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I do not think that mabi should use big developers to advertise this game and this is why. I do not believe that bigger content creators that are so well Spoiled in finely polished games and better graphics and easy mechanics should not be streaming Mabi to 100+ people AND paid by Mabi to do so(correct me if I am wrong). The reason for my thinking is this, you have someone who has 0 real interest in the game and will pick out 300 different flaws of a really old game because it does not compare to their 2019+ games and tell that to 100+ people so their followers will blindly follow without trying out the game for them self and mark this game as a "Poop or Dead game". The learning curve for mabi Dare I say it, IS WAY TO LARGE FOR MODERN DAY POINT CLICK STREAMERS. I want to confidently say if mabi REALLY wants to see this game thrive again with numbers STOP Focusing on Numbers and start helping small-time streamers WHO LOVE this game for what it is and all your soul streamers need to be re-evaluated. OH and release x64 bit and stop making Afk events, make people actually play the game.
Any content creator, under contract to Nexon, that is producing questionable content should be referred to Nexon, as you are trying to do here, with a full and clear explanation as to what the issue is. Such complaints should identify the problematic creator and the problematic content and why it is a problem but should, when specific, NOT be done publicly. So here, while the message is public no specific creator has been identified; no harm no foul, but if Nexon is to take any meaningful action, to address the issues you have, you will have to contact Nexon through private channels with the details of the content creator, their content, and why it is problematic.
Regarding the compensation these content creators receive, this is fully justifiable as the content creators, via their contract with Nexon, fully surrender the content they create to Nexon; they don't own it and so cannot receive compensation from, say, YouTube for it. So, under these conditions, Nexon paying them for their efforts is necessary in order for their contract to be valid; a contract must have an exchange to exist.
This part, I think, is clear enough for readers to understand.
These are generalizations. To be sure, they may be completely true to some extent but not universally. Again, where true they will be doing Mabinogi a disservice so alerting Nexon to the issues should be done as outlined earlier.
This section is also clear enough, I think, and does not contain anything that I feel compelled to comment about at this time.
THis was such a fantastic read and I appriciate everything you have said and am beginning to understand it more from others eyes.
Your points aren't wrong, but aren't they misdirected? I thought all the content creators (soul streamers?) were all already Mabinogi players, some of which were already streaming before they took up the role.
Is there some big content creators thing I'm missing?