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QOL: Opening Event Gift Boxes
Issue 1
Many of the events give out prizes in gift boxes. In order to redeem a prize, we have to right-click the box in our inventory and then click "use" from the menu. Simple enough, until we are dealing with multiple gift boxes. Many events have these gift boxes set up where they are fairly easy to earn a few each day without even trying, plus events reward players with a partial stack of boxes for reaching event milestones. This means the number of boxes stack up quickly. This makes opening these boxes quite tedious.
Proposal 1: '
Set up the boxes where players only have to click "use" once. Upon doing so, players would be met with a menu similar to the shop menus where the players select how many items they want. So let's say that Siyu shows up again for another Study event. After we get our gift boxes from her, we try to use one in the inventory and are given the option to open up several at once, perhaps up to 10. Alternatively, the player could click a "cancel" button to close the menu and open the remaining boxes at a later time.
Issue 2
Many of the items from the gift boxes are considered junk. For example, I personally don't have a use for a Pet Age 3 Potion. When we open up these items, they go into our inventory, taking up useful space. To make things more complicated, players' bags can be set up where item types are routed to certain bags when obtained. When these items are intentionally gathered, that's great. But when these boxes distribute these items to different bags, it's often a game of hunt-and-seek to remove the junk item(s). Naturally, there are some items that one player may value that another may not. And the game has no way of know what a given player may vale. There should be a way to handle "junk" items received from gift boxes.
Proposal 2
Following Proposal 1, after the player has used a box, a window could open up showing the prize(s) they won. The player is presented with a few options. (1) Receive All to place all items in the players inventory (2) Receive Selected to place items chosen by the player in their inventory. (3) Decline All to refuse the remaining unchosen items in the window. This option should be safeguarded with a confirmation.
I strongly agree. For players with many bags and the resulting huge inventory space, the items pulled from boxes (incl. gacha) can get somewhat lost. (Though the inventory magnifying glass can help with this)
While inventory/junk organisation improvements are in the pipeline, I do think the pulling process could be refined.
Personally, I'd love it if items received were actually animated flowing out of the opened box into inventory slots. Not only would this make it immediately obvious as for which far corner of my inventory things are landing, it'd feel much more lively and fun.
(Ideally, a "Reduce UI motion" would exist to restore animation-less behaviour. Alternatively, this ties into the existing dialogue speed option)
I'll have to look into that. Thank you.
I know that there are several shortcuts to inventory items, and I use the ones I know (splitting a stack, moving to pet's inventory, etc.). I was concerned that there might be one I didn't know about here, but I had to post from my frustration. I had stopped this fishing event because of it. I still have well over 1k boxes from other events filling inventory because of the tediousness to open them... and then there's that junk issue.
Glad to help!
And I can relate: I've put box opening on pause, so I only have one mega session of organising to deal with. (handy in that it minimises expiry risk too, but some might call it delaying suffering xD)
EDIT: forum originally ate everything below because I put an emoji above
That reminds me though: items pulled from boxes don't auto-stack. This is smart for expiring items (since stacking can change their lifespan), but pretty chaotic for wood boards and the like (please, bunches of mats, just go into your sturdy pouches!).
I know plopping things into their own inventory slots makes it much clearer what you've received (versus just ticking up a quantity counter), but animated box opening and/or other proposals here would do just as well if not better.
I logged in yesterday just to try your tip. My eyes widened to the extent that for a moment, I probably looked like an anime character. Again, thanks for the tip. Of course, the other problem is still there (junk items going everywhere). Yeah, I use the glass to search for items (big help), and the "new" item tab (also a big help), but when I don' know the exact name of an item and I accidentally roll over the item, it gets lost in the sea of items that is my inventory.
Perhaps a "gift box" inventory is what we need, similar to what we have with the gachas. It would allow us to sort out those things much easier.