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Bard board search function not working
I keep digging through the forums but its nowhere to be found.
People know its broken right? Obviously, you do you type a word in and no search found despite the front page or second page having what you searched. Everyone knows the search function is broken so why isn't it fixed yet?
Hello! Please provide some visual evidence (video) of this issue so that the report can be completed and forwarded. Also don't forget to include your ign and server for this report.
the rest are either not working or not working properly
I can agree to this, earlier today for HOURS the search function wasn't working it RARELY ever works normally you just type in a single word like "the" for example and you'd think you'd get hundreds of searches but sometimes it just doesn't do anything other times you could type in something like this "bells" and it'd be on the front or second page and it'll just say "no search results found" it normally does this but every blue moon it works. Half the time i try typing in Zelda and it gives ZERO results and other times it gives two or three. I feel like the system is really buggy in someway and i'm sure everyone can agree with me on this cause at least everyone in my guild agrees with this. I also try being cap sensitive with the search too which sometimes makes it work and other times doesn't.
Also heres a gif since recording a video is kind of.. too tedious right now for me i'm sure if someone else drops in this thread they'd do it. I just thought i'd report this bug since everyone complains about it in-game.
Server: Tarlach
IGN: Yaranaiika