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Closed Free Beauty Coupons
Hey Tarlach, I have a lot of beauty coupons that I'm willing to give away to good homes and people who want them. So respond here or message on mabi (Auramune) and tell me the coupon you want. I don't mind if you take more than one, but please don't be too greedy ^_^ If you do post here put whichever coupon you want, and your character's name so I can mail it to you.
Determined Eyes x8
Starlight Eyes x5 (edited)
Unfocused Eyes x4
Emaciated Eyes x7
Observant Eyes x10 (edited)
Rag Doll Eyes x3(edited)
Heart-filled Eyes x4(edited)
Playful Teasing Mouth x3 (edited)
Cute Animal Mouth x2 (edited)
Airy Cheeks x2 (edited)
Smirking Mouth x3
Vigilant Mouth x2
Super Sour Mouth x6
Dissatasfied Mouth x4(edited)
Mad Paris Hair(M) x2
Maike Hair(M) x2
Mushroom Hair(M) x3
Berched Hair(M) x2
Glewyas Hair(M) x1
Ophelia Hair(F) x1
Halloween Frankenstein Hair(F) x1
Shooting Star Face(M/G) x5
Shooting Star Face(F/G) x5
Shooting Star Face(M/H) x5 (edited)
Shooting Star Face(F/H) x3 (edited)
Shooting Star Face(M/E) x7
Shooting Star Face(F/E) x7
I will update as they are being taken.
Cute Animal Mouth
IGN: Susie
Thank you
IGN is Bjanko, thank you :^)
Thankies, IGN:Okamixdimsum
Serene Eyes x1, Heart-filled Eyes x1, Playful teasing Mouth x1, if possible? Thanks!
IGN: Mikitsue
Also to note, even if I don't post here the first post is updated whenever I sent a coupon out. If there's no more of that option, I remove the option entirely. If there's more I add (edited) and how many are left of it.
Thank you!
I may not be on the Tarlach server, but still, thank you so much for doing this, MissFortune!
Ign: ghoststories
IGN: Isvael
Thank you for this though
Tried to mail it to you, but it says your character does not exist.
IGN: Fulrem
It's NP! Sent
Let me have them all, just kidding I just wanted to let you know your very nice
Thank you have a great day