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The new Cave of Trials


  • Member Nilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Sherri wrote: »
    Succubus Queen is impossible without FH, she keeps spamming heal smh

    By heal you mean the part where she absorbs the illusion of your character?
    That part is cheap enough normally, but during the trials since she doesn't have an HP bar down at the bottom of the screen, you can't even see how many crits you need to cancel it.
    So I took the advice I'd heard of just using a Chain Blade and using Anchor Rush with the timing to make it so that you've got invinc frames when your illusion actually reaches her. I'm not sure if it stops her healing, but it keeps you from taking that damage and receiving an instant Lv3 Safeguard debuff.

    As a user of that method I can confirm it doesn't stop the healing.

    Wound damage and setting up burst is key.
    Avoiding safeguard is the most important factor.
  • Member Kaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    Finished it on my first go with magic /cough hailstorm
    Radiant Dawn
  • Member Habimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited March 21, 2020
    After some Trial-and-Error I managed to reach the Succubus-Queen. Duke surprised me with that cheet-move the second time which I had no idea at the time was an insta-kill attack. I do not particularly have the best of gear (lots of «Welfare» equipment... some of which still needs to be upgraded [like at a Black-Smith/Weapon-Smith]), but, for what it's worth, some of the «strategies» that I used to get to the Succubus-Queen on the 3rd run :

    Until Duke...: Most of these should be do-able for most people without having to use much strategy so skipping...

    Versus Duke : Most-effective for me was just running around the perimeter of the room with r1 Spell-Walk activated and full-charging Fire-Ice Fusion-Bolt with a full-upgraded Phoenix Fire-Wand in order to periodically Sequence-Hit Burst-Damage him, chug down potions if/when needed (for more Stamina due to how quickly Spell-Walk drains the Stamina), then keep rinsing and repeating until that Master-Lich spawns with all of its minions.

    Against the Master-Lich : ...because I have so much insane «catch-up work» to do to be able to one-shot anything like so many of you seem to be able to do these days, I am forced to think of other ways to beat tough opponents, and, due to being an elf, tanking damages is out of the question. For this guy, I basically used Crisis-Escape at the edge of the room, got out my trusty Phoenix-Wand (Fire), charged up Fire-Ball, activated Spell-Walk, spam-clicked the target, and as soon as the Fire-Ball launched, I ran right back to the edge of the room, activating Crisis-Escape right before anything could hit me and reset the in-combat counter-timer. Spell-Walk was usually de-activated if/when I had time to either right after launching the Fire-Ball or right after using Crisis-Escape (for purposes of conserving on Stamina & thus Stamina-Pots). Then the Master-Lich's minions (Blue Ghasts) and himself would walk back into position towards the centre-ish of the room before my Crisis-Escape wore off which allowed me to rinse & repeat until my Meteor-Strike finally came off cool-down after hitting him (and his minions) with Fire-Ball a dozen or so times and I then finished the job with a cast of Meteor-Strike.

    Ran out of time after trying to fight the Succubus-Queen for around 11-12 minutes. Perhaps I'll try Chain-Blade on her next time instead of Guns...
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,365
    Posts: 9,218
    My go to method has always been hit them hard and fast, tank it, tank, tank, tank! lol. :D
  • Member Mizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    I finally beat it. Boss 14 and 15 require a careful approach with hit-and-run tactics with a chain blade. Keep 1 fodder alive from Boss 14 to prepare for the boss 15.
  • Member Rayka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,775
    Posts: 132
    edited March 22, 2020
    Crims wrote: »
    My go to method has always been hit them hard and fast, tank it, tank, tank, tank! lol. :D

    how to tank 15 wave bosses? or how to kill them as Human?

    as for me as Human with stat that can reach 1k dmg i can clear all wave except 15... clearly FH can't solve it as they hit so hard that i die before i kill them, any good method to kill em?

    as for advice,Master Lich use wing of eclipse from morrigan demigod or the tech that give immune to knock out then spam FH

