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(FAQ) - How to Make Money as a new player

Member Poxie
Mabinogi Rep: 2,820
Posts: 253
edited December 16, 2016 in Game Guides

Money making guide: [Will be updated some more in the future]

Making gold in the game is an essential part of surviving in Mabinogi. Gold can get you stronger gear or fashionable gear depending on how you the player see fit.

1. How to make gold without depending on Nexon cash?

Most player's in-game sell stuff giving by Nexon cash but have no fear you will not necessary need to rely on that as your source of income in the game. (here is a list of possible way)

- "Church Part Time Jobs"

What I mean by "Church Part Time Jobs" is going to NPC like Endelyon, Kristell, Comgan, James, Castanea, Collen, and Pencast who are mainly located nearby the churches in towns you visit. When talking to these NPCs, you'll have the option to "Start the conversation" and then look for the keyword "Part-Time Jobs" The NPC will either tell you the time part-time jobs starts or give you the option to start the part-time job.








Upon completion you are reward with "Holy Water" now you're probably asking how is water going to get me money? Simple this just isn't any old water this is holy water used to bless items and also used in crafting. By collecting a fair amount of holy water, a stack of 10 could easily get you 25,000~50,000 in gold depending on your server economy.

-2. How do I sell things

Now again your probably asking gee that is a nice method, but how do I sell the stuff? Easy selling stuff in the game take patients but is worth the wait.


Either selling or buying and item you are looking for the fastest way of publicity to the players of the channel is setting up a party, But not just any old party it must be a "Dungeon" party.

Setting up a party Ad

-Open the party menu using the [P] key
-Select the regular party tab
-select the party type as dungeon
-finally in Dungeon name, desired level, and info your going to type out what you want to buy or sell for example
- Once you have the name, you want the party what your selling or buying press "Form party" button and leave recruitment sign up for it to broadcast to the party chat channel.

S>holy water
B>holy water



S=selling B=buying

This is the simplest form of buying and selling but most players these days also use [c/o]as in current offer and [nm] as note me for short because the party has limited how much you can type. As an example

S>holy water c/o 5k nm current offer is 5,000 using the k for thousand is the amount someone in-game has an offer for said item. This type of selling is auctioning off to the highest bidder. Note me the player does not want you to add them unless their party says add on it.

The last market term you'll need to know is [aw] as in Auto win the price you wish to make on the item you are selling. That way it lets the players are wanting to purchase your item a running the chance of making an offer to meet your criteria.

Making a note/checking for notes

- Pressing the [F] key to open your friend's list
- Click the tab that says "Note."
- There you'll see either a note from the other players or you can compose your note to a player who brings the [nm] in play in selling and buying in-game.

Eventually with all that hard work of waiting with the gold you made it's best to invest in a personal shop first before getting into items.

Why you might ask

Personal shops do all the selling for you allowing you to enjoy the game as well as making gold on the side. Mostly in all banks around the land of Erinn, you can purchase a personal shop license. However, before buying a personal store license, you'll need to get a bag to put the items you wish to sell.

Acquiring/Setting up shop

- Purchase "Item Bag (44)" or bigger depending on the size of your choosing. The bag can also act as extra storage as well as something for selling items. This bag can be found in general stores in towns you visit.


- Then purchase a "personal Store license" and a "Personal Shop Brownie" to guard your shop so you can adventure around without losing the shop. This two thing can be found inside the bank, but be careful about purchasing the license in town bank you buy it from it only works in that area so always best to buy these two things in the location you want to set up shop.


Once you have everything your now ready to set up shop! Depending on the town you got your personal store license. You can either set a shop up inside or outside of town. I would recommend that you set up shop where the crowd is. Furthermore, if you change channels or log off your store will close.

- Setting prices can be as easy as eating a slice of cake! Right, click the desired item in the bag you wish to sell and select "Set price" now input the amount you wish to sell the item for once you have the desired price press, okay, and the item will now show up for other players to purchase.








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  • Member rainLOVE
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,510
    Posts: 147
    thank you for the guide x3!!
    when i first started I didn't know about people buy HW-
    so I spent my first week doing Tir ptj xDD
    and i earned my first 50k ;w; it was a lot of work.
  • Member Mizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    edited December 16, 2016
    I got a better option.

    Daily Saga - Run Saga Episode 7 each day. Do not open the Saga Boxes until Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. You make 30k gold, 100k exp, and you do not have to do any fighting.

