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Where is Mabinogi? Update!
I'm from the UK and I've been playing Mabinogi Na for about 5 years now since the EU branch of Mabinogi was closed down.
Today Nexon made the move to focus on its launcher, which im all fine and dandy with since Launchers have their perks for things like regular patches.
Except I've now got this problem:

Where is it? Only Vindictus Eu is showing up on my PC as a title I can import (and I don't even know if this launcher can launch it.)
People suggest to use the steam client but as someone outside of NA, Mabinogi doesn't show up on steam and I can't download it there. (And apparently it's just broken for everyone too?)
Theres nothing on the official post that helps with this, the launcher is asking me to reinstall, any suggestions?
-Edit 1-
I've done a bit of rummaging and I think I might have figured out something.
Nexon Launcher wants me to redownload the entire client into C:Nexon/Library
I've never seen a Library folder before, so I checked it out and there it sure is, an empty folder alongside my VindictusEU folder and Mabinogi's weird unique folder. So I just moved Mabinogi's file into Library, and... nothing. Still wants me to download Mabinogi again. Uuuuugh. Im gonna go reboot my computer and see if this works properly.
-Edit 2-
STILL nothing, infact the launcher wants to install "mabinogi" where as the file i have is "Mabinogi", with a capital M. Before I go installing willynilly and missing more of this attendance event from the time this'll take, could someone please walk me through what I'm supposedly missing? Im following the guide put on the official Mabinogi website to the letter.
Well that blows.
It could be possible to circumvent the installation problem by going into your Nexon Folder, moving your Mabinogi folder into a "Library" File that the Launcher creates, then going inside the Mabinogi folder and creating a folder called "appdata" and move the contents of the Mabinogi file into appdata. Then, next to appdata, make another folder called patchdata. Then "downloading" the client via the launcher should in theory have it verify that the files already exist, and it just needs to update patchdata.
But I have not tested this to confirm if it works. I know NOTHING about how anything works when it comes to the nitty gritty of computers. So I do not recommend doing this unless you want to be the brave soul who tests it for me.
I also talked to GM in the live chat and got the same answer that yeah importing files is broken. I reeeeeally didn't wanna have to download the entire game again. But 3GB with your method is better than 7.
Now.. even though I unchecked "login automatically" it still logged me in automatically. So idk how to switch to play on different accounts while using nexon launcher
Wow thanks for testing it! nice to see it does work.
The graphics card error i used to get a lot on my Laptop, it never actually meant anything, so don't worry about that.
It does the same thing to me with automatically logging me into my account. I like it.