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Nexon please, allow us to change race

Mabinogi Rep: 950
Posts: 13
in General Chat
It's that simple, give us the option to pay with NX for a race change coupon just like a homestead change coupon. I just don't want to be an Elf anymore, Human is just so much better in my opinion. I know we aren't ever getting a revamp/polish, I've accepted that now. This is the next best thing that's most likely to happen (I hope). It's not like choosing a class in MapleStory, every race doesn't have a completely different set of skills, just a couple extra. Final Shot would Become Final Hit and Mirage Missile would become Arrow Revolver. The only thing is you would have to let the nonhuman races choose their alignment so they won't have to repeat Generations 2 and 3. Maybe even add in a brief quest. There could be a limit per month and you would have to be a certain level to use it, who knows. The concept sounds simple enough to me. It's odd because you would think with all the freedom and options we have available, race changes would just be a given but unfortunately not.


  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    All I could tell ya is to make a new character...and do the marathon to lvl 5000+ from the memoir quests for 10000+ AP during the 2x AP.

    Currently doing this with my giant (I main an elf) see how painful it is to be an elf for tech duin. Reason I wanted to be a giant is for survival ability since I don't care how quick I can drop bosses for as long as I live through it all.

    Also for the fact Ego lances is just too good to pass.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    Alshian wrote: »
    All I could tell ya is to make a new character...and do the marathon to lvl 5000+ from the memoir quests for 10000+ AP during the 2x AP.

    For some people, such a switch isn't so simple.

    The sheer amount of factors we can invest into a character is extremely high, some being difficult to replicate or time consuming to massive extremes.

    Not to mention things like trade unlocks to invest in if you need to move over valuable equipment.
    And if you're going for new equipment, think of the gold costs. The average player won't meet them.

    Not to mention character bound things like beauty coupons and the transformation diary.
    Alongside crusader levels and the time and effort to get everything ranked up.

    Some people just get far too deep into growth to just jump over.

    As for how it works, at minimum I could imagine conflicting skills being either "locked" or de-ranked with AP return, and the racial transformation being reset as a "cost".
    Any conflicting beauty coupon stuff could be given back in coupon form, any other stuff can just go to a default since its either free or pon.
    Honestly, the only "issue" would be giants and not being able to use certain clothes.
    But if it was ever introduced to the game, I'm sure they would convert outfits to being giant usable to promote use of the feature.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Just be like me OP; I dropped my 25k elf with maxed skills and tons of gear, unlocked my fleet feet with an event handout trade unlock (we get one about 5 weeks from this post), and now about 2 years in I have a 34.8k giant that completes content much more effectively and is actually capable of funding new gear. As a bonus, I can still do 3 lords a day on the elf in addition to the 3 on the giant.

    TBH though I cant believe anyone would trust race change to be done right after seeing how the merge went, it wont be your hotkeys deleted it'll be all your skills and ranks.
    AlshianRadiant DawnSherri
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    I can assure you, if you start over to a human or giant, you get a more better "beginner" experience than you do an elf.

    Best part? You don't die as easy as an elf and can actually do easy damage without gear while gear only made it the better.

    Sure gear will cost loads of gold but its far more cheaper than elf gear. Although its best to make the switch asap before players catch wind that elf gear won't hold much at the new endgame and human gear will likely cost even more as it will likely be in demand by those making the switch from elf.

    If you want to play looking pretty then just stay as the race you are...but if you want power...

    Also I can't trust Nexon to make this race change work without doing fatal damage to your data. So are you REALLY wanting to change race? I mean you can always come back as an elf as another stand in for some dailies or moments that you need that elf power.
  • HydraccionHydraccion
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 4
    I agree with Alshian. If playing as an elf is truly so agonizingly bad compared to others, then starting a new character and just gritting your teeth through the losses is going to be better in the long run.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    Hydraccion wrote: »
    I agree with Alshian. If playing as an elf is truly so agonizingly bad compared to others, then starting a new character and just gritting your teeth through the losses is going to be better in the long run.

    I wouldn't call it agony, as I'm actually managing just fine.
    The difficulty is most definitely higher though. Pretty much Mabi's "hard mode" choice.

    For most people the switch would be easy since they aren't super far into leveling, or they have the drive to spend another few years leveling regardless of whatever content updates might come out during that time.
    This is why I worded my post "Some people". Its not the most common of situations.

    Honestly, if a formal race change method was introduced, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.
    We would definitely see a lot more giants though...

    Although a lot of it comes down to if they can even get such working in the first place.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Nilrem wrote: »
    Honestly, if a formal race change method was introduced, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.
    We would definitely see a lot more giants though...
    There'd be more giants for a week, as all the people who have never used Final Strike realize how bad it is. Then they will all go human for Final Hit because it's the meta and the developer's favorite and most pandered race, especially now with the 2H FH buff and 2H erg bonuses.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited December 22, 2019
    Elves & Giants always were always meant to be «Assist-Card» characters... weren't they...? Instead of either used as a «Main» like I do now.
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Nilrem wrote: »
    Honestly, if a formal race change method was introduced, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.
    We would definitely see a lot more giants though...
    There'd be more giants for a week, as all the people who have never used Final Strike realize how bad it is. Then they will all go human for Final Hit because it's the meta and the developer's favorite and most pandered race, especially now with the 2H FH buff and 2H erg bonuses.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Nilrem wrote: »
    Honestly, if a formal race change method was introduced, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.
    We would definitely see a lot more giants though...
    There'd be more giants for a week, as all the people who have never used Final Strike realize how bad it is. Then they will all go human for Final Hit because it's the meta and the developer's favorite and most pandered race, especially now with the 2H FH buff and 2H erg bonuses.