    Succ Queen Spamming FH until it run out, if FH end and she is still alive run away from her and keep spamming Crisis Escape until Final Hit cd is done , keep and repeat she die easily and the most time wasting boss of the dungeon if you don't have proper dmg to kill her in 1 FH, oh right Anchor Rush is good vs her soul calling skill

    edit: while in FH vs Succ Queen better have Eclipse or Tech Immunity active to avoid getting freezed by Ice Spear, and when she use the balls skill run away from her after she fire it use FH to get closer to avoid completely the balls from hitting you
  • Member Kisaraya
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 106
    It sucks. The Queen cheats. To the point I'm ready to leave Mabinogi. Why? Four reasons...
    1.) The succubus queen (a boss that requires 4 people normally) you have to fight solo, and basically not get hit...
    2.) Not only can she chain cast spells, but apparently all 3 advanced spells at once.
    3.) She is aware that the event is timed and will use tactics to specifically wear out the clock. (She floated for 3 minutes at once to avoid attack)
    4.) Not only does she ultra aggro you if you're in range (which is past 2000), but seems to have perfect accuracy, and many times you are unable to even move to avoid.

    I would like to see the developers be required to play this repeatedly for six hours before they release it. Look I know the developers don't think we're worth spit. We're just wallets for money. That many time developers go "Oh check out this insanity, oh someone beat it, let's make it HARDER!" What they should realize though is eventually when people try nearly everything they have and still run into a wall. They quit. Maybe they don't care. Eventually though, when people stop playing, and the population reduces. If it reduces enough the game gets closed down or put in a permanent low population state (See Guild Wars). Or they go make something else. Maybe it's my fault for supporting games and developers that like to abuse the population, and just don't care.
  • Member Soll
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,330
    Posts: 145
    Kisaraya wrote: »
    That many time developers go "Oh check out this insanity, oh someone beat it, let's make it HARDER!" What they should realize though is eventually when people try nearly everything they have and still run into a wall. They quit. Maybe they don't care. Eventually though, when people stop playing, and the population reduces. If it reduces enough the game gets closed down or put in a permanent low population state (See Guild Wars). Or they go make something else. Maybe it's my fault for supporting games and developers that like to abuse the population, and just don't care.

    Be happy this is just an event that doesn't really give anything worthwhile aside from bragging rights.
    newer Generations and actual permanent content, though....

  • Member dowie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,800
    Posts: 184
    succubus queen requires 30 hits to break illusion. You can do it fairly easily if you use way of the gun. It's pretty sketchy without it.
  • Member Nilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    edited March 22, 2020
    Kisaraya wrote: »
    It sucks. The Queen cheats. To the point I'm ready to leave Mabinogi. Why? Four reasons...
    1.) The succubus queen (a boss that requires 4 people normally) you have to fight solo, and basically not get hit...
    2.) Not only can she chain cast spells, but apparently all 3 advanced spells at once.
    3.) She is aware that the event is timed and will use tactics to specifically wear out the clock. (She floated for 3 minutes at once to avoid attack)
    4.) Not only does she ultra aggro you if you're in range (which is past 2000), but seems to have perfect accuracy, and many times you are unable to even move to avoid.

    I would like to see the developers be required to play this repeatedly for six hours before they release it. Look I know the developers don't think we're worth spit. We're just wallets for money. That many time developers go "Oh check out this insanity, oh someone beat it, let's make it HARDER!" What they should realize though is eventually when people try nearly everything they have and still run into a wall. They quit. Maybe they don't care. Eventually though, when people stop playing, and the population reduces. If it reduces enough the game gets closed down or put in a permanent low population state (See Guild Wars). Or they go make something else. Maybe it's my fault for supporting games and developers that like to abuse the population, and just don't care.

    Fun fact about Cave of Trials Succubus Queen is that it feels noticeably weaker than actual phantasm queen.
    Normally I have to worry about potentially taking damage against her. Ice Spear on fire gear normally hurts.

    But really, most people that have been consistently training themselves (I don't mean running just daily SMs and nothing else) shouldn't have too much trouble fighting the Queen at this point. At least the Event Trials version where she is completely solo.
    Especially after that Winter Master Plan event raining AP and the Potter event handing out enough resources to 200/50 effortlessly.
    The entire reason it "takes a party" in phantasm is because of the fiends and wraith, and doing it with less than 4 or even solo becomes easier as updates arrive.

