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Can't enter homestead/Market Place glitch.

Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
Posts: 181
in Bugs and Glitches
I've heard this happen to a few others, idk how often its become a thing among the playerbase but I realized no one mentioned it here.

Sooo sometimes I'd log on and try to go to my homestead, only for it to say something along the lines of "Can't enter from market place channel", (even though I'm on a normal channel in a normal area) and it wouldn't show me my pet info. To notice it when I first log on is actually lucky, since changing channels or re-logging fixes it. When I try to go to my homestead later in the day though, after setting up player shop...its inconvenient. I end up neglecting pet expeditions altogether.

So yeah. Hoping this can be looked into soon and solved.


  • LoomyOfPiLoomyOfPi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 157
    If I understand your situation correctly, you occasionally visit a housing channel (the places where we still have the obsolete way of selling items without opening a shop) and you then try to visit your homestead from there. The thing is, those places are their own channel. If you are on, say, channel 1 and you visit one of those areas, you actually change channels to get to that area, then when you leave the area, you return to channel 1. It's why you get the warning about entering those maps and are given the choice to stay on your current map. And it's probably the source of your problem. Homesteads weren't meant for that channel.

    Why are things this way? It has never made sense to me. Perhaps it was a way to manage things in the past that are no longer a concern for the game. But yeah, there are many restrictions in those areas that probably need to be done away with and merged to exist on every normal channel. Someone has suggested this before, but I'm too lazy to find that thread.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    edited January 22
    Ah, I know about that, but when I say this happens when I'm in a normal area/channel, I mean it. I've barely been to those housing channels and never go there anymore. There's no reason why this should be happening, it's just a simple glitch that happens when I log on sometimes. Maybe the game bugs out when I first log on and can't fully read my location? I don't know. I'll be in dunbartion Ch9 and can't access my own homestead cause it thinks I'm on the marketplace channel.

    Like I said, I don't think I'm the only one with this issue either.
  • LoomyOfPiLoomyOfPi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 157
    Niought wrote: »
    Ah, I know about that, but when I say this happens when I'm in a normal area/channel, I mean it. I've barely been to those housing channels and never go there anymore. There's no reason why this should be happening, it's just a simple glitch that happens when I log on sometimes. Maybe the game bugs out when I first log on and can't fully read my location? I don't know. I'll be in dunbartion Ch9 and can't access my own homestead cause it thinks I'm on the marketplace channel.

    Like I said, I don't think I'm the only one with this issue either.

    Ok, gotcha. Yeah, I don't have that exact problem, as I'm rarely on the marketplace channel to trigger that issue, but I do have that issue on other channels from time to time, as do many other players. I'll be channel hopping to examine the conditions of a given location across different channels, then try to enter my homestead, only to be told I can only enter it from another channel. So for me, I might get a message along the lines of "Can't enter from Ch. 6, can enter from Ch. 4."

    Players have complained about it in the past, and the responses would be something like, "Someone is visiting your homestead on that channel, and you have to change to that channel if you wish to enter." Such responses are ridiculous, because I don't get visitors to my homestead. And who would be that bored to visit my homestead?

    It happens from time to time. And sometimes I get the reverse issue. I can enter the homestead from any channel, except one (particulars will vary per occurrence).

    So yes, I agree it's a glitch. And I believe they know about it. Why nothing has been done about it, we can only guess.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    edited January 28
    Yeah, me neither, so I'm not sure what triggers it, other then simply logging in. (Edit, today I logged on and later went to ch1 then back to my main channel, and couldn't access homestead because of the market place bug, so I guess it does act up for me if I switch enough. Really, I was in dunbartion when all that went down, I haven't been to the market place in literally forever and only checked it out once or twice long ago)

    Ahh, I never experienced that one, but I rarely channel hop anymore, so that's probably why. Do you go into your homestead in between your hopping? If so, that kinda makes sense to me because I've noticed before that it can take a really long time before the homestead location resets (still never heard of someone doing it to themselves, but I'm not really surprised either). If your not though, that sounds really buggy.

    My best guess is they didn't realize it was an issue, or at least not enough of one to do anything. That's why I'm saying it now-market place channel homestead is a thing I've been getting fairly recently for no reason and I hope it can get looked into. Same with any other homestead location glitches similar to it.
  • NioughtNiought
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 181
    edited July 19
    Came back to this post to provide a screenshot this time. (nevermind it broke) While I took it a few months back and forgot to post it, and the bug became less frequent for me these days thankfully, I did get it again just the other day. Also, I'd like to add that when I took this screenshot, I had just logged in. Again, I haven't actually been to the market place channel in a very long time, its just a random bug. When I logged on the other day and was going to my homestead, that was the popup I got. Channel switching does fix it, but it is also inconvenient at times.