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New partner type - Sidekick

Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
Posts: 250
edited February 11, 2017 in Feedback and Suggestions
Server: Alexina
IGN: Tocannota

So, currently there are three "types" of partners in the game - the multi-purpose Maid and Butler, the Commerce oriented William and (obviously) Commerce Partner, and the Music oriented Laighlinne. Well, basically my idea is for a Combat oriented partner called a Sidekick.

Unique aspects of the Sidekick:

* Can be a Human, Elf, or Giant

* Can be male or female

* Possess (if a Human or an Elf) Ranged Attack, allowing them to use Bows and Crossbows, or (if a Giant) Throwing Attack, allowing them to use Atlatls

* Possess (unless a Giant) Magnum Shot and Support Shot

* While a Human Sidekick will possess Play Dead like most partners, Elves will instead possess Hide and Giants will instead possess Wind Guard

* Have their own set of personalities, which correlate to their relationship with your character

~ Little Sibling: "Ever since you found this precocious little babe in a basket on your homestead, the two of you have been as thick as thieves. Blood relatives or not, nothing is ever going to come between you, and anything that tries is going to have a bad time."
Conversation themes: Please Don't Touch the Helmet (Tin's Theme) if male; Little Lady's Apron (Alissa's Theme) if female

~ Best Buddy: "Your closest confidant since your arrival in Erinn, they know you so well that at times you almost forget they're not a Milletian. Always ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you, they are a companion you can trust to never leave you hanging."
Conversation themes: My Wooly Life (Deian's Theme) if male; Rawr (Fleta's Theme) if female

~ Faithful Ward: Enamored with you after you saved them from a pack of wolves, this spirited youngster is now looking to you for guidance. Headstrong, loyal, and eager to please, you couldn't ask for a more extraordinary apprentice."
Conversation themes: Long Live, Hurray, Hurrah! (Manus's Theme) if male; Leave It to Me! (Elen's Theme) if female

Stat Info:

| Summon Time  | 180 Min  |   Bag Size   | 60 (6x10) |
|     Life     |   320    |     Str      |    80     |
|     Mana     |    80    |     Int      |    80     |
|     Stam     |    90    |     Dex      |    50     |
|   Base Dmg   |  18-29   |     Will     |    80     |
|   Wound %    |  5%-15%  |     Luck     |    80     |
|   Critical   |   30%    |   Defense    |     0     |
|   Balance    |   47%    |  Protection  |    2%     |
|    Exp %     |   15%    | Speed Rating |  Average  |
|    Enemy     |   None   |     Cost     | 17,900 NX |
| Attack Speed |  Normal  |     Hits     |     3     |

| Summon Time  | 180 Min  |   Bag Size   | 60 (6x10) |
|     Life     |   300    |     Str      |    60     |
|     Mana     |   120    |     Int      |    90     |
|     Stam     |    90    |     Dex      |    70     |
|   Base Dmg   |  17-28   |     Will     |    60     |
|   Wound %    |  6%-17%  |     Luck     |    80     |
|   Critical   |  21.9%   |   Defense    |     0     |
|   Balance    |   48%    |  Protection  |    2%     |
|    Exp %     |   15%    | Speed Rating |   Fast    |
|    Enemy     |   None   |     Cost     | 17,900 NX |
| Attack Speed |   Fast   |     Hits     |     3     |

| Summon Time  | 180 Min  |   Bag Size   | 60 (6x10) |
|     Life     |   300    |     Str      |    80     |
|     Mana     |    80    |     Int      |    60     |
|     Stam     |   100    |     Dex      |    50     |
|   Base Dmg   |  20-35   |     Will     |    80     |
|   Wound %    |  5%-15%  |     Luck     |    80     |
|   Critical   |   30%    |   Defense    |     9     |
|   Balance    |   48%    |  Protection  |    2%     |
|    Exp %     |   15%    | Speed Rating |   Fast    |
|    Enemy     |   None   |     Cost     | 17,900 NX |
| Attack Speed |  Normal  |     Hits     |     3     |

Well that's what I've got so far.
ChoAlalaroseNasumiRayneNilremNekoLilySherriDarkpixie99SpiritikaSylviaWolfeCrimsọnand 1 other.


