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[FWD]Chameleon Ladle

Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
Posts: 289
edited May 18, 2020 in Forwarded Bugs
I wanted to do some in-game cooking right meow with the Large Ladle I received from Glewyas during one of G16 missions. But I've noticed that it changes its color every time I switch weapon slots, depending on what is being equipped. When the weapon slot with the ladle is active, it looks normal, but when I switch to the weapon slot without it, it switches its color to the one of a secondary item that's being used, even if it's in a different weapon slot.
To make it more clear, here's a list of what I've checked so far:
Slot I: Large Ladle + Cooking Pot, Slot II: Empty Bottle. When slot I is inactive, the ladle takes the pot's main color.
Slot I: Large Ladle, Slot II: Empty Bottle + Cooking Pot. When slot I is inactive, the ladle takes the pot's main color.
Slot I: Empty Bottle, Slot II: Large Ladle + Cooking Table. When slot II is inactive, the ladle takes the table's main color.
Slot I: Empty Bottle + Cooking Pot, Slot II: Large Ladle + Cooking Table. When slot II is inactive, the ladle takes the table's main color.
Slot I: nothing + MabiNovel, Slot II: Large Ladle. When slot II is inactive, the ladle takes the book's main color.
So, it's quite clear that the ladle is taking the color of an equipped secondary item, preferably the one in the same slot with it, but if there's none, then the one in another slot. More than that, when you change another slot's secondary item while the ladle's slot is being inactive and the ladle has taken something's color, it doesn't change the color at once.q1mmTzy1f1g.jpg It only changes its color when you deactivate the weapon slot it is in, and turns back to its normal one when you activate its slot. The normal color of the ladle is shown on the following screenshot.
I'm sorry for flooding this topic with pictures, but I'm trying to provide as much intel as I can, including the visual part.
Thank you for the attention.


  • MusicatMusicat
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
    Posts: 289
    edited April 21, 2020
    Update.When I took off the pot, leaving ladle the only equipped weapon, the ladle took the pot's color.
    Slot I: nothing, Slot II: Large Ladle. When slot II is inactive, the ladle takes the color of the last chameleonized item.
  • KaaliaKaalia
    Mabinogi Rep: 545
    Posts: 7
    Member, Nexon
    Thanks for the report!