    Lich is honestly the bigger worry in the first 10 fights. And I guess Duke with his instant kill potential.
    The Queen just makes people wait a bunch.

    So in a nutshell: Succubus Queen herself isn't that hard, remember that stats matter. And do G22. Dampen helps.

    If you still want to throw yourself at Queen though, here are some general tips:
    The Queen has a habit of sometimes just....standing still. Often before suddenly deciding to do something but she is wide open to attack. She also does less damage than Lich in many cases, tanking her shouldn't be an issue if you made it this far unless you just ignore protection entirely. Yes, even as a dang elf. Get some armor or mana shield.

    The meteor attack in Trials is pure annoyance, but if you position yourself correctly it is avoidable.
    The main danger of it shouldn't be the damage, but safeguard stacks.

    The only magic you need to worry about is Ice Spear. You can outrun fireball and if you for some reason can't tank that thunder you need to work on your Int and Will stats. If a Chain user, you can Anchor Rush to avoid hits from thunder. She can only load ONE spell at a time.

    The floating is her meteor attack, to make it end faster don't make her chase you around before she throws them. If time is still an issue it brings one's damage into question and you might just have to accept your placement if you can't find a way to hit harder in the cave meant to test how strong you are. If you expect to survive past Queen you should be one shotting the first few bosses and 2-3 most up to Duke and Lich.

    Succubus Queen is incapable of being aware of the event when using her meteor attack. She does it in phantasm too.

    Succubus Queen's aggro is indeed high, almost as if she is a boss meant for a larger arena and programmed to not lose track of you.
    As for trying to avoid her attacks, you can in fact bait out many of her strikes. This can be used to your advantage.

    The only real thing to be alarmed about in Cave of Trials when against Queen is her illusion attack since you can't force cancel it with pets like you can in phantasm.
    While it won't stop her from healing non-wounded HP, pulling out a chain blade to time an anchor rush when your soul touches her can prevent the damage and safeguard ailment from this attack.

    Have fun after she dies when Song of Grief appears.
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,365
    Posts: 9,218
    Kisaraya wrote: »
    It sucks. The Queen cheats. To the point I'm ready to leave Mabinogi. Why? Four reasons...
    1.) The succubus queen (a boss that requires 4 people normally) you have to fight solo, and basically not get hit...
    2.) Not only can she chain cast spells, but apparently all 3 advanced spells at once.
    3.) She is aware that the event is timed and will use tactics to specifically wear out the clock. (She floated for 3 minutes at once to avoid attack)
    4.) Not only does she ultra aggro you if you're in range (which is past 2000), but seems to have perfect accuracy, and many times you are unable to even move to avoid.

    I would like to see the developers be required to play this repeatedly for six hours before they release it. Look I know the developers don't think we're worth spit. We're just wallets for money. That many time developers go "Oh check out this insanity, oh someone beat it, let's make it HARDER!" What they should realize though is eventually when people try nearly everything they have and still run into a wall. They quit. Maybe they don't care. Eventually though, when people stop playing, and the population reduces. If it reduces enough the game gets closed down or put in a permanent low population state (See Guild Wars). Or they go make something else. Maybe it's my fault for supporting games and developers that like to abuse the population, and just don't care.

    Her spells don't bother me - I actually prefer it. Her safe guard is honestly the only annoying part. Wounding her is the same key as the same in phantasm. At safe guard 1 or 2 I am still fine. But that safe guard 3 really hampers things.
  • Member Rayka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,775
    Posts: 132
    edited March 23, 2020
    Mizuko wrote: »
    I finally beat it. Boss 14 and 15 require a careful approach with hit-and-run tactics with a chain blade. Keep 1 fodder alive from Boss 14 to prepare for the boss 15.

    how did you kill last bosses? i mean chain skills pin you down on ground because of animation which leave open weakness to enemies

    edit:i believe duke is really easy to kill yet i still see people get oneshotted by his skill.... her 1shot skill go in action when he go down under ground then get up from it to avoid it just simple keep moving after move out from where he appear he jut became a pole/sandbag for you to hit

    and Succ Queen i know and everyone know she is a bs in this dungeon mostly her presence is like a limiter that prevent weak players to past her ,so far only high dmg players can go past her in 1 go,low dmg just get stucked in a time wasting game
  • Member Helsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,880
    Rayka wrote: »
    . . . a limiter that prevent weak players to past her ,so far only high dmg players can go past her in 1 go,low dmg just get stucked in a time wasting game