  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited January 29, 2017
    I like the idea of a more combat focused partner, but I've always seen the Commerce partner as more of the combat able of the current partners. I could easily see Sidekicks as more immersive than partners if the cafe system from my partner revamp forum was implemented around the same time. The Sidekick system means our lore hounds can be happy choosing a race other than human for partners and the customization feature of Mabinogi we all love will be broadened. Also, Sidekicks could give Nexon a better look at how partners can be better improved. I recall an interview on some forum where they said that the OP of a certain partner was something they were worried about, so with all the skills available to the Sidekicks, why not make it unique by making Sidekicks only having a certain amount of skill slots that can be filled at once. This means that the PetvsPet players can be more competitive about how their Sidekicks fight, and players get to really think about if they would summon a Sidekick who specializes in Healing and Magic Shields or one with a wide combat skill set in a tricky situation.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    edited January 30, 2017
    First thing first: it needs Combat Mastery to go beyond novice rank like ALL of the partners we currently have.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    I'm just surprised this is not already a thing.

    It would make up for partners not being able to Divine Link, if anything.
    Why summon a current partner for combat now when I can link myself to a giant chicken and make it into a shield?
  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,310
    Posts: 342
    I would happily throw money at this idea. Even more personality options pls :3
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Nilrem wrote: »
    I'm just surprised this is not already a thing.

    It would make up for partners not being able to Divine Link, if anything.
    Why summon a current partner for combat now when I can link myself to a giant chicken and make it into a shield?
    Actually the only reason given for the lack of divine link was in an interview where they said they didn't want Partners to be OP. It's kind of obvious from how bandits can kill commerce partners that they aren't really that special compared to players with reforges and upgrades.
  • XeekTheMightyXeekTheMighty
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 77
    @Darkpixie99 You expect me to think Nexon cares about balance? Ha.

    The main issue with this is strength. How strong do you make them? Is it going to be better than Divine linking my Bone Dragon?
    If not... I won't buy it for combat.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Shaddap and take my money >w<
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
    edited February 20, 2019
    I'm gonna bump this while I work on the skill tables.

    Skill Info:

    |Rank                |N  |F  |E  |D  |C  |B  |A  |9  |8  |7  |6  |5  |4  |3  |2  |1  |
    |Rest                |-  |1  |10 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Defense             |-  |-  |1  |2  |6  |10 |17 |24 |30 |36 |39 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Smash               |-  |-  |1  |2  |9  |13 |20 |26 |31 |35 |40 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Counterattack       |-  |-  |1  |3  |10 |15 |21 |29 |38 |42 |44 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Windmill            |-  |1  |3  |9  |16 |23 |32 |36 |39 |42 |45 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Critical Hit        |-  |-  |1  |5  |11 |19 |28 |38 |41 |44 |45 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Combat Mastery      |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Magnum Shot         |-  |-  |1  |4  |7  |12 |18 |25 |37 |40 |43 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Support Shot        |-  |-  |-  |1  |16 |23 |32 |36 |39 |42 |45 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Ranged Attack       |-  |-  |1  |4  |7  |12 |18 |25 |37 |40 |43 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Icebolt             |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Firebolt            |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Lightning Bolt      |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Magic Mastery       |-  |-  |1  |4  |7  |12 |18 |25 |37 |40 |43 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Healing             |-  |1  |4  |11 |20 |30 |37 |41 |45 |50 |57 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Hands of Salvation  |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Play Dead           |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |First Aid           |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |

