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My Little Pet Update Site
The first of summer's major updates has been revealed! My Little Pet will focus on understanding the different
Pet Types, assembling teams of pets to go out on
Pet Expeditions and fetch the many treasures of the world, and pampering pets with brand new
Pet Homes. Check it out here on the website

Also I'm not sure if my menagerie of pets covers EVERY pet type, but it probably won't matter in the end.
This'll be an interesting way to get some goodies and passively train pets. Well, maybe!
ಠ wಠ Let us get started.
A little wary to be, but I am excited XD Been looking forward to this one~
Time to clean out the homestead again XP
I'm trying to clean mine. It's quite a challenge.
I will find a way to accommodate mine.
This is what mine looks like right now. Rebuilding it completely in anticipation of the update. The X shows me where the center is and probably where I am going to focus the majority of those new items and probably try to rebuild my forest around them so I don't have to see that background as badly.
I guess my homestead is going to become a pet daycare center. Gotta love them power creeps though. I got all the woodboards and finest fabric together. Working on all of the finest firewood atm. So where are these other pet mats going to come from?
Thinking on it, last time we had any sort of real pet sale was back in January?
live, but was it asked whether or not we need to go through all levels for the pet houses or could we just jump right into the highest level? Like instead of building a lvl 1 cushion, we could just choose to build lvl 4 right off the bat (provided that we have all the mats).