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This was an art shop for mari, and still will be. I'm just bored and want to draw some cool characters. I'll be using your character art as examples by the way.
I will pick and choose people to draw. I like dark colors, but if you have a cool pastel color combination I can dig it. (Like mikitisue's)
I will choose how to draw your character, on what paper. Sorry, but it is free. May try digital... been years though.
Just post a ref and I'll see.
Tip Jar is open as well.
Open Free Art Spots:
1. Mikitisue
2. Nyaa
3. Draxcon
4. Imaizumi
5. Toreishi
I'm currently working on Mikitisue's artwork.
Started on the others
Outfit 1: https://s15.postimg.org/rafc25ry3/mabinogi_2017_03_05_002.jpg
Outfit 2: https://s15.postimg.org/anpa7lqcb/mabinogi_2017_03_05_001.jpg
Thank you!
I love the pink and blue of the second outfit... Even though I'm not a fan of pink, I love that blue with baby pink.
Well, I am currently on Mari, but I am making one on Tarlach too to be with some irl friends. So, either is acceptable. (I'll edit the op now.)
EDIT: Tarlach will not be available for gold, since my friends think that would be unfair/cheating. Mari Only.
There are more references on each of their pages, if needed.
But, if you'd only like to draw Mabinogi characters, here are my different outfits if you'd like to look through them and choose one. The ones closer to the bottom are themed around holidays, but you are free to draw one even if it isn't close to that holiday. If I can only suggest one, the one I would prefer is "Valkyrie, Lance Feather Outfit." c:
Thank you for the opportunity! I hope you have a fun time drawing.
Beautiful colors on your mabi person. I'll draw her.
Outfit 1: http://imgur.com/SYB04OO
Outfit 2: http://imgur.com/PKrkqwI
Outfit 3: http://imgur.com/gtZWiKt
I'd like to see what you'd come up with, I'm curious!
-not in Tarlach-
It's not cheating o3o you're using your talent for money....
LOVE the colors. I'll do the first outfit.
Yeah, but they want to only get gold from playing the game. I'm fine with it.
Outfit 1: http://i.imgur.com/s25FhzG.jpg
Outfit 2: http://imgur.com/5Bq8dt5
Outfit 3: http://imgur.com/a/81YmA
This is my character from another game.
I would describe her as determined, passionate, clumsy, and bashful.
I love the third outfit. Very classic'
Hm, this is pixelated. I can try but I could get details wrong.
Awesome, thank you! c: I'm excited to see how she looks in your style.
It was a slow day at work, so I was able to do a shading sketch of its lighting too.
It's on toned gray paper.