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Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
Posts: 181
edited December 17, 2023 in Bugs and Glitches
This left me unable to continue in the main plot for the time being. Which is not the worst thing ever since I do have other content to focus on, but I did some research and saw I wasn't the only one who ran into this glitch.

One of the requirements for getting Phantasmal Sight is getting the achievement of exploring all the mana tunnels in Iria. After comparing my map with a friend's, I learned that I definitely did get them all. Except obviously there's those broken ones too that don't appear on the map. I did go to those ones in case I hadn't got them before, clicked on them and even used them, but I still don't have the achievement. If I can't get that, I can't get sight, meaning I can't advance in the plot.

I'm kinda just putting off writing a ticket about this, since the one I sent in recently was a mistake on my side and I felt bad afterwards. But a more permanent fix for this glitch would be nice, so I wanted to bring the issue back up again.


  • 000000
    Mabinogi Rep: 565
    Posts: 20
    Can you post a screenshot of your Iria mana tunnel map?

    It's definitely possible there's a bug, but there's also a chance one of the tunnels is being sneaky. There're quite a few, so a stray amongst the constellation of tunnels is definitely not unheard of, even after double-checking.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    Of course! I had to take it, and the achievement I still don't have, a while back in the case that I do have to send in a ticket about this,

    Only issue, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to post the screenshot
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181

    Never mind, I got it
  • 000000
    Mabinogi Rep: 565
    Posts: 20
    edited December 16, 2023
    That's definitely all of them!

    Would you happen to be an Elf or Giant? Both these races gain access to all Mana Tunnels during their tutorial quests, but they won't count as actually explored for the sake of the Mana Tunnel Master achievement.

    In that case, you still have to visit each tunnel and physically click on them to pull up the map and record the visit. So, you might want to try going through the lot again still. (I know it's a bit to ask, sorry!)

    Edit: Elf/Giant tutorials no longer have this done as of Moonlight Traveler Book release (which was later replaced by Traveler's Guide).

    In this case, it looks like you're pulling Mana Tunnels up via the World Map, which always shows all tunnels, rather than only the ones you've activated. You might want to try peeking the map shown directly from a Mana Tunnel to be sure.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    000 wrote: »
    That's definitely all of them!

    Would you happen to be an Elf or Giant? Both these races gain access to all Mana Tunnels during their tutorial quests, but they won't count as actually explored for the sake of the Mana Tunnel Master achievement.

    In that case, you still have to visit each tunnel and physically click on them to pull up the map and record the visit. So, you might want to try going through the lot again still. (I know it's a bit to ask, sorry!)

    I am elf and uhm, I'm not quite sure what you mean? If I did have full access for tutorial I didn't use it to my full advantage, nor did I when I had the traveler book. But regardless, I did physically go to them all recently in case something bugged out/I missed one via using the wiki as reference. Thank you for double checking for me though!!
  • 000000
    Mabinogi Rep: 565
    Posts: 20
    edited December 16, 2023
    Aaaaa, I just realised your Iria map screenshot doesn't have the little player icon! I'm guessing it was taken from the World Map view?

    That might be causing a bit of trickery since the World Map has all Mana Tunnels shown regardless, whereas interacting directly with a Mana Tunnel will show only the ones a character's activated before. Here's an example of how the World Map and direct Mana Tunnel map can vary on the same character:

    As for double-checking via wiki... it seems like the Mana Tunnel Master wiki entry is a smidge outdated, with a few bits liable to cause trip-ups:
    • Some listed Mana Tunnels are incorrect.
      • Port Qilla should be Qilla Base Camp.
        • Registering Port Qilla instead of the Qilla Base Camp tunnel is an easy gotcha here.
      • Zardine Bridge is not required.
    • The 2013-era Mana Tunnel names in general often don't match those in the Traveler's Guide, which can make them hard to find or ambiguous.

    I've added a personal reminder to update the page soon.

    In the meantime, here's the correct list of Mana Tunnels required for the achievement:
    1. Barba Basin
    2. Cenae Meadows
    3. Cenae Meadows - Southern Region
    4. Cor Village
    5. Errans Gorge
    6. Filia
    7. Karu Forest - Northern Forest
    8. Karu Forest - Southern Forest
    9. Kaypi Canyon - South
    10. La Terra Highlands
    11. Lake Calida - Calida
    12. Longa Desert - Eastern Region
    13. Longa Desert - Northern Region
    14. Longa Desert - Southern Region
    15. Lunae Valley
    16. Maiz Prairie - Northeastern Prairie
    17. Maiz Prairie - Northern Prairie
    18. Muyu Desert - Southern Desert
    19. Nares Plateau - Center
    20. Nubes Mountains
    21. Pantay Swamp - Eastern Region
    22. Pera Volcano
    23. Qilla Base Camp
    24. Raspa Volcano
    25. Renes
    26. Rupes Desert - Central Region
    27. Sella Beach - Coast
    28. Silva Forest
    29. Vales

    You should be able to use the above as a checklist, pasting each into the Traveler's Guide, warping, and then physically clicking each tunnel to open the map.

    If you'd like, you can always add Noa+Nao in-game and I can run you through these superfast.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    Ohmygosh. You just saved me from another embarrassing ticket (and putting this off longer than I needed to). Uh, yeah, I didn't know the world map just showed every moon tunnel (and even lets you warp to them even though you never visited?) I have never been to Stella Beach Coast, or Nares Plateau. I had to grab both moon tunnels in that area. If I knew that was a thing in the system, I definitely would've compared my own map with the worlds so much sooner. But yea, I forgot to screenshot my locations before, so I did it in Uladh for convenience when I thought I'd need proof for a ticket. Thank you so much for your help!!

    I noticed some names were def off though. I was starting to think I hadn't ever been to Kaypi Canyon - South just because the south was also called "Kaypi Canyon" meaning there were just two Kaypi Canyon's. I hope they fix those moon tunnel names eventually for the sake of other players who run into similar issues.
  • 000000
    Mabinogi Rep: 565
    Posts: 20
    Awesome! I'm so glad to hear that's sorted out and you can continue on to enjoy G23 :mrgreen:

    Having Phantasmal Sight is terrific too, for those huge lucky gathers!

    (And yeah, it can definitely be a somewhat silly/sneaky achievement. You're not the first to run into this, and definitely not the last! So I'd absolutely loooove to see the Journal show progress for achievements like this one, making visited/missed tunnels clear.)
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    edited December 17, 2023
    Me too! Aha, I progressed more in the plot last night, I missed Llywelyn so much.

    So I've heard and seen! Can't wait to try it out myself sometime.

    Yeah, I hope they'll brush up on this issue one way or another. Thank you again for all your help and information, I really appreciate it. ♥