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Sidhe echostone upgrades broken
when completing sidhe sometimes the advance , awake and fragment menu will close on its own. when it does this the menus will break and you can no longer upgrade or w/e
it also causes you inv to bug and you cant move anything around
a work around for this in the mean time ive found is if you have a item on your mouse when the bug happens it wont break any menus
Thank you for telling us.
-Complete Sidhe Finnachaid.
-Summon a Pet that has undergone Fynn Sync at least once and is able to use the Rest Skill.
-Open the Echostone upgrade menu (by clicking the music box at the end of Sidhe Finnachaid), any will do.
-Have your summoned pet use Rest, either by waiting for it to do so on its own, or by prompting it to do so.
There appear to be other existing variations of this bug from long before any Pet Talent-related changes, apparently caused by Divine Link.