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Can doki doki flight be used in dungeons
Do they agro BEFORE you land?
I think wyverns can only attack you if you're using a flying pet. Even if they aggro you while you're using one of the flying actions, they shouldn't be able to touch you. As for field raid bosses, I believe you either cannot enter the zone or they force flight cancellation.
As for regular field bosses in fly zone on Uladh, you can try over or into them as you please, Tir and Dunbarton.
Let me add more to your question. If they do aggro before you land, is it during flight or while hovering?
how do i know this.....i'm currently lying at the feet of the Lion Raid Boss impressing him with my bleeding skill ....i was fine until i hit the V which essentially puts you on the ground even though you're floating above it a few feet....that big ol kitty widdy took me out while i was floating there soiling myself
in short....you can fly to, and in, the battle zone....just don't hit V to land unless you are serious about it
If you were quick about it, could you get more time, on the ground, next to him, before being agroed than if you just ran up to him?
Would a non-elf have time to land and use things like, crisis escape, sand burst, lullaby, or raincasting?
I can't speak for the other skills, but if a Field Boss aggros you as soon as you land, you won't have time to use Rain Casting.