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Mabinogi Rep: 620
Posts: 7
edited December 12, 2019 in Bugs and Glitches
Yo so i got a royal sword that looks like a Saint sword, well short of it my weapon broke and not broke in dur but broke in i cant use it what so ever. I can still get to the spirit but my weapon is now unless so if you plan to ego a weapon thats been scroll please remove the scroll.


  • ZweiFreeZweiFree
    Mabinogi Rep: 620
    Posts: 7
    Update so i try to use a sword saint scroll and it didnt work had me crash. So the sword saint scroll is bug out
  • RegnaladeRegnalade
    Mabinogi Rep: 830
    Posts: 28
    Hey, I am also experiencing this issue. I used the Saint Guardian's Sword Appearance Scroll on both of my demonic weapons and when I have them equipped, its showing as if I were bare handed. When I look at the description of my weapons the text showing what appearance it is does not show. It still has the yellow arrows like it has an appearance.
  • KaibaAkayukiKaibaAkayuki
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,445
    Posts: 58
    try fixing ur install. im having no issues with any of those things myself. my demonic lance has its saints guard app scroll and appearing fine and my sword that i transferred my ego into was a borealis with an app scroll for saint guard 2h sword

  • LeonscottLeonscott
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    I'm also experiencing the same issue. I've a battle sword to look like a Saint Guardian's Sword, and now it doesn't show, when I equip it, I'm bare handed, doesn't even show if I change equipment with the sword still equipped, however, within the description it still has the yellow arrows that identifies an apperance change. Here is a picture of the item.

    Note.- Please do NOT just give me a random colored Saint Guardian's Sword appearance. Thank you :(