    <sarcasm>But that would mean that Mabinogi, as designed, doesn't reward cleverness or patience, in combat, and only values raw power; say it isn't so. If raw power is all it takes to succeed, then that's like always playing the game in God Mode. And if you do that, your skill at playing it atrophies. That would mean that some end-of-game top-tier players don't fight in any clever way; they just take their hits, not bothering to try to dodge, but dish out more that they receive and so, in spite of themselves, come out on top. No, that can't be right!</sarcasm>
  • Member Rayka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,775
    Posts: 132
    Helsa wrote: »
    Rayka wrote: »
    . . . a limiter that prevent weak players to past her ,so far only high dmg players can go past her in 1 go,low dmg just get stucked in a time wasting game

    <sarcasm>But that would mean that Mabinogi, as designed, doesn't reward cleverness or patience, in combat, and only values raw power; say it isn't so. If raw power is all it takes to succeed, then that's like always playing the game in God Mode. And if you do that, your skill at playing it atrophies. That would mean that some end-of-game top-tier players don't fight in any clever way; they just take their hits, not bothering to try to dodge, but dish out more that they receive and so, in spite of themselves, come out on top. No, that can't be right!</sarcasm>

    unlucky Succ Queen is a end game boss even if weakened in the event dungeon because of unreasonable Debuff Stack at lv3 you do almost no dmg, which mean the main way to beat her is having good amount of raw dmg and rush it her before the debuff stack.

    ofc is not like is not allowed to use cleverness to beat her but this is based if you have enough stat for it, i mean is impossible a new character lv1 can beat Succ Queen no matter what at same time this is a time based dungeon which mean you can't Slowly kill her by chipping dmg

    as many people saying there's hint on how to confront her (as human)

    because of her heal ability meele/ranged skills are must vs her to inflict wounds

    Anchor Rush can save you from her soul calling skill from dmg you and stacking debuff

    Crisis Escape is good skill for FH user, having high rank Crisis you can stop her from spamming Meteor attack at same time avoid to get hit while getting fh cd

    while in FH is possible avoid her balls atk by running away from her then teleport to her when she fire them off

    THEN AGAIN everything are Based IF you have Good Amount of Raw Damage to support it afterall this is a rush dungeon with time
  • Member FayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    The queen in the trials is not the same one from the dungeon.
    Also I'v been able to defeat her with MS+Spellwalk+Thunder spamming (lv50 erg lv100 ego staff)
  • Member Mizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Rayka wrote: »
    Mizuko wrote: »
    I finally beat it. Boss 14 and 15 require a careful approach with hit-and-run tactics with a chain blade. Keep 1 fodder alive from Boss 14 to prepare for the boss 15.

    how did you kill last bosses? i mean chain skills pin you down on ground because of animation which leave open weakness to enemies

    edit:i believe duke is really easy to kill yet i still see people get oneshotted by his skill.... her 1shot skill go in action when he go down under ground then get up from it to avoid it just simple keep moving after move out from where he appear he jut became a pole/sandbag for you to hit

    and Succ Queen i know and everyone know she is a bs in this dungeon mostly her presence is like a limiter that prevent weak players to past her ,so far only high dmg players can go past her in 1 go,low dmg just get stucked in a time wasting game

    Thanks to convenient timing with pally trans/demigod form, Anchor Rush and Chain Sweep gives you invincible frames, so spam Chain Sweep as much as possible. Always watch your HP and MP if you make reckless moves (which I nearly screw up on that part.) Better mobility, Chain Sweep, high damage, and proper techniques usage (Technique System) can clear the trials.

    Succ Queen is more of a gamble for me. If you are not strong enough or you have been debuffed too long, exit out. Dual Guns with very fast DPS is a situational way to deal with her. I tried to outsmart the AI and few of it succeeded for me to kill it. (Like make the queen snapcast Fireball and not launch it.)

