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what is up will all the nasty language and content

Member eldrais
Mabinogi Rep: 1,045
Posts: 34
in General Chat
i'm a just seeing left and right nasty names along with words in parties on channel one in nao


  • Member Kensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Dumb people dumb. That's what it is.
  • Member eldrais
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 34
    edited January 22, 2020
    i heard some people got banned because of those people saying things that weren't true

  • Member Draech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    eldrais wrote: »
    i heard some people got banned because of those people saying things that weren't true

    Don't worry, game companies will never ban a player over rumors that they don't have any evidence of, since they could easily be sued. As long as someone doesn't do anything to break ToS, they won't be banned.
  • Member Huw
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 38
    edited January 22, 2020
    Draech wrote: »
    eldrais wrote: »
    i heard some people got banned because of those people saying things that weren't true

    Don't worry, game companies will never ban a player over rumors that they don't have any evidence of, since they could easily be sued. As long as someone doesn't do anything to break ToS, they won't be banned.

    Doesn't the ToS state that your account is the sole property of the company, that ownership is simply being temporarily given over to you and simply put, they hold the rights to terminate your usage at any given point, for any reason...or something along those lines? If a GM/Nexon Employee didn't like you as a person, nothing could stop them from placing a ban and any protest would be null&void, as you've "read" the License Agreement and confirmed you agree to the conditions listed. Just an example however, as the case just presented it a deterrent to returning customers
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Huw wrote: »
    Draech wrote: »
    eldrais wrote: »
    i heard some people got banned because of those people saying things that weren't true

    Don't worry, game companies will never ban a player over rumors that they don't have any evidence of, since they could easily be sued. As long as someone doesn't do anything to break ToS, they won't be banned.

    Doesn't the ToS state that your account is the sole property of the company, that ownership is simply being temporarily given over to you and simply put, they hold the rights to terminate your usage at any given point, for any reason...or something along those lines? If a GM/Nexon Employee didn't like you as a person, nothing could stop them from placing a ban and any protest would be null&void, as you've "read" the License Agreement and confirmed you agree to the conditions listed. Just an example however, as the case just presented it a deterrent to returning customers

    Excuse me but...that's just BAD business. I can guarantee you that if you get banned it is most certainly for a damn good reason.
  • Member FayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    If you get banned by nexon, you deserved it.
    Also the bugles and party signs you are seeing are just a bunch of little babies who have no life and think they are cool by calling others names online.
  • Member Huw
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 38
    Crims wrote: »
    Huw wrote: »
    Draech wrote: »
    eldrais wrote: »
    i heard some people got banned because of those people saying things that weren't true

    Don't worry, game companies will never ban a player over rumors that they don't have any evidence of, since they could easily be sued. As long as someone doesn't do anything to break ToS, they won't be banned.

    Doesn't the ToS state that your account is the sole property of the company, that ownership is simply being temporarily given over to you and simply put, they hold the rights to terminate your usage at any given point, for any reason...or something along those lines? If a GM/Nexon Employee didn't like you as a person, nothing could stop them from placing a ban and any protest would be null&void, as you've "read" the License Agreement and confirmed you agree to the conditions listed. Just an example however, as the case just presented it a deterrent to returning customers

    Excuse me but...that's just BAD business. I can guarantee you that if you get banned it is most certainly for a damn good reason.

    Most certainty and they would've needed evidence before taking such action. I was just pointing out that just because we follow the guidelines, doesn't mean we're immune to a ban. We don't own anything, not our account, nor any gacha items / pets we've paid for. We've simply paid for access/usage of said pixels. Crazy to think that spending $5,000+ on reforges etc. and you don't legally own those items, just as you pay a few bucks to use a payphone but aren't entitled to anything beyond it's usage.

    On the bright side, at least money doesn't = power and that no matter how much your monthly spendings equate to your still subject to a removal from the platform for bad behavior/practices. Equality for all<3 (I'm rambling on at this point.)
  • Member Alshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Welp if they were to do ban left and right for "any" reason may be it dumb or unreasonable, just spread word, words is pretty powerful at this day of era to ruin a game sale further if this is how they will treat paying customers/playerbase.

    Players have the true hold to a game, and a game closes if no one pays or even plays it.

    Although if no one listens, just give up, they can find out themselves one day. For it all comes down to inevitably.

    I just hope Nexon does not do this, but if they do, you know what you can do folks.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited January 24, 2020
    Does anyone remember the mass ban when we had the dupe crisis? We lost a lot of players, that's why we call those days the dark ages. You think Nexon is bad now? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE WENT THROUGH IN THE FIRST COUPLE OF YEARS LOL.

    They knowwwwwwwww!!!
    (this is now a meme).
  • Member roastedpig
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,040
    Posts: 122
    edited January 23, 2020
    Crims wrote: »
    Does anyone remember the mass ban when we had the dupe crisis? We lost a lot of players, that's why it call those days the dark ages. You think Nexon is bad now? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE WENT THROUGH IN THE FIRST COUPLE OF YEARS LOL.

