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Anyone else out there find the Shooting Rush dan 3 test impossible to do? I've been working at it for days, and some days i can barely get an A score. Dang goblins aggro like crazy and deal some massive damage; i have to eventually reload, and i can't outrun the little buggers cause they're faster than me! Even when i try to lure them to a corner to hit them all in a crowd, i gotta find that reload circle, and it's not always convenient to run too before i'm getting bashed around by goblins again. I realize Dan ranking isn't necessary, but if you're like me and like to max out your skills when you can, then i think you can understand how frustrating something like this is starting to become to me!
In comparison, the Flash Launcher dan 3 test was a piece of cake!
Anyone know of any secret tricks to get that SS score ya need for this dan test? Just to add, i am a human; not an elf or giant.
I think it would be a serious help to start adding Crisis Escape as a skill to dan tests
@BanazaiSabre switch to barehands to get most heals, and let the bear buff up 2-3 times before buffing chick. To buff bear you avoid healing during the countdown, and to buff chicken you just need 1 heal during the countdown. I forgot if there was a way to force trigger the countdown or not. Mostly focus on getting a lot of heals on a low hp chick.
@Terek I can't really remember much problems with shooting rush and I did it as a human. I may have tried using other skills to help lower mob hp (like windmill) before finishing with shooting rush. Definitely need to time way of the gun and reloads very well. Something about grouping mobs in a certain way is coming into my mind too.
EDIT: Looking at a quick video I recall grouping mobs in a way that shooting rush is reset upon going over the white light, and then doing multiple shooting rush in a row. Since we are humans we need to hit the light during the animation most times instead of trying to walk to it from a distance. Avoid wasting shooting rush on 1-2 enemies and use flash launcher or other skills for them, so you get the 6+ enemies requirement more often.
I might add that i've found pot-making rather tricky too. Although there is a page that tells you how to get it done by telling you who to target, but at least dan 3 healing seems to have comic relief to it XD