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I feel like this has probably been talked about somewhere on this forum but I can't find anything about it.
I've been playing Mabinogi on and off for several years but I'm the type of player that sticks to himself and doesn't talk to other players. Actually, it's only recently that I've even started going to player shops in channel 1.
The thing is, I'm looking for a specific item and I want to see if any players would be willing to trade for it, but I just don't really know the etiquette around doing so. I don't really want to be that guy running into each crowd of people asking to trade and asking in the channel chat in channel 1 intimidates me (plus I think I read in a couple of forum posts here and there that there are scammers to be aware of). Either way, I just don't really know what I should be doing and how I should be doing it to not get on other player's nerves.
And in case anyone was wondering, I wanted to know if anyone would trade the workshop desk that you can get from the Moonlight Halloween Event. I would get it myself but I didn't start the event until the 6th, so I can't complete 10 daily quests to get it.
On forums in the server marketplace, you can post your listing of what you want. If it's a high value item, people will often give them their character name and ask others to either send a note in-game with an offer or have them request add to friend list.
You can also make use of the various discord servers, which most of them have their own market thread where you can ask people about your inquiry.
In-game, you can also post a listing via party function by typing out your listing/offering.
These are the common ways to communicate with others for trading items that are not commonly found.
If you are unaware of how a party ad is made, creating a dungeon party and holding up the ad will cause it to flash under the "wanted" section of the channel's party chat. So for the halloween workshop desk, you would make a dungeon party named "B> Workshop Desk NM". The "NM" standing for "Note me", a common way for a seller (or buyer in other cases) to contact you. You can also list a price you are interested in paying in the ad.
People will also typically hold up the ad in a market town like Dunbarton or
BelvastThe most important thing when running an ad is patience. Don't be discouraged if you don't get any notes really quick.
Besides that, don't be afraid to ask people in game for advice on making gold or how to buy/sell certain things on the market.
I know you're intimidated, but I'm sure a good amount of people in this game would be happy to help.
Most markets are 10 mil free and 20 mil VIP now, but as always searching thru personal shops is based off luck.
Yes, if you have something to sell, you can just post and advertise your goods in a personal shop. Or list them on the Auction House.
Using a party, you can also use the same feature of requesting people to note or add you and not you going to note/add them.
If you are uncertain of what price to list. You can check if average prices or other listings on AH exist, or you can ask on the social media platforms for a price check to see if anyone has any insight on that item.
Since the event is still going on, I feel like I might have a good chance in finding someone to trade with, but I guess we'll see.
If items are listed in shops and AH, go check out the prices. And if it isn't listed, you can always ask for price checks and for availability.
So, I was gonna try to place a dungeon ad but the character limit for the party name is very limited (only 9) but im seeing lots of players ads that are longer than that.
As I said, I'm gonna take the advice from everyone! Thanks again for being so helpful! Wish me luck!
Cus ya know...making a deal with me is like selling your soul. -wide smile- jokes aside I still want AH to show the seller's name.
This also make bots using AH more obvious than it already is.
This also gives opportunity for sellers to get harassed, so nope.
Seriously, I turned off view equips because of how often someone tried to buy the mandolin on my back.
Okay that's fair. I could support that