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Multiple bugs - Spirit Weapon Transformations
I'd like to compile a list of bugs people are experiencing, myself included, regarding the Spirit Weapon Transformation Liqueurs that aren't working correctly once applied to the ego.
1) So far I've noticed from my personal experience that it seems that the flare and flame transformations are reversed.
Reasoning : I applied the flame transformation liqueur to my 2h Ego hammer with Moonlight Dream App scroll applied to it, and it seems to be the flare (From what I can tell, that or it's just incredibly terribly designed flames that look like fireworks all over the weapon every couple of seconds?).
2) Not only that, the hit effect is extremely negligible compared next to my friend who has a feather transformation applied to their weapon.
3) Once I applied the Spirit Weapon Transformation Liqueur to the hammer, the floating spirit orb never comes out anymore. Is this intended? Or is this also a bug?
4) While holding the ego, my character does not stand in one spot. It appears as if his feet are sliding in time with his breath back and forth.
2. You need to score a critical hit for the effects to be noticeable when hitting monsters, it's this way to prevent frame drops in parties I presume.
3. Yes it is intended to remove the floating orb.
4. Unrelated to egos specifically, many animations in the game are like this not really a bug so much as a lack of polish though.
Everything listed working as Devcat intends, but personally I certainly agree the effects are underwhelming.
Idk if i'd call this working as intended, the "Little Nova" effect works on crits, but the idle effect is way off from my weapon, floating by itself.