    Daily Shadow Mission - Sneak into Daily Elite Missions and potentially make a lot of gold depending on the party. (You can get Shadow Crystals from Festia and Squire System.)

    Squire System - It does not give out much gold, but it's something.

    Commerce - Starts out slow, but worth it in a long run.

    More will be added soon.
  • Member Shoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    edited December 17, 2016
    Mizuko said:

    I got a better option.

    Daily Saga - Run Saga Episode 7 each day. Do not open the Saga Boxes until Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. You make 30k gold, 100k exp, and you do not have to do any fighting.

    Daily Shadow Mission - Sneak into Daily Elite Missions and potentially make a lot of gold depending on the party. (You can get Shadow Crystals from Festia and Squire System.)

    Squire System - It does not give out much gold, but it's something.

    Commerce - Starts out slow, but worth it in a long run.

    More will be added soon.
    Those are some good options but may be a little tough for new players just starting out. They might be better for intermediate to advanced players who have been playing the game for a while and know the ropes a bit.

    Great guide so far! :)
  • Member Eralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 779
    Nah Saga Episode 7 can be done naked at level 1

    My storage alts have more pocket money than my main
  • Member Combatnogi
    Mabinogi Rep: 935
    Posts: 10
    Best advice to make money as a new player.... join a large guild asap, if you don't like you can quit but by joining them you can ask for bored players to run you through things. Ask for help clearing "Generation 1 - 3" you get the ability to transform, which in the beginning, will help you out. Also google "Mabi World Wiki" its going to help you in a lot of ways. Or you can throw money into nx, dye clothes and stand around selling clothes >>.
  • Member Nao
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,335
    Posts: 13
    edited December 17, 2016
    +1 guide
  • Member KBaLLeR69
    Mabinogi Rep: 615
    Posts: 5
    The holy water ptj was my first method of making gold in game. Although I'd have to add something that can make a MASSIVE difference in the money u can make. Pick a town that has church ptj that doesn't have apples ( I hate gathering them) you'll want to rebirth all your alts to a life talent. This in itself will make you even more money.....instead of getting 4 holy water per ptj when in beginner, you'll get 5. Although this doesn't seem like a significant amount.....keep in mind it's 20% increase for life based talents. So when you get to advanced ptj and getting 10 hw each time, you'll get 12 because of the bonus. The amount of gold you can make can greatly increase as you build up your ptj success counts. For instance 5 characters doing ptj, start out at 25 waters which equals to around 75k depending on prices. Then take a look at that same ptj at advanced. 12 hw per character equals to 60- which is around 180k. Keep in mind you're going to want to keep your pet stocked up with any and all materials you may need to easily access them on alts. To be safe, I'd recommend getting whatever mats you may need for a ptj and keep enough for as many characters you're using. The good thing about this, is you can casually do this also by just making sure you keep those materials ready. If you're sitting around and ptj comes up....go do takes very little time and you'll also be getting some gathering skills training in. :D
  • Member Donny_Donster
    Mabinogi Rep: 605
    Posts: 3
    edited January 2, 2017
    I'm going to throw in this very old method that I've used since the beginning of time (G1), it might be outdated because there might be newer and easier methods out there that makes more money, but I don't care because I still use this method to this day.

    Questline needed
    - At least complete G1.

    - Albey Dungeon (Red Gem) - Located in Tir Na Nog (TNN).

    Items needed
    - At least one Red Gem, I recommend four.
    - Don't have a Red Gem? Go beat up some innocent inanimated objects, the GMs will turn a blind eye on that. :P

    What do I do?
    - Kill monsters, pick up every single coin and all the mimic and skeleton fomar scrolls you can; oh and stay in TNN until Saturday (Real Life). Yes, stay there for a week, by the time you turn in those fomar scrolls, you should end up with WELL over 100K.
    - Yes, I know it'll get boring, but I'm still playing this game since closed beta and I'm still around, so I'm sure you'll do fine.

    Skills Required
    - Basic combat skills (Smash, Defense, Counter, Windmill)
    - Ice Bolt
    - Fire Bolt

    Combat Tactic
    - Ice-counter: Only use this against the skeletons and possibly the boss because they're hard to beat for newbies.

    How do you do ice-counter?
    - Easy, first you charge up one ice bolt (make sure you're not up in it's face), shoot it at a skeleton, then as soon as you hit the skeleton with an ice bolt, put up counter, and do this again and again until its dead.

