why the player limit of 8 hit 4 in the first place, was it suggested by KR players? because if so THEY had the option to run it with less, don't make it a feature jeez.
  • WliaWlia
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,715
    Posts: 82
    edited October 5, 2019
    I never have party for anything dungeons included so so sad...
    gonna try recall if i even ever run single dungeon with full party..

    no never actually..
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Wlia wrote: »
    I never have party for anything dungeons included so so sad...
    gonna try recall if i even ever run single dungeon with full party..

    no never actually..

    Dungeons are worthless once you get what you want xD

    If they give loads of exp and better loot, I would not mind running it often than none at all.
  • justshowingjustshowing
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 156
    Taking away basic features and adding them back later in events is not feature.
    AlshianCrisdaRadiant DawnCrimsọnKitiniWliaShakayaLuzLightSherriBreia