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OX Quiz Event Couples/Sweetheart Flight how?

Mabinogi Rep: 300
Posts: 4
edited February 24, 2017 in General Chat
I keep seeing people having used flight beforehand and the quiz doesn't cancel the action when it starts. When I try it, it keeps cancelling. How do I stop it from cancelling when the quiz starts?


  • KaagefengKaagefeng
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    Ok, this is my personal note on this. At first, I couldn't figure it out either, but I think if you do it with someone else it doesn't cancel it? unless of course the joes hit you with a shock wave...
  • NotRelevantNotRelevant
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    I was doing it with my sister, because she had to afk for a couple hours, but the action canceled on me twice :x I tried sweetheart flight which didn't work, then switched couples flight. Still canceled. It worked the first time we tried it. My sister created party and initiated flight, but when I initiated flight for the next quiz and the quiz after, it canceled, so I don't know if party leader position factors into it or not.
  • BakujioBakujio
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 13
    edited February 25, 2017
    I do not think there really is a special trick to it. All you really need to do it send request and they accept and that's it. Although I would think lag would play a part in just canceling out, or if your partner just dismounts. I've been doing it with my wife when she needs to afk and it works fine unless we get hit by the Joes. Only time I noticed it canceled at the start was when we both experienced heavy lag.
  • NotRelevantNotRelevant
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    The weird thing is that it always cancels for me, but when my sister did it both times, it worked and didn't cancel. I just don't get it... Is my luck really that bad?
  • CarlizeCarlize
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,840
    Posts: 190
    Well I didn't have any problems with it until today :/ Which sucks for my SO since now they have to run half a house away for the event since they have to use my mom's computer since theirs is broken. Thankfully we don't have a newborn to take care of or it'd be impossible. I can't say for sure that it's not a coincidence, but next time you ask about an exploit please don't do it on a moderated forum, go to reddit or somewhere where it's not so easy for them to see. :/
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    it appears only works for couple flight
    i tried it with my friend until round 10 where Joes(s) used shockwaves