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Re:Fine system must be abolished
so ok fine w.e have ur tech limits! stop players from playing ur game for too long!!; make it so we do weeklies then stop playing!!!!....
w.e!! me myself, I dont care about the clear limits cause i barely do tech missions ... but why would you apply a system that encourages people to solo content instead of playing with other players....
So the Re:fine system works as such: the item drop rate is decided by a fixed percentage across a full party and then the item is given to one of the party members at an even chance across the entire party.... sooo if an item drop rate is 10% regardless if solo or in a party then that means... if u play solo then ur guranteed to get the item if the 10% roll for that item to drop is successful....
But if u play in a party of 4 then first the dungeon rolls if the item will drop 10%.... if successful then another dice is rolled among the 4 party members to choose who gets it so everyone gets a 25% chance to get that item... so in total now u r getting a 2.5% chance to get the item if in a party of 4.....
So F that! might as well solo and get the full 10% chance to get that item as a solo player than the 2.5% chance you would get if in a party of 4..... its 4x the chance to get that item if u solo than if u are in a party... soooo... F@#$ parties amirite....
Mabinogi about to become a social-less game... the devs gotta get their heads out of their butts and think of a better solution to the multi client shet cause at this point its ruining party play for everyone ...
Techs aren't easy enough for everyone to solo, so I hope they reconsider changing it.
their excuse to it is discouraging multi client as a side effect but the main reason is so that the market isnt flooded with materials from their alledged increased drop rates.....but it is not the way to do it ..... this has killed party play already!!
The only people doing tech parties are people who cant solo, and dont have active friends or those who dont care about the changes etc... but a lot of end game players are already soloing runs to get their better drop rates as a solo player, and the ammount of end game players doing this is a LOT!!.... not gonna lie once i craft my own gear I'm also going solo cause of the better drop rate and the increased price of mats that this change has inspired.... it has become a bigger market to solo and sell the drops... materials that used to cost about 40m now costs 80m+++
It's crazy! mabi devs are creating a more agressive and less beginner friendly atmosphere as the game goes on... it's sad really cause no end gamer would want to help a newbie farm their techs anymore.... since its more profitable to solo.
In summary the message from Nexdon: " the newbies! let them die out and quit as they find less and less help farming end-game gear"... reminds me of the elitism in vindictus tbh.... a lot of parties would kick a new player the second they realized their stats werent high enough... so it has become with mabi.... but in this case the best thing to do is to solo content so its a detriment to you to help others farm dungeons or missions... cause ur drop rate will suffer... and REMEMBER you have limited weekly runs now!!!! soooo just solo and kick everyone out of ur parties!... rip mabi
Pretty much~
Get all your extra runs done on thursdays and your 20 runs on saturday. Then everyone else can go to hell basically. Not only that but there is this notion that drops are better by soloing. I saw that post on reddit and everyone believes it. Plus the math checks out. BME's have been raining down from solo players. Good thing RAHM and AAHM are honestly easy dungeons to be soloed. If you can't solo then I present to you the ancient old internet advice of...
But now you are all really screwed. If anything this encourages people to buy gold so they can afford the weapons they need in order to catch up. This system/update has caused a HUGE disparity between weaker players and the pros. My advice; get into a good active guild that invites everyone to runs AND teaches you how to be a BETTER player. Because at this point you are now left in the dust and all the runs are demolished before the weekend is even over which leaves those who work on weekends really screwed throughout the majority of the week.
(Ftr I don't work weekends but I understand a lot of you do and are also not in active guilds).
QUOTE FROM THE PRODUCERS NOTE ON THE REFINE PATCH:"Re:fine system is the system where the probability of a certain reward’s appearance remains the same regardless of the party member’s number. In practice, it works as below.
For certain items, the number and the probability of these items appearing in one dungeon run will remain the same regardless of whether it was cleared by one person or multiple people. Once the item’s appearance is decided, who will get the item among the party will be decided by an even probability.
In other words, if the probability of an item is 1%, and an individual clears the dungeon, the item will appear by 1% for them. If the dungeon is cleared by a party of 4, whether the item will appear or not will be decided by 1%, and the item will be given to the 1 of the 4 members by even probability."
this literally means that if the item is decided to drop on that one run, a dice roll will be started to choose one out of the party members who will get that drop; meaning if its a party of 4 then u have 1/4 chance to get the item in ur chest BUT if your are alone there is no one else to split the probability with! if the item is decided to drop on that run and ur alone ur guranteed to get it ........ so yea solo play!
Dungeons aren't really a problem for me, but end-game content is where I struggle.
I don't like the fact that they are turning the game into Solonogi cause I do enjoy running things with my guildies, but getting abysmal drops isn't fun.
A good game should reward players for doing the right thing instead of punishing them for not doing so.
A good mmo should always encourage team play and social interactions.
I hope the decision makers will understand this one day.
Example: 20 broken fragments of broken magic essence stacked together becomes a whole broken magic essence. We could even make those produced from fragments untradable so there is no imbalance of profiteering but they can still be used to craft stuff with.
I sure love the idea of dungeons. However, I don't like the idea of soloing a hard tech dungeon that I need a very expensive staff for.
Also even if the market does get flooded with mats...idk what the problem with that would be, it just might make it easier for other people, but is that really a bad thing? As it is now, it just looks really grindy and will discourage some from even trying. Idk I just don't really get it.
You are almost a decade late for that conversation, Mabinogi has been solo friendly for a long time now and I used to oppose that change but nobody seemed to care.