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What's up with the G23 Special Title Coupon?

Mabinogi Rep: 600
Posts: 20
in General Chat
I just started looking at G23 and according to the wiki when you complete part 1 you can get a Special Title Coupon if you have enough contribution. I can't find any description of the coupon on the wiki, though. Could someone explain what it does?


  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited January 25, 2020
    It makes the Storm Strider title, that's the title you get from clearing G23, have an extra +30 HP and a special visual effect causing stormclouds and lightning to appear around your character's feet.

    You get the coupon from the City Flood Relief quest if you decide to end the sidequest and collect your reward after earning at least 3,000 Contribution Points from giving Shayla the necessary items for the quest.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    I completed the G23 and still have the relief quest, so you can complete it anytime, unless you already complete it at the minimal requirement then that just means you lost your chance for good. Unless you make another character to do it.

    There are other goodies for reaching the max requirement, a doll bag.
  • HuwHuw
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 38
    Alshian wrote: »
    I completed the G23 and still have the relief quest, so you can complete it anytime, unless you already complete it at the minimal requirement then that just means you lost your chance for good. Unless you make another character to do it.

    There are other goodies for reaching the max requirement, a doll bag.

    To further quote this, the the specific goodie thresholds.However, I would like some conformation about the AP potion, as will it only give 10% of it's own threshold, i.e 50ap, or is it the total contribution when you go to claim the reward, potentially giving us a 500ap pot if we reach 5k contribution?

    - 500 Contribution: AP Potion equivalent to 10% of total contribution.
    - 1,000 Contribution: Virtuous Briogh Crystals of Achievement x5, Noble Briogh Crystals of Challenge x5, and Glorious Briogh Crystals of Discipline x5
    - 3,000 Contribution: Special Title Coupon.
    - 5,000 Contribution: Far Darrig Doll Bag Coupon.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    The AP Potion will give 10% of your contribution.
    This is 50 AP if you redeem your rewards at the minimum level of 500 and 500 AP if you redeem it at the maximum of 5,000.

    If you have 5,000 Contribution, this is the message you'll see when you go to claim your reward from Shayla.

  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    would be nice if it gives 30 noble briogh for the first level up on a tech yea?