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Faithful Guardian Title Coupon.
Back during the pet walking event there was an obtainable 2nd title Faithful Guardian. I had bought it from the event shop in case i wasn't able to finish the event. Well i was able to finish the event in full and got a second coupon for the same title. Since then it has been sitting in my inventory. I am unable to destroy it, trash it, store it in the bank, drop it or store it on a pet. Every time I use it I just get a message of "You already have this title." and it just moves around in my inventory. I would submit a ticket for this but the support site has not worked for me in months.
I've passed this along to the rest of the team to look into. Can you provide more about how the support site isn't working for you so we can have Player Support assist in the meantime?
Sorry for the delayed response I forgot to check back here for a few days.
What happens with the support site, at least on the Firefox browser, when I hit to sign in or submit a ticket it loops back repeatedly instead of progressing to the next page.
As for the title coupon in question, it is on my character Kazumatsun.