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Elves are FINALLY getting a perk/s?
Well the argument now is that the new buff makes elves have to use archery to get the most out of it and that it detracts from every other skill set. However the same argument can be applied to humans as well, Final Hit being an extremely powerful skill forces humans to play dual wield to get the most out of it. It also not a requirement for you to change your entire fighting style for the new changes, the update is meant to give elf's signature weapon, ranged abilities, a boost. If it does not affect you then just keep doing what you enjoy, if you feel like this is a perfect chance to try something new, then that's excellent, if you are a direct beneficiary of the update, then more power for you to use.
There's a pretty good answer...I spent years training every skill to r1, I don't want to retrain skills.
A different anecdote to like page 2 of this thread. Arrow revolver is terrible. I'm human and use range for most things and I rarely use it. The only times I use it is when mag leaves something in deadly or when you need to clean up a bad crash shot.
This. Sadly some people don't understand that people can't be bothered wasting more time and money to retrain everything all over again.
I say this; Give everyone a race change option and people will be happy.
Mag has always been better even before the FH buff, but the pay off takes so much longer to accomplish. With FH you get 2 reforges, a couple beam swords, and at lvl 400 you can hit 10k's. Where as the growth and progression of damage significantly slows down with FH.
This compared to Mag where after all set is done with gear and stats (which includes all the god forsaken life skills for DEX), will net you, as you've seen in that phantasm video 20k+, and against 0prot/def enemies upwards of 160k+.
FH is good all around, exceptional at all stages of the game requiring little investment to get some of the peak performance out of it. However Mag Spam/Archery is only exceptional (in comparison to Final Hit) after you get all the gear, which can cost easily over 400m for all the enchants, reforges, and gear, on top of all the life skill mats, time and effort it takes to get max DEX.
I also want to note that I'm not trying to bash any other skillsets. I love all of the skillsets in this game. Do think they need some love as well? Do I want this game to be FB/FH/Mag spam only? Of course I don't! However anyone who plays TCGs/Online TCGs, MOBAs, FPSs, or in general any game, know how hard balancing is. Some companies spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions on employees and resources whose sole job of balancing the game. And if you play any of those games such as League, there is always those top 10-15 champions who are just broken and over-powered compared to the other 100 in the game. Same goes for Hearthstone, if you aren't net decking the top 1-1~3 decks, you're never going to hit the top 200 in Legend. There is always just something better, no matter how slight.
I meant more along the lines of as a Human with the range setup it just doesn't feel good. Like how everyone talks (prior to this update) that elf range was questionably better than human range. The lower mag CD is hands down amazing and people overlook that factor too much. Even before the vision of ladeca update I'd have rolled an elf just to have that mag CD.
Secondly though, Alchemy and fighter really need some love.
Yeah, I agree wit you both on FH. Sure, it's great DPS at a low cost, but it's very limiting (and thus kind of lame). The infinite combo thing is fine for dual wielding, but I still think humans should be able to use other close combat skills while using FH. Instead of a giant damage multiplier, it should have a minor one (maybe 200% at rank1), with the added benefits of increased attack speed, immunity to stun and knockback, and, ideally, the ability to exit skill animations earlier than usual.
Bonuses vary slightly with Race
Humans: Balanced bonuses
Elves: Improved Strength and Will bonuses, reduced Dexterity and Intelligence bonuses
Giants: Improved Dexterity and Intelligence bonuses, reduced Strength and Will bonuses
... what?
Humans get +50 spd
Giants get 'slight' atk spd increase
Elves get...nothing....A second FS really doesn't change much and 100% shots can still miss.
To describe this update as a whole, underwhelming.
It's nice to see something decent for humans and giants.
Does AR need to do anything else? All most people want for elf ranged attack is a little more safety.
That's 100% a flub up on the main site. For starters daily recent is 7am pst not 6, in game reset is 6 am game time. Not only that we already know from others servers how it works.
Secondly the elf buff is the best one there is, and 100% server shots never miss. Client-server distance desync makes the client read 100% before the sever.
Oh ok good, that'd make more sense if its ingame day x.x
Racial Updates!
