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New Community Manager INCOMING
lol. It's alright. Before becoming a Community Manager, I worked in customer support for a couple years. Growing up I was really active in a bunch of forums (games, cars, and anime mostly). I do my best to understand what people are really trying to say. It's hard to understand sarcasm and humor in text format.
As for the wiki... I actually used it a lot to get through G1. I am also using it for the Divine Knights storyline. For the life of me I couldn't find the throne room.
Can't wait to see what shenanigans you cause in Mabi! lol
Err..I mean..Welcome!
btw welcome to Mabi, Saygo!
This is great, I get to bug you about Mabinogi stuff now too .
Please, don't do the divine knights generations already :C try to keep the story linerar, that's how you best enjoy generations imo.
Goddess: gens 1-2-3
(Dark knight quest, if you're human. Look this up on the wiki because it is really specific.)
Dragon: gens 7-8 (its ok i you dont have the patience to start g7 and skip it tho, but it just gives more lore....)
Alchemist: gens 9-12
(skippable but gives good ap and stuff) Shakespeare: gens 13-16
Nightmare quests (by starting up shamala transformation quest), which introduces you to:
Saga I & II
and THEN you do divine knights, gens 19 and 20.
Hope you have a blast though! c:
good luck dealing with QQ's about elf QQ's; QQceptionsTHIS is very good information. In all honesty I didn't know. I will stop and move on through G2. Thank you so much
Avoid that at all costs if you only care about the story since the only thing worth getting out of it is the free Pegasus unless you're going after Transformation Mastery.
Isn't saga 1&2 important to the story though? Kinda links everything up with divine knights.
-i personally just feel better if anyone whose in charge of the community knows about the community.- i wish i could help you play....
knowing ur a noob makes my mommy instincts kick in.
Hopefully we don't scare you away~
Welcome to Mabinogi and enjoy your stay~
Oh and I hope we get to see pictures of some of that yummy food sometime !
Welcome to Mabinogi!<3
Prove your worth, yeah?