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AH anonymity toggle/transaction history

Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
Posts: 272
in Feedback and Suggestions
I feel that the auction house should have a toggle for whether you want to remain anonymous. I understand the anonymity was put in place to prevent harassment, but it effectively kills any possible bartering or player interactions you could do with someone like in the days of majority personal shops, where you could note them, or even get a discount in bulk or a deal from a friend who didn't know you wanted the item. Of course there are still social media posts and party ads, but especially with mid range items that cannot be put in personal shops but aren't expensive enough to have a party ad for, I feel like the market/community suffers.
I feel there should absolutely be an alternative option, and maybe even a toggle you could set for each item, with the default being anonymous. If an item has an unlocked personalization people will note the individual on the item name even if it isn't their item anymore, so I don't understand why it shouldn't exist especially when such names are already shown on signatured items as well. Having an actual name attached to such items will help prevent confusion.

To add to the update we just got, I like that it has search history but I wish it also had previous transaction history available- both bought and sold. It's nice to have a reference to help with in-game budgeting.


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    edited September 26, 2023
    Those days are gone. I hate bartering. Buy it or don't.
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    edited September 20, 2023
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Those day are gone. I hate bartering. Buy it or don't.
    Ok- then you can choose to remain anonymous, but don't remove the choice of the players who actively WANT to barter. It also lets you message someone to pay them in check when your bank limit is too low but you have checks already saved up, which is helpful with super expensive items.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 177
    edited September 20, 2023
    Hm, it wouldn't hurt to have if its a switch and you could have it on and off. Especially with the issue of certain items having player names on it that might not actually be the seller.

    Also there were many, many times I wanted to buy something but didn't have the gold for it. As sometimes the seller also struggles and might be willing to hold onto it if they know it WILL get bought, it might be good for both and help everyone get what they both want. I could actually note them and be like "hey, I do want that. I don't have the gold, but can you just hold off on selling it for now?"

    But then, to anyone who doesn't want to be harassed, they can leave it off. Might also be nice if its for individual items, but that might be too hard. Just an ideal thought, though
  • AcuteMapleSicknessAcuteMapleSickness
    Mabinogi Rep: 460
    Posts: 17
    edited September 22, 2023
    If this is for communication, I'd rather they implement a 'leave a note' option (i.e. negotiable) and a switch to toggle to allow to leave a note or not (i.e. don't bother me). Definitely NOT a switch to toggle anonymous. Too many things will go wrong there.