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RNG and you

Mabinogi Rep: 1,855
Posts: 78
edited February 23, 2017 in General Chat
So, I had a thought, which lead to me making this post. How many people have played other MMO's aside from mabi? Because tbh, the drop rates for a lot of things in mabi are pretty high comparatively.

Shock pg4 (I think...) had around a 2% drop rate so I decided to grind for it with the mission only taking around 1:30 and got it after ~40 runs. I got kind of lucky, but even if I had to do it another 40 times it honestly wouldn't have been that bad.

An mmo like runescape some boss fights (Not including prep) take 4 mins to kill for a drop that is sometimes 1/200+

Is it the playerbase? The game? I'm not sure just thought it was interesting.

~~It could just be some of you don't like grinding 8 hours straight too~~
  1. Do you play another MMO besides Mabi?46 votes
    1. Yes (Or used to)
       87% (40 votes)
    2. No
       13% (6 votes)


  • SplatulatedSplatulated
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,930
    Posts: 693
    and then theres arche age where drop rate is 0.00000000000001% even in the RNG boxes you spend real money on
  • VenenatisVenenatis
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,855
    Posts: 78
    and then theres arche age where drop rate is 0.00000000000001% even in the RNG boxes you spend real money on

    I can't even talk about this game, it's an emotional trauma for me. I think it's probably the most fun, and connected I've ever felt to a game. I made friends I still talk to through it, but looking at it now just makes me sad...
  • LadameLadame
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 159
    I really only keep playing Mabinogi because its the only game I can play with my poor internet, my character is strong enough to do most things (besides some of the end game content). Can't start up a new character on another game with over 600 ping! ;-;
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    Ladame wrote: »
    I really only keep playing Mabinogi because its the only game I can play with my poor internet, my character is strong enough to do most things (besides some of the end game content). Can't start up a new character on another game with over 600 ping! ;-;

    Where in the world... -pat pat- You have my condolences.
  • TtheHeroTtheHero
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,410
    Posts: 63
    I've dabbled in many an MMO over the years, but Mabinogi continues to be my mainstay among them all, with Lost Saga being a close second. Others I've popped in on infrequently like TERA, while others I've left to the wayside, like Flyff and Wonderland Online, while I've dropped Maplestory like a hot rock.

    In some games, I haven't played extensively enough to see how spiteful RNGsus can be, but lemme tell ya, Blade & Soul is right up there in how much RNGsus hates you sometimes. You go through a grueling run with a bunch of other schmucks, and after the boss falls, boom, you get stuck with crap items from the loot, at the end of all that memorization of tactics and timing. Or alternatively, you see an important item you need in a long chain of deals to get to the materials you want, but then one of your party members decides you can't have it!

    Why? Because the devs thought it a WONDERFUL idea to have everyone BID on the items to get them. This essentially ensures that only the deepest pockets get the good stuff every single time. And when you're not dealing with turds out bidding you, you had the weapon boxes to deal with. You see, sometimes you need weapons to get through with upgrading your weapon. Said catalyst weapons came from boxes that when opened randomly gave you one of several weapons, and you needed the weapon your class uses. You can guess how many times you'd get anything BUT your needed weapon, and all the keys you'd burn through. But you can pay for a cash shop key that ensures you get the class specific catalyst weapon.

    But I digress. As of this post the weapon upgrading system has been finagled with somewhat, saving the hassle of upgrades for much later in the game now. But this wasn't the only glaring problem with the game; far from it.
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 5
    Rift was da nicest WoW-clone I ever did play. Getting to level 60 was fun, going through the dungeons and playing raid-pvp (Warfronts, is the name for it).
    Then I dropped Rift like something you picked up and just realized it was all slimy. Once it became farm-based and numbers actually mattered, I called it a day and uninstalled from there. Ain't nobody got time to do the same thing over and over again to get to do what you want to do. That's just a kick in the face.
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    edited February 24, 2017
    Most MMOs will have RNG issues. In some cases you have to raid entire instances multiple times to get a drop.

    That said, in most cases the RNG is far more forgiving, and the instances have reasonable chances of dropping your item. Something along the lines of Phantasm would give you one of your needed materials or something of equal worth EVERY time.

    As much as I love mabi, I don't play it for the RNG chances.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I've played quite the bit of MMOs, but I've played more mobile MMO games than PC ones.
    Unison League and Valkyrie Connect are two great examples of RNGesus screwing everyone over.
    I don't really know what RNG thinks of me or not LOL
    I never buy gachas because I'm not the kind to take that kind of risk.
  • 암호암호
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,085
    Posts: 59
    Loved Guild Wars 2, but ultimately, burned myself out on it. I've been moving more away from heavier games and more towards shorter time-playing games as I grow older (like a round of Overwatch, or a few Mario Kart 8 races, etc.)
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    I am sure RNG favors me a bit better than most people.
  • VimiVimi
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,390
    Posts: 142
    Mabinogi is one of the more relaxing games I play. Once I finished all the quest content all that was left for me was to collect money/clothes and have fun dressing up my character.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
    edited February 24, 2017
    Lets see...

