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Can we have double or tripple Festia pass event?
I don't want to take years completing all the achievements there, because FUD reasons. lel.
Anyway yay or nay guys?
-Gaea of Ruairi
I am a lonely solo player...
Get a laptop. -pat pat-
some of the requirements are just dumb though. Win Hammer slam by 100 points 60 times? Lose hammer slam by 100 points 60 times? how do you even do that when it's always random what you hit? it's almost impossible. does it have to be exactly 100 points too? I can see being able to do that with darts or shooting gallery because you can control your scores somewhat, but HAMMER SLAM?! Were the people who made those requirements complete morons?
How does a laptop help in anyway? owo
I think she is hinting for you to get a 2nd computer or laptop with another account and play against yourself. I do that, but it doesn't work for the 4-player modes
That make sense, but what about 3 to more than 2 players? That is something I personally hate the most when it comes down to socially seeking parties <.<
Not only that but realistically it would take a single player 1 year or more to complete everything and that's if they do it everyday with all 6 tickets. I think that's a bit much.
Also we need way more daily quests. It's a huge place and there is only ONE daily quest. O_o
I'm all for that, it would probably be simpler to nerf the requirements to at least half of what they are.