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This is going to be my first shop-(I think).. I never made one before because I was always afraid my art wasn't good enough, but today I thought I'd give it a try! ^^
This shop is currently
OPEN1.5m Colored Fullbodys ♥
I accept NX, PP, & Gold on the Mari Server. My IGN is also
AlliejaneIf you are on another server, I believe you can go here to transfer funds ----->
http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/158/commissioning-art-stuck-on-another-server/p1I will draw your Mabinogi Character, Male or Female!
I'll draw your OC's, yourself, or maybe even some other game characters~ (Just ask!)
You may not send payment until after I showed you a WIP. I will only show you 1 preview, which will be the sketch.
You may ask for small changes after seeing the first sketch, but not to many!
Everything available in this shop (for now) is going to be somewhat of a sketchy-style.
I am unsure of what gold is equal to in NX / PP.. So I'll just do this ^^
1m GOLD / 5k NX / $5 PPHeadshotSketch-
250kColored Sketch-
500kColored Sketch-
1m Colored Sketch- 1.5mExamplesThings I'm not very good at drawing, but will still try!Armor
Extremely detailed clothes
Fill out this form:Name/IGN:
What you want:
Anything Extra?
Please understand that I can't promise perfection! I am pricing these cheap because they won't be perfect.
There sketches so they may be messy, & missing some detail.
This example should give you a good idea of what to expect-
http://sta.sh/01w573341vocI also enjoy drawing traditional with watercolors, let me know if you would be interested in something like that! ^^
IGN: Alliejane
Server: Mari
http://zandrajane.deviantart.com/Also there were a few people i made freebies for but forgot to post them, so here you go~
Upon further inspection of your post, you need the actual image URL, so click your tinypic link, and then right click the image inside the link and copy image address, then paste it into the image button upon posting.
The actual image URL address should look like this: (I used your example) http://oi67.tinypic.com/j5fgg1.jpg
The end of the url has to end in for example, .png or .jpg.
I was stressing trying to figure that out Cx
Thank you!