    Well before mabinogi there was Second Life where I participated in a roleplay sim, we had our own combat systems and weapons, storylines, ext. I was known as Crimson Gaea. I liked Second Life because if you had the skills and there was something you wanted - you could just make it yourself (no begging devs to make it lol). I would make my own clothes and items, even modified some scripts. The majority of my time was spent creating rather than participating in role plays and missions. Perhaps when I get older I will probably return to the quiet life of being a content creator again.

    But one day I was just browsing the web bored as hell, trying to come up with ideas for new in-game content and I came across an ad for Nexon games. Originally I dabbled with Audition and Maplestory, dropped those like hot rocks (LOL), and then came across Mabinogi. I mentioned this before, but I just simply found the game enchanting even with the crude graphics. After character creation I explored and immersed myself into quests, met a lot of new people, joined a guild, all in the first couple of days. It was instantly addicted but it was a refreshing new start for me.

    But after a while I fell into the wrong crowd on here during what I like to refer to as the dark ages of Mabinogi and Nexon NA. Most of us vets remember that time, when their communication and customer service was almost non-existent. After a couple years myself and others became rebellious and resentful which led eventually led to nefarious activities. Story in a nutshell I was unable to play Mabinogi for 5 years.

    It was around that time I noticed Vindictus just came out of beta testing, so I decided to give it a try and retain some kind of homage to my beloved online home.

    It was definitely a huge change of pace in combat style, it was beautiful and dynamic, required more skill in order to complete missions. The community at the time seemed to be more alive and promising. So I immersed myself there for the next 5 years. The first 3 years was still during the dark ages, but I like to think the Vindictus staff did the best they could with what little resources and communication they had. But it was through Vindictus that I started growing up and being a little less of an asshat. I made a lot of friends on there, did raids everyday, when the raids were done we would raid the forums. lol. Good times.

    But after 5 years of playing Vindictus...I just couldn't forget about Mabinogi. Strange huh? Oh I played other online games here and there because of friends. Played Guild Wars 2, Star Trek Online, Star Wars The Old Republic, Mech Warrior, Rider's of Icarus, Ghost in the Shell First Assault, Tree of Savior, ext. But I could only play those for a few days or maybe a couple weeks, disenchantment would set in pretty quick.

    But I was able to obtain a reprieve. I've been playing Mabinogi for the last couple years ever since. I don't take anything for granted anymore. I discourage illegal activities almost on a daily basis with friends and acquaintances. I am definitely by far much more level headed than I was 10 years ago. I thank Mabinogi and the Nexon staff for that, even as they come and go through the years.

    Sorry for the mini biography on my gaming history. What this all boils down to in terms of drop rates; there are a lot of games out there and rng exists everywhere. Rng just sucks in general, especially if you are Rng cursed like I am. Doesn't matter what game you are playing, you just sort of get used to it especially over the years. It's all about grinding for gold and getting what you want or need with the gold. I am comfy grinding here. ^_^
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    edited February 25, 2017
    I've played many MMO's (not gonna go over em all)
    Mabi is somewhere in the middle to low end though with the RNG
    I played WoW for many years (Vanilla till pandaria... the panda land completely killed the game for me, and most my friends as they made the game too easy). The RNG was probably the best in that. Sure you had to run raids multiple times to get gear you wanted, and sometimes for months, but that was also due to other people rolling on the item.

    Played GW2 quite a bit, even bought the exp(but barely played the exp) got every class to max level, but sorta just got tired of it. I found itemization to be meh in the game. Their cash shop IMO is better then the way nexon does mabi's as you buy what outfits you want no random gacha stuff(outside dyes)

    RO... This game's RNG is punishing... it makes mabi's look forgiving IMO. I remember killing dopples for weeks on end solo(not fun) never getting a card from that stupid thing..

    RO2... never liked this one it didn't have the charm of 1, BUT did have its abysmal drop rate.

    Tales or Pirates had a decent RNG from what I remember as I recall not having to farm forever to get materials I need. Too bad it shut down.

    Mabi I place just above RO in terms of terribly punishing RNG. Mabi no only do you have an abysmally low chance to get the materials you need to craft, but then have a mediocre chance of successfully crafting the item. Most recently I ran that boring musical dungeon over 200 times, and STILL need 2 mats to make a damn instrument (I've not even seen anyone sell the mats even). Mats for gear should not be this insanely rare ESPECIALLY when you do not have a 100% chance to make said item.