    Duke is no threat to me when I am carefully serious.
    For Master Lich, I used Defensive Techniques set and FH to finish it.

    I beat it with 10 minutes remaining.
  • Member Habimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited March 24, 2020
    Random Non-Pro-Tip : If you got Golden-Experience-Fruit in your inventory (100% or higher) they're like Full-Recovery Potions.
    Edit: Never-Mind. Cave does not let you eat during Trial... scratch that idea... =o
  • Member Rayka
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,775
    Posts: 132
    edited March 25, 2020
    Mizuko wrote: »
    Rayka wrote: »
    Mizuko wrote: »
    I finally beat it. Boss 14 and 15 require a careful approach with hit-and-run tactics with a chain blade. Keep 1 fodder alive from Boss 14 to prepare for the boss 15.

    how did you kill last bosses? i mean chain skills pin you down on ground because of animation which leave open weakness to enemies

    edit:i believe duke is really easy to kill yet i still see people get oneshotted by his skill.... her 1shot skill go in action when he go down under ground then get up from it to avoid it just simple keep moving after move out from where he appear he jut became a pole/sandbag for you to hit

    and Succ Queen i know and everyone know she is a bs in this dungeon mostly her presence is like a limiter that prevent weak players to past her ,so far only high dmg players can go past her in 1 go,low dmg just get stucked in a time wasting game

    Thanks to convenient timing with pally trans/demigod form, Anchor Rush and Chain Sweep gives you invincible frames, so spam Chain Sweep as much as possible. Always watch your HP and MP if you make reckless moves (which I nearly screw up on that part.) Better mobility, Chain Sweep, high damage, and proper techniques usage (Technique System) can clear the trials.

    Succ Queen is more of a gamble for me. If you are not strong enough or you have been debuffed too long, exit out. Dual Guns with very fast DPS is a situational way to deal with her. I tried to outsmart the AI and few of it succeeded for me to kill it. (Like make the queen snapcast Fireball and not launch it.)

    Duke is no threat to me when I am carefully serious.
    For Master Lich, I used Defensive Techniques set and FH to finish it.

    I beat it with 10 minutes remaining.

    i finished it too used fb spam with spell walk while running at corner of wall to prevent teleport on face, after killed 1 the rest of 2 i spammed fh + mana shield, Briu-something(the succ girl) she was like a pole the whole time never used Th, just fireball and IS while by running around the wall made impossible to target me, the main dmg source was werewolf and ogre, recommend to use speed pot or demigod for move speed

    best way to wear off debuff stack from succ queen is using Crisis Escape i really recommend it
  • Member Habimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    I finally won against Queen-Succubus as of my last Trial-Pass today not too long ago. Good grief... even the next two fights combined took less time than fighting her (although I got pwnt near-immediately on Round 14 which wouldn't have really made much difference anyway since the clock was displaying as 00:00 time remaining by the time I arrived at Cessair's Heart and her harem-band of merry Unknown Men all loading Final-Hit as I jumped up to Chain-Sweep).

    If you're not one of those fully decked out people who can sleep through Lord-Caves and still clear all 3 runs in less than a minute then you basically have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL not to get hit by her debuff (not more than once or twice in the whole battle anyway). Not only that, when she summons your spirit, you must apparently be consistently extremely accurate to Anchor-Rush yourself out of the damage (which would give you the FULL debuff if you failed to negate it with the invincible-frames). I still needed to use a Weapon Power-Potion and two (yes, TWO) of those Movement-Speed Potions that sometimes come out of the Conqueror's Chest in order to be able to finally strip her off of all her clothes without the timer running out (okay, the clothes-stripping bit is either just an exaggeration or a metaphorical-expression, not actually what happened [clothes in this game never seem to burn no matter how many times you get hit by fireballs ;o]).

    Most or maybe half the entire fight consisted of running, and running, and running around, and running away, and running in an oblique/elliptical-pattern, and then running some more, and missing half the time when she missed her Butterfly Punch during my counter-attack attempts, then running some more...
  • Member dowie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,800
    Posts: 184
    xqAprrW.png finally got it done. Not really a fan of wolf being able to hit for 10k tho. 40% event move speed pot and just hit and run with guns for ogre then werewolf then just final hit last one down.