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Since the update I'm not hearing any BMG at all. Both the Nexon Launcher version and the Steam version have this issue. Even with the BMG volume set to the max, I can't hear any BMG.
Name: Flair
Server: Tarlach

No music in Avalon
Huh, it sure played for me though.
I guess the missing files vary from player to player then.
the music in MP3 folder is not missing a single file
but the BGM for corresponding place does not work
Ironically, my friend went through G12 and told me it was silent for her. I'm on G12 as well, except I'm stubborn about this kind of stuff. Unlike my friend who shrugged it off, I can't play any storyline or generation quests with no music. It drives me insane if there is nothing playing from the game.
Poof, there goes the immersion and now it just doesn't feel as.. idk..