    Yep, pretty much.
    A lot of people wouldn't consider the long term with something like race changes.

    But hey, it still wouldn't be bad as an option.
    And I do like the idea of giving it an extremely long cooldown so people can't just hop races on a whim.
    If the other option is the commitment to spend years developing a new character, then it only makes sense for the option to outright change race to carry a similar weight of commitment. Although probably not a cooldown time of years.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    I concur that elves are rather under-whelming in comparison to their equivalent counter-parts. Humans really can do just about everything an elf can do only better... even archery. Elf aim-accuracy is definitely not like in the movies. Also... <looks left & right first> ...there aren't enough «elf QQ» threads... <ducks & runs for cover>
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Unlimited race change at rebirth should be created. But it's not a simple thing, since it effects other systems in the game, namely: marriage, alignment, EvG, and maybe more. It would still be worth it from Nexon's point of view to implement this. Since ultimately there will always be some race that's best at PvP, one that's best at PvE, one that's best in groups and so on, when they introduce a change that effects this then folks can change their race in response. Say, you play Mabinogi because you like PvP, and that say giants are best for PvP because they can always get in close and once there everyone else just dies. Then Nexon makes a chance where elves with a bow can always keep anyone from getting into Melee range. So they just Poik you to death. Or the reverse, say Elves are best at PvP because they can always keep folks away and chip them to death then Nexon makes a change where Giants can always get into Melee range. In either scenario, you're not gonna be happy, but at least if you can change race then there's something you can do about it.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Nilrem wrote: »
    Honestly, if a formal race change method was introduced, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.
    We would definitely see a lot more giants though...
    There'd be more giants for a week, as all the people who have never used Final Strike realize how bad it is. Then they will all go human for Final Hit because it's the meta and the developer's favorite and most pandered race, especially now with the 2H FH buff and 2H erg bonuses.

    its funny that you said humans is nexon's favorite, just long awhile ago folks been saying giants were the favorite lol
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    'Tis more accurate to say that there was a time when very very few people played giants so they started making incentives to increase the Giants-Population. Someone also did mention that the game-balance is based on what goes on with the (S.)Korea-server population. If there is such a thing as an «end-game elf» on any of the NA-Servers I would really think that the actual number-population of such elves would be an extremely low percentage of the population which in of itself had managed to hit all-time-lows during the last few years but is still possible to make a come-back since it looks like there might be efforts to step up with the advertising.
    Alshian wrote: »
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Nilrem wrote: »
    Honestly, if a formal race change method was introduced, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.
    We would definitely see a lot more giants though...
    There'd be more giants for a week, as all the people who have never used Final Strike realize how bad it is. Then they will all go human for Final Hit because it's the meta and the developer's favorite and most pandered race, especially now with the 2H FH buff and 2H erg bonuses.
    its funny that you said humans is nexon's favorite, just long awhile ago folks been saying giants were the favorite lol
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    When elves and giants were first introduced, I went Dark Knight in hopes of changing races to elf... then reality set in and i was stuck as a Dark Knight. :(
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    When elves and giants were first introduced, I went Dark Knight in hopes of changing races to elf... then reality set in and i was stuck as a Dark Knight. :(

    Once you go black, you can never go back.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    edited December 23, 2019
    I wish to change to a Sahagin
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    I wish to change to a Sahagin

    Blop blop.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    I wish to change to a Sahagin

    Oh Kenny, if you want a Sahagin Soul Mate you don't have to be one yourself. Just show them a good time.
  • MabiIn2k19MabiIn2k19
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,390
    Posts: 75
    edited December 24, 2019
    my favourite part about these forums is all the end game discussion when there's almost no one here who is even close to endgame. Human archery is better than elf archery? What reality is that from? Humans are the weakest race right now, then again it's not like anyone here actually runs the content they talk about.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited December 24, 2019
    I don't have any «favourite» part per se but I do find a lot of «irony» (then again that is also apparently true for the entire world-population... especially amongst so-called «skeptics» and politician-behaviour-mimicking government-officials). Humans are the weakest race right now ? What reality is that from...? Then again it's not like people who make such race-comparisons actually play/use both races actively in order make an objective-comparison.
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    my favourite part about these forums is all the end game discussion when there's almost no one here who is even close to endgame. Human archery is better than elf archery? What reality is that from? Humans are the weakest race right now, then again it's not like anyone here actually runs the content they talk about.
    Edit/Addendum : Knowing that just about every war/argument is near-always the result of some kind of mis-understanding, let me use more «objective» language to make a comparison between elves & humans, rather than «subjective» words like better/worse/etc., and it would be that human-archery is more reliable in its accuracy than elf-archery. Even if an elf could land higher DPS according to the «raw-numbers statistics» ...that is only assuming that they are actually hitting their target 100% of the time, which they won't, not on the NA servers anyway. All of that 2 billion points in a single magnum-shot does you no good if you cannot even hit your target, and elves miss their targets, a LOT, when compared to the «accuracy» of their human counter-parts.

    I assume people must think elves are «better» based either on watching Korea-elf-videos or because they are defining «better» in terms of raw potential max damage rather than the in-practice damage that is highly affected by one's accuracy. Humans aim faster than elves and therefore can be said to be more objectively accurate than elves at actually hitting the target. I should probably post as «adult-like» as I can about this and apologise for my over-sight in the subjective «wording» (i.e.: better/worse/etc) that most-certainly leads to a lot of mis-understandings and potentially unnecessary time-wasting arguments (especially now being aware of what kind of influence I have over others by my own examples).