    The skeleton put up defense/counter/windmill/ranging, what now?
    - If the skeleton has defense up, it just made your job easier; just run up with a smash and then use ice-counter afterwords.
    - For counter/windmill/ranging, quickly load up another ice bolt (especially when it's using ranging because it'll hurt), shoot it with that ice bolt and load up your counter.

    Other tips on Skeletons?
    - Keep an eye on your surroundings; these guys only single aggo, but sometimes when you attacked one, another probably already aggoed you and you didn't noticed until the very last moment.

    Dungeon Boss?!
    - Use fire-counter; it's basically ice-counter, but with fire bolt.
    - This boss changes colors.
    - Red = Invincible against melee
    - Blue = Invincible against magic
    - Orange = Invincible against ranged
    - White = Invincible against everything
    - Black = Not invincible at all
    - Of course, you can always change channel and redo the dungeon if you're not confident.

    I'm an elf and I use a bow/I only use magic.
    - Ignore the guide I made for skeletons and just pew pew everything in sight, but don't ignore the guide above this post (Dungeon Boss).
    - Just don't run out of arrows, bolts, or MP.
  • Member ShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    That's all good and all but there's one little detail that almost everyone missed while writing guides of making money as newbies ie the most profitable and the hardest ptj of all - Tara's part time job. It involves delivering a package to real players, REAL players. Which is why if your luck is bad and you keep getting afk players or players in SM, you'll never complete it.

    But once you do though, the rewards is one falias fragment. This falias fragment can be sold at 100k-300k depending on your level of patience to sell it. I can sell 100k-200k in channel 3 Alexina (back when I never knew channel 1 is the market channel) then 300k in channel 1 but bear in mind at 300k it can take a few days, or even weeks to sell.

    This is my method of making money using the least effort, when I'm busy doing assignments or something or just wanted to make a quick cash. I have since graduated noob level income and never did this again but I don't think there will be any change at all so this method of money making should still be applicable seeing as like holy water, it is used by players from years ago.
  • Member Shadoe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,090
    Posts: 241
    edited February 2, 2017
    Remember, if you open a shop, someone or something has to watch the shop for you or it will close. If you are going to be afk or just chatting with friends, or won't be travelling far or commercing, you can right click a pet and have them watch it. The safest thing is usually to buy a shop brownie to watch it. Don't forget to use the brownie certificate after you've opened your shop to make the browning start their job. You can also sit or stand near your shop. Or, if it's in a really busy area and you feel like gambling, you can leave it open and hope that someone else or someone else's pet is close enough to it and stays close enough to it to prevent it from closing. (Other people's shop brownies won't help you.) That's not quite as crazy as it sounds if, for example, you set up shop next to a friend who plans to stay at their own shop.

    If you have a pet (or partner) watch your shop, you can't go to your homestead, access any pet or partner's inventory, summon any other pets or partners, go on commerce runs, etc. without desummoning the pet first. Which means you either need to go to the shop and watch it yourself until you can have a pet watch it again, or use one of the other methods I mentioned to watch the shop, or the shop will close.

    A kiosk can be a good investment, especially in Tarlach server where they are more popular, but you need a bit more money to get started because you have to buy a kiosk. They have good and bad points, compared to shops, but at least you don't have to worry about them closing because you forgot to watch them, or the inconvenience of having a pet watch them.
  • Member Poxie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,820
    Posts: 253
    ah, forgot to mention that in the guide getting a pet or brownie to watch the shop thanks @Shadoe :D
  • Member Shadoe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,090
    Posts: 241

    You're welcome. :)
  • Member Leafpetal
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,505
    Posts: 185
    great guide! it might also be a good idea to have the slang and acronyms people use in their shop ads listed as well, i have a list of ones i know here: if youd like to copy/paste or link it

    another way to make money is selling materials like firewood, herbs, ores. prices very depending on the server and it can take a while to accumulate a lot but its a good way to make a quick buck
  • Member shintaroshy64
    Mabinogi Rep: 880
    Posts: 19
    when selling items an easy way to make money is saving items from events (especially unique items or items of a high value) than waiting until the event has been over for about 2-4 weeks and then selling them.
  • Member ShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    when selling items an easy way to make money is saving items from events (especially unique items or items of a high value) than waiting until the event has been over for about 2-4 weeks and then selling them.
    I beg to differ. It might be the case for certain items like the Birman bags, even so it will take months for the price to go up.
    Correct me if I'm wrong since I have only been playing for half a year but from my experience and observation, event items especially clothes are best to sell when the event is still new. During the Samhain event, I sold the messenger outfit for 8m when the event only been going on for 2 days iirc. When the event is almost over, the outfit price dropped and after the event no one is really looking for the outfit anymore and so the price didn't go up. Same as the ghostly robe, I sold one for 3.5m and just a few days after it's only worth 2m and below.

