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Move Erinn server to east side for better ping
Please move servers from Oregon.Most European play on 180ms+ delay making some stuff very hard to do due to the delay of the server being so far away particularly dan skill stuff and some other spam intensive skills like crack shot.Please consider moving the servers to the east side of america like NY,Boston,chicago,New yersey this would at least lower the ping for the rest of the players mainly eu and east side of america because at the moment it's just west side of america that has any resemblence of good ping while the rest of us suffer.This way we would have ping of 110-125 ms which would be way more playable for eu and west side would have decent ping too.If we reference this website where it shows the underwater high speed internet cables you would see why the internet i so slow getting to the west side from eu while the east side is way more connected.
By the cable map there are cables leading out of Halifax, including one to Boston.