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Moveing/Warping While AFK
I've had the problem for years, I'll be standing at my shop in Dunby, minimize the client and go to sleep, Then when I wake up I'm like a 30 second walk away from where I left it. This isn't usually much of a problem but I've been trying to afk this fishing event. It cancels the fishing action and moves me to the middle of nowhere. I would guess within an hour or 2 of being afk. There's no one else in my home, I live Alone, and it only happens when the client is minimized? I'm going to keep it on screen tonight and see if it still happens.
I also wanted to add, after two hours the fishing hole ices over, so depending on if you find a hole to use or make your own, it might disappear and cancel your fishing before your done. Hopefully its not the warping glitch your getting that's doing it to you