    They knowwwwwwwww!!!
    (this is now a meme).

    oh very much. the whole reason for a 4yr hiatus xD;
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 23, 2020
    Draech wrote: »
    eldrais wrote: »
    i heard some people got banned because of those people saying things that weren't true

    Don't worry, game companies will never ban a player over rumors that they don't have any evidence of, since they could easily be sued. As long as someone doesn't do anything to break ToS, they won't be banned.

    That's not true at all.

    A lawsuit is costly, particularly if it is against triple A companies that already faced backlash. Even then, the TOS of any company will clearly favor the company as much as possible; the contracts and TOS we sign in order to use their services are meant to protect the company, not us, in the same vein as how human resources seek to protect the company by keeping things within the structure, so to speak.

    No company I have seen has ever intentionally made themselves vulnerable where not required by law to do so. I mean, in the United States, some states simply can fire a worker at will, with no legal obligation to provide reasoning. Do you honestly think that any sort of legal protection applies to gamers?

    We are banned at the discretion of moderators, who themselves are likely bound by the contracts of their employment. That, and they're simply decent people working for an international corporation.
  • Member eldrais
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 34
    thing i heard a person was spreading crap about 2 people doing sexual harassment, yet again seen it myself from some others to another player who was just messing with peoples ign wives. People were harassing him back. So who really knows, but seeing the stuff with the language is a not very good.
  • Member Habimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    Ain't this a rather serious and trending thread... must say : Simply being «rich» isn't an «entitlement» to go on a crime-spree or cause problems for others. Under absolutely NO circumstances does doing «good deeds» erase the «negative deeds» and some people in this community may be familiar with the teachings that quote... «good deeds are like dirty rags before the LORD» and, before anybody gets all uppity on me about so-called religion/politics-talk, I need to qualify my reference here as something based on the Karmic-principle as truth needs no religion...please let me clarify:

    Someone who steals from another, then decides that they're going to donate that equivalent amount, perhaps to some charity, because he somehow thinks that it negates the initial theft is an insane and deluded soul, for NO amount of donating and being generous negates the thief-status, and that theft continues to remain a negative-mark upon one's eternal book-of-life (spiritual/quantum) records until said thief has suffered an equal or equivalent amount of loss for the initial theft (and that also includes all collateral losses/suffering/damages).

    Al Capone apparently built roads and bridges for the community but that still didn't stop the Karmic-Process from biting him in the ass eventually. Adolph Hitler freed the German population from the grip of the loan-shark-style criminal-banksters (purposely spelled that way to reflect how they are like gangsters) to the point where Germany actually became the FIRST and ONLY «nation» to not only have become debt-free, but, also, was able to fund their whole entire military without borrowing (from any bank), but even his time-travel efforts to correct the wrongs of the past could not stop nor thwart the Karmic-processes that eventually also bit him in the ass. George Soros is known to have funded «movements» that might be considered good/beneficial for some/society but he is also known as a world-class white-collar criminal who has plunged multiple countries into utter chaos and «austerity» measures (from which he probably profits from) so there is absolutely no way that he will be able to avoid the future Karmic-consequences for his past (and probably still-present) actions.

    It's not so-called pseudo-science nor is it some religion or any other kind of belief-system as the karmic-principle is based on well-known «scientific» tenet which states that «For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction» and there are other expressions such as «what goes around comes around» and «As you (or your servants) do unto others will also be done unto you» (I actually discussed it quite a bit in previous versions of these forums and maybe it was just a coincidence but eventually the «Karma Coin» cards for NX came out).
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 23, 2020
    eldrais wrote: »
    thing i heard a person was spreading crap about 2 people doing sexual harassment, yet again seen it myself from some others to another player who was just messing with peoples ign wives. People were harassing him back. So who really knows, but seeing the stuff with the language is a not very good.

    Radiant Dawn
  • Member Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited January 23, 2020
    If you see stuff like that, make certain to screenshot the text log and fill out a ticket of player harassment.
    No one wants to see stuff like that drama in chat, so hopefully they lose bugle privileges for that.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited January 24, 2020
    Oh c'mon this is the spice of mabinogi. Let it fester till it spills out on the streets of Dunbarten. XD

    Radiant Dawn
  • Member Huw
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 38
    Crims wrote: »
    Oh c'mon this is the spice of mabinogi. Let it fester till it spills out on the streets of Dunbarten. XD


    Plat rank in Overwatch is less toxic than Mabinogi as it is. You would do well to avoid "festering" anything if possible lmao
  • Member Blissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Crims wrote: »
    Oh c'mon this is the spice of mabinogi. Let it fester till it spills out on the streets of Dunbarten. XD


    Ami Mizuno <3
  • Member Kensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Crims wrote: »
    Oh c'mon this is the spice of mabinogi. Let it fester till it spills out on the streets of Dunbarten. XD


    If they had some etiquette, they would insult using Romeo and Juliet lines.
  • Member Greta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited January 24, 2020
    Why Mabi drama is so cringe?