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[COMPLETED] Scheduled Maintenance - July 16th
Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on Thursday, July 16th. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 7:00 AM PDT and last approximately 4 hours.
Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.
- Time -
Thursday, July 16th
Pacific (PDT, UTC-7): 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Eastern (EDT, UTC-4): 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
To address the following:
- Weekly server upkeep.
- Master your pets! The power of the Fynn finally arrives. Implementing the Pawsitively Elite Training (P.E.T.) Part 1 update!
- Celebrate the arrival of the Peculiar Children! The Pet Trainer Event and accompanying mini-games begin!
- Let's go fishing with Camping Papa and his family! The Family Weekend Fishing Event returns!
- Ramp up this season with a cuddly new companion, including fun-loving pets like the Wizard Corgi and Warrior Corgi! The Summer Lovely Pet Box sale starts tomorrow.
- Level up faster with the Shopkeeper's Sale: Lorna's Growth Package!
- Did you manage to collect your stamps? The Point Attendance Event is ending.
- The squad members thank you for your help in their training! The Baltane Squad Training Event is ending.
- Now that the preparations are complete, the Pet Master's Order Event is ending!
- Caw, caw. The Crow Feather Box sale is ending.
- The Shopkeeper's Sale: Squire Recruitment Scroll sale is ending.
- Processing of requested name changes. Note: The Name Change submission site will be unavailable after 7:00 AM PDT time, and will be available after the maintenance.
The Mabinogi Team

Family fishing is back? Why I still have over a 1000 boxes from last time!
Is this the fishing event that gave out Lost Boy's Boxes?
If so I still have like 1,000 of those little 1x1 boxes left unopened from last time. xD
Also geez this update's bringing a lot of similarly named things.
There's of course Fynn and Fynni. Not to be confused with each other or things like Pihne the Alban Knight or Pin the fairy mentioned in the in-game book The Tale of Ifan the Rich. (Which makes me wonder if that's a localization error and his name is supposed to be Fynn)
And of course the Peculiar Children, one of which is named Pinkie, not to be confused with Treasure Hunter's Gorilla Pinky.
Wait, you might be totally right, haha. I think it's supposed to be Fynn the Fairy. Before we localized the term for this update, it was Pin instead of Fynn and Pynni instead of Fynni.
There're other things like that in other older books as well.
Like the Musical Knowledge rA -> r9 book "Musicians of Erinn" has more than a couple of out of date localizations.
Like Maurus instead of Mores.
Zavkiel instead of Jabchiel.
Avkan instead of Abcan.
Corple instead of Cairbre.
Enn is referred to as male in that old book, even though she isn't in her appearance in the Memento storyline.
And oh boy some of the very very old Seal Stone Research Almanac books sold by Aeira have some very off-sounding text.
Like the Ciar one's ending words: "If you are a person with 35 of physical strength, run to Ciar Dungeon and try to test your capability. Blessing the Aton Cimeni and Morrighan to you read this book..."
Well for now I'm looking forward to this upcoming update for sure.
Blessing the Aton Cimeni that the maint goes off without a hitch.
Mostly hoping on that latter, but at least I can sell any version of the first XD
That's about the best I can ever hope outta these things, so.
Now that's very Fynni, or rather Pynni.
Today's bad puns.