    Back in my newbie days, someone told me that I should keep the watermelon mini-gem and that it should be worth 5m after the event ends, but I can't even sell it now. I should've sold the mini-gem when people are looking for them during the event.
  • Member shintaroshy64
    Mabinogi Rep: 880
    Posts: 19
    ShouK wrote: »
    when selling items an easy way to make money is saving items from events (especially unique items or items of a high value) than waiting until the event has been over for about 2-4 weeks and then selling them.
    I beg to differ. It might be the case for certain items like the Birman bags, even so it will take months for the price to go up.
    Correct me if I'm wrong since I have only been playing for half a year but from my experience and observation, event items especially clothes are best to sell when the event is still new. During the Samhain event, I sold the messenger outfit for 8m when the event only been going on for 2 days iirc. When the event is almost over, the outfit price dropped and after the event no one is really looking for the outfit anymore and so the price didn't go up. Same as the ghostly robe, I sold one for 3.5m and just a few days after it's only worth 2m and below.

    Back in my newbie days, someone told me that I should keep the watermelon mini-gem and that it should be worth 5m after the event ends, but I can't even sell it now. I should've sold the mini-gem when people are looking for them during the event.

    8m? that's the most i've ever heard anything in mabinogi sell for, you do have a point though, items specific to non occuring events and gachapons would start to lose value after the events are over, I was mainly talking about how some items can that aren't specific to events but just a general part of the game (like magic powder, shadow crystals etc) lose alot of their value on events where they're being given out because the marketplace becomes over saturated with them.

    Though I have seen some items specific to events sell for more than they would have during the event, I think part of it would have to do with how difficult it is to get the item during the event.

  • Member Curiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 900
    Posts: 41
    For selling things less than 1.000.000 use an kiosk instead.
    It does not cost to set up every single time like an shop do.
  • Member Orkane
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,365
    Posts: 134
    edited February 12, 2017
    Shoog wrote: »
    I got a better option.<br />
    <br />
    Daily Saga - Run Saga Episode 7 each day. Do not open the Saga Boxes until Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. You make 30k gold, 100k exp, and you do not have to do any fighting.<br />
    <br />
    Daily Shadow Mission - Sneak into Daily Elite Missions and potentially make a lot of gold depending on the party. (You can get Shadow Crystals from Festia and Squire System.)<br />
    <br />
    Squire System - It does not give out much gold, but it's something.<br />
    <br />
    Commerce - Starts out slow, but worth it in a long run.<br />
    <br />
    More will be added soon.<br />
    <br />
    Those are some good options but may be a little tough for new players just starting out. They might be better for intermediate to advanced players who have been playing the game for a while and know the ropes a bit.<br />
    <br />
    Great guide so far! :)

    Episode 7 features 2 instances of combat. One of which simply requires a player to get on a horse and run away. The other has the player using a functionally invulnerable character to kill enemies that take as little as one shot to kill. The other quests are just talking. Why would a new player find any of this difficult?

    On another note, episode 10 can be completed in less time than episode 7. However, episode 10 features 2 instances of potentially non-trivial combat so difficulty could be an issue for newer players. Here's an old video of the entirety of episode 10. Note that with "optimal" play, it's possible to shave off a little over a minute from what the video shows.


    Edit: I haven't quite gotten the hang of these new forums, apologies for the messy video insertion.
  • Member Negumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,905
    Posts: 1,322
    edited February 20, 2017
    this might be helpful for a player that has played at least a week or two however the player market may be confusing for a player that has just joined. personal shops can cost over 6k just to set up which is gold new players may not have. I would suggest a dungeon like Par Ruins to a new player since all the enemies are easy and the gold payout is decent for a starting player. drop chests give a item that can be sold for exploration xp so they could level up their character level and exploration level to help get a lot of AP for skills. Par Ruins sometime drops a snowflake crystal for the special dungeon which can be sold for 100k to 200k when they decide they are ready to make bigger gold in the player market.
  • Member Orkane
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,365
    Posts: 134
    I think some people here are vastly underestimating new players. Just by going through the tutorials it's very easy to earn 6k gold in less than 30 minutes; that really shouldn't be considered a barrier to entry.