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Black Friday And Sales Last to the 1st

Mabinogi Rep: 910
Posts: 13
edited November 22, 2023 in General Chat


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    edited November 23, 2023
    I'm having a hard time finding Nexon Game Card's in my town DDDDDDDDDDDDD:

    So, either they're the hottest "in" product right now, ... or ... Nexon really needs to up their advertising game.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    edited November 23, 2023
    Not a Nexon Game Card to be found.

    So, I called EVERY Walmart and Game Stop in town; nada. Some said they never even heard of Nexon Game Cards, others were frank and said that they don't stock Nexon Game Cards any more because they don't sell well. So, my VIP, after what? Seven years or so? Is now gonna lapse. Because you can be beaver dam sure I won't buy it NOT on sale. Sure, I could just buy it on-line but that won't do for me. I don't buy stuff on-line if I can help it and THIS I can help, and I don't like companies FORCING me to THEIR way of things.

    Oh, well. I originally bought it to make a guild. Once guilds were allowed to non-enhanced service buyers, I kept buying it to "do my part" to help keep Mabinogi alive. Good luck to the rest of you still doing your part but I've been forced out; I didn't want it that way.

    Almost no one, I meet face-to-face, has never even heard of Nexon much less Mabinogi. I'd say that's either because Nexon plays it cheap and relies on word-of-mouth alone or, if they advertise at all, it would be on gamer sites and magazines; basically preaching to the choir. I see other games advertise on YouTube, even T.V., heck even on buses for grist sake but nothing from Nexon. Result, nobody has heard of Nexon. Years ago, when present Mabinogi players were all school-aged, maybe there was word-of-mouth then but they've all grown up, no more word-of-mouth or severely reduced word-of-mouth.

    Either the powers that be are cheap and unimaginative, or they've given up, no longer believe in what they sell, and are trying to line their pockets as best they can before the whole thing falls down.

    In case that wasn't clear enough, I'm REALLY P.O.ed right now!
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,545
    Helsa wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time finding Nexon Game Card's in my town DDDDDDDDDDDDD:

    So, either they're the hottest "in" product right now, ... or ... Nexon really needs to up their advertising game.

    Try 7/11. That's where I get mine.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Leinei wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time finding Nexon Game Card's in my town DDDDDDDDDDDDD:

    So, either they're the hottest "in" product right now, ... or ... Nexon really needs to up their advertising game.

    Try 7/11. That's where I get mine.

    Thanks for the idea. You'd think a city of about 1.5 Mega-people in North America would have 7/11. Strangely, we don't. Believe it or not, we DO have Quickie Mart, and I've checked there. Ironically, the city, in Canada, that I spent most of my early life in is the Slurpee capital of the world and has been for like 30 years straight, but that's a 2 to 3 day drive from where I am now; Ontario is like 50% wider than Texas and a LOT more hilly, and there's no way in heck that I'm making that drive for friggen Nexon. Again thanks for trying though; you're the best!
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    edited November 24, 2023
    Everything I've found on the Nexon site seems to suggest they aren't making physical cards any more? (although i did find one reference that made it seem as if they simply changed the name and artwork on them. possibly this has caused a problem in the supply chain leaving stores without them until the new ones arrive) It seems they only accept payment directly thru their shop now under the Purchase NX button or in the Nexon launcher (A link to a page with instructions including pictures). Though they still accept any old unredeemed cards.

    TBH i don't buy the cards anymore since where they stopped carrying them anywhere near where I live years ago.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Maybe you're referring to the change from Karma Koin Kards to Nexon Game Cards? I think that was more than a year ago. I'd like to believe that it's just some temporary strain on the system buuuuut ...

    BTW, the reason for the name change is obvious: sure the K is for Korea but the initials are what they are.

    As for buying NX directly through the website, I don't want to do that for several reasons. One is that it's easy and quick and I don't trust myself.

    At the end of the day, if my biggest problem is that I can't give Nexon money then maybe life's not so bad after all.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited November 24, 2023
    Do not give this guy money. :|

    He gets money from the government every first of the month and is financially irresponsible.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Do not give this guy money. :|

    He gets money from the government every first of the month and is financially irresponsible.

    If they get money from the government already what's this about us giving them money? Or has Pan hijacked your account already?
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Do not give this guy money. :|

    He gets money from the government every first of the month and is financially irresponsible.

    If they get money from the government already what's this about us giving them money? Or has Pan hijacked your account already?

    Why are you looking for Nx cards?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Do not give this guy money. :|

    He gets money from the government every first of the month and is financially irresponsible.

    If they get money from the government already what's this about us giving them money? Or has Pan hijacked your account already?

    Why are you looking for Nx cards?

    What is the last step in the many stages of grief? Acceptance isn't it? I'm not looking anymore. My VIP will lapse and, eventually all my built up free style tab will too. You don't need enhanced service to keep a guild active anymore, also, since I'm still under total level 10k I'll still have free warp, and finally, 100% clothing repair is not expensive to me, so I'll be okay game-wise. I wanted to do my part to help keep the game alive but if Circumstance is telling me "no", well then, that's that. Like I said elsewhere, if the worst of my problems is that I can't give Nexon yet even more money then maybe life's not so bad after all.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Do not give this guy money. :|

    He gets money from the government every first of the month and is financially irresponsible.

    If they get money from the government already what's this about us giving them money? Or has Pan hijacked your account already?

    Why are you looking for Nx cards?

    What is the last step in the many stages of grief? Acceptance isn't it? I'm not looking anymore. My VIP will lapse and, eventually all my built up free style tab will too. You don't need enhanced service to keep a guild active anymore, also, since I'm still under total level 10k I'll still have free warp, and finally, 100% clothing repair is not expensive to me, so I'll be okay game-wise. I wanted to do my part to help keep the game alive but if Circumstance is telling me "no", well then, that's that. Like I said elsewhere, if the worst of my problems is that I can't give Nexon yet even more money then maybe life's not so bad after all.

    You should buy your Nx online.
  • LoomyOfPiLoomyOfPi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 157
    Helsa wrote: »

    Thanks for the idea. You'd think a city of about 1.5 Mega-people in North America would have 7/11. Strangely, we don't. Believe it or not, we DO have Quickie Mart, and I've checked there. Ironically, the city, in Canada, that I spent most of my early life in is the Slurpee capital of the world and has been for like 30 years straight, but that's a 2 to 3 day drive from where I am now; Ontario is like 50% wider than Texas and a LOT more hilly, and there's no way in heck that I'm making that drive for friggen Nexon. Again thanks for trying though; you're the best!

    Around here, we have 7/11, but they don't sell Nexon cards either. Over 7 million people in the area. I used to see Nexon cards all the time (and Karma Koin). They disappeared from stores in 2021.

    I've had to buy NX directly from the site, with credit card. Not my personal preference, but it works.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Yey, my local Circle K now sells Nexon Game Cards. Now, I've got until late November to decide if I wanna get back on that horse.