But what about elves?
Dev: what's an elf
Also I've yet to see the 100% server shots never missing on me. The FS copycat skill is nice but nothing new. The 'buff' is just a buff in warrior and debuff in archery/magic. That's like giants get + mage and - warrior, which would never happen of course. Giants get + atk spd and damage boost, humans get the muchly appreciated movement spd, of which duration is increased for every 1k lv, so easily 150 seconds I'd say.
Could be worse though...
I think you're misunderstanding something, the skill isn't a second FS, it can work WITH FS, which makes it even more potent.
EX Human
+5 str
+5 int
+5 Dex
+5 Will
+5 Luck
EX Elf
+6 Str
+4 Int
+4 Dex
+6 Will
+5 Luck
EX Giant
+4 str
+6 Int
+6 Dex
+4 will
+5 luck
Granted Numbers aren't like this, but it's how the passive buff works. Nothing is debuffed just some things aren't as high as others. You will never see 100% server shots because you CAN'T see what number the server has for your aim percentage. You can be out of your bow range on the server and be in range on client. If that happens you'll aim to 100% but always miss if you don't move. Having a better connect/ping/not doing things that cause displacement lag will stop this from happening. Is it perfect, no, but it can be avoided by being a good player. I'm not saying it shouldn't be fixed, it should be, but you can't argue that range misses at 100% when that's not exactly what's happening.
Not a debuff - a lack of a buff. At worst, you could say it's a comparative nerf on account of giants getting more of these stats. Consider also, that strength is generally considered far more useful than either dex or int.
Will is nice too, I suppose. =T
The Whole point of the Eweca Skill is to help offset the differences in Stats that exist between races. Elves have the lowest natural Strength and Will but the highest Intelligence and Dexterity. Giants are the other way around, while humans are somewhere in the middle. As JoeyDee said by above, there is no debuff to the Eweca skill, it simply means that there is less of a bonus for Elves in Dex and Int and less of a bonus for Giants in Str and Will. Given that the skill ranks off of ever total 1000 levels past 5k or some nonsense is kinda foolish, as someone with only 8k is Rank D in this skill where as lower levels will never even see this skill. Those of us that do, will never see Rank 1 til about 21k.
The Ladeca skills... I could really care less about. Elves clearly get the best boon, but at the same time, they don't really get that until they are Current Level 200.
Something else that was in the KR version of this that I saw nothing of in ours, is Skill Training. If memory serves, the KR version of this update has a bit about your current level past 100 amplifying your training speed on your current talent, reaching up to a full additional 2x at level 200. Where is this feature? Or is it there and Management forgot to mention this in any way?
"I think that 100% instant mags are pretty buffed."
Also it's easier for giants to cap INT vs elves capping str.
Elves having more str (after hardcap, if you use caters to cap it first) won't make elves better than giants in melee, but giants with more int than elves after hardcap CAN make them better than elves in magic (since they can use ALL magic skills, like elves) and more int = more m-att.
So all in all giants can be better melee/mages than elves.
As for total level thing, i think 30k is cap for Shine of eweca, considering thats the cap for the racial skills (i think?)
Im fine with that though, just few more levels. But i don't think I would stop so maybe I will go for 200 current level once after i hit the total level cap for these buffs.
I dislike your reasoning. You're acting as if missing 100% shots happen often. They do not, unless the rare moments where RNG strikes. We just notice it more when aiming slow, or using a potent move like final shot and getting trigger happy. In any case, the speed is "enough", if not using urgent shot to gain distance.
In any case. I think this update is underwhelming as well, reaching level 100 is tiresome, but 100-200 is where most people would just chugged exp fruit if they can, so what is the point?
I dislike your reasoning. You're acting as if missing 100% shots happen often. They do not, unless the rare moments where RNG strikes. We just notice it more when aiming slow, or using a potent move like final shot and getting trigger happy. In any case, the speed is "enough", if not using urgent shot to gain distance.
In any case. I think this update is underwhelming as well, reaching level 100 is tiresome, but 100-200 is where most people would just chugged exp fruit if they can, so what is the point?