    |Rank                |N  |F  |E  |D  |C  |B  |A  |9  |8  |7  |6  |5  |4  |3  |2  |1  |
    |Rest                |-  |1  |10 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Defense             |-  |-  |1  |3  |8  |13 |21 |30 |38 |45 |49 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Smash               |-  |1  |2  |3  |14 |20 |30 |39 |47 |53 |60 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Counterattack       |-  |-  |1  |4  |12 |18 |25 |35 |46 |50 |53 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Windmill            |1  |2  |5  |14 |24 |36 |48 |54 |59 |63 |68 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Critical Hit        |-  |-  |1  |5  |11 |19 |28 |38 |41 |44 |45 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Combat Mastery      |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Magnum Shot         |-  |-  |1  |4  |7  |12 |18 |25 |37 |40 |43 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Support Shot        |-  |-  |-  |1  |16 |23 |32 |36 |39 |42 |45 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Ranged Attack       |-  |-  |1  |3  |5  |8  |12 |17 |25 |27 |29 |40 |53 |93 |107|133|
    |Icebolt             |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Firebolt            |-  |1  |5  |10 |14 |21 |29 |32 |32 |36 |39 |45 |60 |105|120|150|
    |Lightning Bolt      |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Magic Mastery       |-  |-  |1  |4  |7  |12 |18 |25 |37 |40 |43 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Healing             |-  |1  |4  |11 |20 |30 |37 |41 |45 |50 |57 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Hands of Salvation  |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Hide                |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |First Aid           |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |

    |Rank                |N  |F  |E  |D  |C  |B  |A  |9  |8  |7  |6  |5  |4  |3  |2  |1  |
    |Rest                |-  |1  |10 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Defense             |-  |-  |1  |2  |6  |10 |17 |24 |30 |36 |39 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Smash               |-  |-  |1  |2  |9  |13 |20 |26 |31 |35 |40 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Counterattack       |-  |-  |1  |3  |10 |15 |21 |29 |38 |42 |44 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Windmill            |-  |1  |3  |9  |16 |23 |32 |36 |39 |42 |45 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Charge              |-  |-  |-  |1  |16 |23 |32 |36 |39 |42 |45 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Critical Hit        |-  |-  |1  |5  |11 |19 |28 |38 |41 |44 |45 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Combat Mastery      |-  |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Thowing Attack      |-  |-  |1  |4  |7  |12 |18 |25 |37 |40 |43 |60 |80 |140|160|200|
    |Icebolt             |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Firebolt            |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Lightning Bolt      |-  |1  |6  |13 |18 |28 |39 |43 |43 |48 |52 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Magic Mastery       |-  |-  |1  |4  |7  |12 |18 |25 |37 |40 |43 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Healing             |-  |1  |4  |11 |20 |30 |37 |41 |45 |50 |57 |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Hands of Salvation  |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |Wind Guard          |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
    |First Aid           |-  |1  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |-  |
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Ooh, you even got your skills and pricing figured out!
    Heh.. looking at that.. I'd wait until a sale. xP
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
    Well, I just used the standard price for existing partners.
  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,310
    Posts: 342
    I avoided the William partner for the reason of priciness vs my interest (not saying he wasn't arguably worth it, especially for those partner trade potions and cosmetics) but this would definitely catch my interest to invest in, especially as you could collect one (or more) of each race :) really neat that you went so in depth with stats
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Can it compete with high levels of Divine Link?
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    The part about the little sibling touched my heart. What I'd do if I found a wittle baby in my homestead~ <3
    I'd send em right back to the storks; I ain't got money for that.

    I'd cuddle em and snuggle em and name them Sam.
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
    Bit of a necro-bump, but I wanted to show off the fixes I made to the skill tables (they had gotten kinda wonky for some reason). To add something to the topic, how would you guys feel about Sidekicks being able to earn certain Transformations along with you? OP or not?
  • CyborgJiroCyborgJiro
    Mabinogi Rep: 890
    Posts: 45
    Yes perfect, this really deserves a bump seeing as it's still not a thing! I'd definitely get this as soon as it was available