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so with 3 days left and having logged in for everyday as well as having all the extra c7 rewards stickers are you telling me it is impossible to complete all 4 boards for the wings because of the dupe system and not having been able to complete a board without having over 40+ stickers being dupes.......?
Anyway, here are some of my opinions about this bingo event.
The duplicate system needs an adjustment in the future. Requiring 5 duplicates just to be able to choose one slot makes it feel like your efforts earning all of those stickers in a day have gone to waste. How do we earn stickers? We log-in, ok no problem. Then we stay for 2 hours and 30 minutes or so to get 5 stickers. Ok, manageable. You also have to do the daily quest, alright no problem for most people. Then you need to do the caravan repair job, which is a Pet Expedition activity requiring specific pets. Not everyone has a variety of pets, especially of the small flying kind, but it should be ok for people who have invested somewhat in the game. And from this Pet Expedition quest, you get an Advanced (or Hard Mode) dungeon pass, which is something you'll have to clear to get another sticker. Even if you're already an experienced player who can kill most monsters in Hard Mode dungeons in a few hits, it still takes a long time to finish one Hard Mode dungeon simply due to how many rooms each floor has. In short, you go through all the trouble of earning 9 stickers a day, only to be met by 5 to 9 duplicates at the end of the day. Not exactly very... exciting.
In my personal opinion, the bingo event would have been more FUN if the participants had a higher chance of actually completing the four bingo cards. Let's say for the duplicates, change it to just requiring 2 duplicates to get fill one new slot of your choosing. When it comes to games and enjoyment factor, people have more fun playing when there's a real chance for them to succeed and earn the big prize. Even if they lose and don't get the big prize, as long as they made it to the final round, there would still be this sense of satisfaction, a sense of "Hey I didn't totally lose, I almost won!". Unfortunately for the way this bingo event worked, you don't even need to be halfway through the game just to know you won't have a chance to complete the fourth card. Personally, by the second card and at the rate by which I was getting too many duplicates, I already knew that even reaching the fourth card was going to require perfect no-duplicate sticker days, which is basically impossible. In short, halfway through the game, I already lost the excitement to win the prize. I was simply doing it as some kind of routine and to open those Doubcha boxes, which I still find quite fun.
In conclusion, for future events, I really hope the event developers would give us players more of a sense that we can actually win the big prize instead of us already seeing that we won't make it and we're just halfway through it. It's more about keeping the excitement levels high. It's not about just winning the big prize. It's the fun factor, the thrill of completing tasks, it's about seeing the progress that we're making on a daily basis as we're crawling towards the big prize. If we see that our efforts at least paid off and got us near the big prize, then that would still leave a very satisfied and accomplished feeling to most players. We know that we all can't win the best prizes. What we just need is to feel that the daily efforts we've been making the past few weeks would at least amount to something that got us to the big one, the goal, the target. It's about making us feel "Yes, we put our best in it, and even if we didn't get the big prize, it sure felt fun and exciting!"
In the end, the main purpose of events is supposed to be fun. It's not always the prize. The best way to make people feel happy and satisfied in the end even if they didn't win is to give their efforts a sense of meaning.
my problem is that with the master plan event you have to wait and do all the weekly stuff just to have enough to get like 1 of the wings from the store... but with this bingo event i would have rather it have been guaranteed to give an item like this because it will actually help in combat and not just be fashion.... but yet the handful of people that will get them will just try and sell for an ungodly amount and the "only" players that will be able to afford or have them will already be that top 1% that is just trying to min max their op builds or flex...
i have fun trying to do content yet it is demoralizing when i know that it will and have taken me hours to do something most people can clear in less than 5mins.
why even have it say here are the 4 rewards upon completion if they arent even all obtainable.. and then gonna have to wait literal years for another chance at something like certain things again
i thought those wings were untradable and had expirations but still like several years ago